Rachel Maddow shares details from a new Reuters report about the threats and intimidation faced by even the most local election workers from people inspired by Donald Trump's lying about foul play in the 2020 election, and Attorney General Merrick Garland's promise to crack down on such behavior.
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#MSNBC #Maddow #Trump
and they called dems radical every time they got a chance.
Republicans ALWAYS tell on themselves by projecting what they are doing, or want to do, onto democrats
sorry dude. All these death threats are made by trump supporters
@Gary Mars ok, how many cities were burned down and how many people were murdered by liberals?
@Max Power Actually she was far too kind.
@Gary Mars You KNOW the civilians murdered in the BLM marches were by tidy whities…and the burnings were instigated just the same…yes, I want to investigate and bring out the TRUTH on who got jailed for those actions during the BLM protests…are you ready to hear the TRUTH???
It’s called domestic terrorism, and it should be treated as such.
You mean like all the BLM, Antifa and far left loons who looted, rioted, terrorized, MURDERED and burned towns and cities across the country for FIVE months last year!? STILL waiting for law enforcement to treat them like domestic terrorist!? WHAT!? They’re all democrats!? Well then never mind! LOL!!!
Trump wants to be in office again cause Stormy will be the next first LADY.
You got most of that right but it was the radical right lunatics who started the ruckus but keep believing in your alternate delusions chump !
@Swamp stomper. Ahhha! A new democrat, where logic is an enemy and truth is a myth! LOL!!!
Send them ALL to Gitmo.
So they are praying to Jesus about commiting murder . Got it !
@Humor In Politics Actually 0.00 since it’s all a load of horse
. Literally hundreds of imagined or percieved God’s many purported to be the only right one.
@Mike Johnson I’m an Atheist as you can most likely tell since my avatar is the Atheist symbol and I completely agree with you. I just like pushing buttons of religious nuts.
You can’t cure stupid.
@Humor In Politics Sorry, I mistook it for the Star Treck symbol or the Space Force symbol, ha ha it’s all good my bad,
Beam me up Scotty, there’s no signs of civilized life forms here, live long and prosper.
I do agree with you.
Thank you Rachel Maddow and crew for exposing the republican criminals for who they are
As much work as Rachel Maddow has done it will be the SDNY who will destroy Trumpism
@Lord Vader The Leftie No. Either you will or nobody will.
Rachel Maddow IS the criminal. She has stolen your ability for critical thinking.
@Bruno 11 Trump is the con man not Rachel maddow’s
Those who point their fingers at others are the ones doing what they accuse others of doing! Y’all stupid!!!! TRUMP 2024
The the GOP voted in Trump’s second impeachment, that Trump wasn’t guilty of incitement. Stories like these are just more proof of what Trump incited with his constant lying.
Trump NEVER lies!
@Kevin Lee Windmills cause cancer – Donald Trump
@Kevin Lee Lol
@Kevin Lee where is your proof that Trump doesn’t lie?
They do whatever they want no arrests no consequences. America is a 3rd world country. The funnoest thing is they support trupm but he hates them.
@Gem Rose between any european and a “real” 3rd world country, you’re further to the latter than the former.
@Grant Beck the whole “greatest country in the world” thing was a title America’s grand fathers earned in the 40s and 50s but the boomer generation in particular want to keep going back to it even though we have been doing less and less over the decades to maintain the title. Sadly boomers still run half the government still.
USA now looks like third-world countries full of intimidation against voters and election officials. Often hear about this sort of thing in many countries with a very flimsy relationship with truth and free and fair elections. I never expected it to affect the USA. Dark times.
He doesn’t hate them, hating them would take getting to know them and he’s not gonna put in that type of effort. It’s worse he just treats them like they’re Tiffany or Eric. In that they don’t exist until he needs something from them then they exist, once the need is met they go back to non-existence
@Gem Rose but we are heading there real fast, and it is all because of trump
So much for pro-life Trump supporters. These are animals.
And guess what Donald Trump is walking around a free man doing whatever he pleases0
@Gary Mars
Wow! ZERO likes to your comment. Lol!!
Pro life is only a guise to hide the fact that they’re morally bankrupt. They like buzz words like baby killers and communist, because they’re too dull to think deeper beyond the superficial.
Deplorable domestic terrorists.
No. These lunatics are worse.
Trump is following Vlads playbook. It took Putin 1 year to rid Russia of independent media, 4 years to dismantle their electoral system and their Judiciary collapsed unnoticed.
… and Vlad was following Mussolini’s playbook. In 1941, the USA went to war against everybody else’s fascists, so as not to deal with its own.
he also recently passed a law that should he ever leave office neither him nor any of his family can ever be prosecuted for anything…..I think that is what drump was aiming for….
