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Results from the 2020 presidential election as Americans vote in races for the presidency, 11 governorships, 35 Senate seats and all 435 House seats.
Final polls show the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden has tightened since mid-October, both nationally and in battleground states.
Biden's lead in USA TODAY's average of averages, which is based on data from RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight, reached double-digits on Oct. 12, but has since fallen back to a 7.5-percentage point lead. That leaves him back roughly in the same position USA TODAY found him in its first poll roundup on Sept. 28, when his polling average lead over Trump was 7.2 points.
Beyond the presidency, Tuesday's election may result in changes in Congress, where Democrats want to regain control of the Republican-led Senate and Democrats hope to expand their advantage in the House.
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#ElectionNight #ElectionResults #Election2020
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what’s up guys
@Brandon Colis Yes, but why does the US only have two choices for the President. Also, most of US problems started because they gave most of the jobs and companies to China. I just really hope that Biden didn’t lie just to get the votes. You guys have no idea if he supports China. You guys have no idea what China has been doing. I really hope that the US stays in power or we’re all doomed.
@Hum phreyWe will be even more doomed if Trump wins, but quite unlikely. No politican is perfect, but that also includes Trump, especially. Maybe Biden does not have the best strategies, but hey, neither does Trump. We need a president who actually cares about his or her country, will do anything to protect us, who will unite us with the world, who will not lie to save his or her own ego. Trump has failed on all accounts. Hey, he had his fun. He had his four years. Give someone else a turn. Time to give the ball to someone else now and let them play with it for a while.
@Brandon Colis Yes. It’s just that why do you only have two to choose from? Why is it electoral votes and not counting the total number of votes? I just really hope that Biden would not be secretly pro China. Many of the world’s and US problems is because of giving too much power and money to China. Really hope that Biden brings back the US companies back to the US.
Wassup bro
@Hum phrey Since you want to talk about China so much, why don’t you back to China? Mind your own business is the Best way, those who always trying to find excuses from others instead themselves are losers.
This world never stops surprising me
Trump <3
Should never be surprised by people’s stupidity.
What is the surprise? Biden 238 vs 213 from Trump does not mean anything. Trump will win as expected. Even if Biden gets Wisconsin and Nevada, the remaining 4 states on the east are well in the red by prognosis and have a lot more electoral votes than other states. Trump will get from 213 to well over 270 quite easily. And this is not a surprise. Polls said Biden had a lead but on the street, in interviews, and around you, everywhere you hear more people were thinking Trump would win again. So I really dont get these polls…. its better to expect what you were already expecting than to listen to these polls.
@Jash Media if I may ask as an outsider what do you mean with the 4 remaining states are red? Aren’t those states still undecided?
@Jash Media 264 to 213 does. Even if Trump wins Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina electoral colleges, he’s still going to be short.
something is just so sus about this election
@Insult LK well Trump is losing at the moment, is that also God’s work?
It’s kinda wierd how trump would be winning a big state then the democrats would pull out their secret box of ballots from early voters that conviently pass trump.
@Mowgli From the Jungle just to clarify what you meant. Since I can’t read your body language, it leaves lots of room for interpretation:
1) You can’t deduce the real meaning of the statement because of a spelling error and need clarification.
2) You made a joke about the spelling error—voting boots are a funny picture after all. In this case o really wish you meant to equate ballot to ballet.
3) You believe proper spelling is decisive in validating or disqualifying a statement.
4) You are a smart
5) You are a grammar nazi.
6)You are a troll
*note: if there are any other options feel free to add.
Thanks in advance.
@Alex Oberkirsch #2 but no I did not mean ballet, I got it right the first time. Voting boots
@Alex D Trump is winning Most of the states their is even a video of a guy getting mad and scrunching up a trump vote I believe, see you love watching the news do you, have you not done your research. See right now it’s either What the world wants to do or God, Biden wants abortion, God doesn’t, Biden wants the lgbtq, God doesn’t, Biden says pedophilia is okay, God doesn’t want that. I see EVERYTHING… God will show them the truth, their is even black lives matter hazard going on RIGHT NOW!! there destroying everything and the news are saying it is a protest SMH, when their is house literally burning down. i’m not worried by a damn thing, you know why because God is with trump, every biden supporter all act on emotions, their is no logic in them. when trump wins the media is gonna GO CRAZYY, The military are gonna have to go full force, people are like another 4 years of this guy hell no, not my watch, THE BIBLE TALKS ABOUT THE LAST DAYS, THESE ARE THE LAST DAYS. Trump is crazy but he can take the media, he says stuff and he means it. God loves people like this, even Biden wins God is in control, when I know Biden is not gonna let him win, Just imagine if Biden wins it’s gonna be bad for EVERYONE!!!, CHINA is gonna have more control is especially the fact that it is a atheist country.
I believe that people are gonna go wild in the streets when trump wins, they are gonna destroy EVERYTHING, THE MILITARY is going to have to come in, people are gonna bring guns and their is gonna be a lot of people dying. God Bless AMERICA!!! God AT THE END OF THE DAY IS STILL IN CONTROL!!!!! OF LIFE AND DEATH.
Y ‘all are all gonna look STUPID, and I’m gonna rejoice!
I’m PRAYING FOR TRUMP… See they want to take out Christianity, because all