It’s Hitler’s playbook also, and North Korea dictator!!!!
That is what many on the elcted Republican party are working towards. They are traitors and hate our Constitutional Democracy. The old Anti-Communist term “Subversives” comes to mind, they are “Subversive Right Wing Terrorists”. Republican Legislators are doing everything they can to destroy the right to vote, and thus our elections and Democracy.
Trump is following Hitler’s playbook as well. Hitler’s first attempt to take power failed too. The threat is not over. Americans need to pay attention.
Why the Police call to investigate this and arrest those people and put them in jail forever.
Law enforcement protects property and the wealthy…. They don’t care about people. This is why Defund the Police, is a thing.
@Steph Ss Setting aside the “run of the mill” poll workers I’m pretty sure that law enforcement cares *a lot* about threats against high level government workers and their families.
One more great reason for mail-in voting – nation wide.
Republicans don’t want that cause more people will vote almost a guarantee that More Democrats will vote for Democrats and not for Republicans.
Exactly what I thought. And the GOP will blow up mail centers. I am not kidding.
@D65G Greene Mail-in been working beautifully here in Colorado for years, & the electorate’s a purple three-way split – mostly independents.
@D65G Greene why would you expect Democrats to vote for Republicans?
@Judy Bargenquast Which is why trump hired DeJoy
It is time to prosecute Trump because he continues to promote the election fraud crap encourage these people to act in this manner. Trump’s attempted coup failure immaculate Trump and he will continue to push violence to try to save face. We must prosecute to let these people know we will not accept bad behavior! We certainly won’t accept threats.
Should have started cracking down on these terrorist freaks a long LONG time ago.
@Angela Siegfried Sing it, sister. And as I’ve said in other comment threads, let’s all remember – “never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it”. We have to be better than these lunatics.
@Gary Mars It’s not about a different point of view. It is about the fact that you cannot accept the fact that your boy lost a fair election, and will back an insurrection against the governemnt AND death threats against election officials. Face it, trump is a liar, and will do or say anything to get what he wants, and now he is getting his supporters to commit all sorts of crimes
it’s unfortunate that too many in the U.S. ignore nationalists and white supremacists and consider them harmless
admire those who stood against the corrupt Trumpian government officials and supporters
These people have been brainwashed by trump I feel coached by Putin
Why is America so lawless, lock up the 45th for a very long time.
Because America is a nation that has successfully convinced itself it is still a democracy in spite of evidence to the contrary.
Wouldn’t be very long – he’d die in their pretty quickly.
apparently, a lot of his supporters ned to be locked up for a very long time too, for death threats and an insurrection
Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema, I hope you’re proud of the people you are protecting.
and the $$ you have piling up in your bank accounts!!
They are both probably receiving death threats to sway their votes ,if all of this is going on.
@No Party Afilliation I doubt it b/c they are acting like the GQP in everything but name. Their probably receiving love letters from the GQP.
@Angela Siegfried Several Republican members in congress privately said behind the scene that they did not vote for Trumps impeachment because they were receiving death threats on themselves and their families. The Department of Justice just admitted to these same actions being done to election officials and poll workers across the country! I think this could be a possibility,but I am not positive.
@No Party Afilliation I don’t know what’s sadder, that they were threatened if they vote or not vote because they were threatened.
I think that had they(GOP) voted principles and not party during the 1st impeachment, we would not be in this mess; which includes 1/2 million people dead due to corona virus. With Trump out of the way, I believe Pence would have done a better job with the virus.
This weak-minded people are pledging allegiance to a man…NOT THE CONSTITUTION! They’ve sold their souls to bow down before this false prophet!
@MaxMisterC Hat made in China along with his bank accounts..lol
@Vic Robinson
Tho’ probably Russia too….
@MaxMisterC , yeah, MAGA: the real Chynna virus! Trump Crime Family=

@ItzCoopzFtw , Agolf Twittler!

Bow bow down to the Orange fatman..revel in the Luciferian cult
Can anyone imagine this story ever being reported at fox news?
Yeah those threats would be considered freedom of speech.
Peaceful emails
All roads lead to Trump and yet that bloater is still stirring things up, with zero consequences.
He needs to leave the country and move to his Wife’s home town of Slutvenia.
@Scout 71 jail that’s the only place for Orange Tubby!
@Tom Cooley You know he can still run for POTUS behind bars right? If he wins in 2024, they would actually pause his sentence for 4 years so he can serve in the Whitehouse.
Trump will continue to be a national security emergency until he is arrersted and behind bars for life.
Or we’re all reading his obituary.
@Brickbat fingers crossed
If maga idiots can break into the state capital as easy as they did..imagine them kicking the door open of the prison trump is in..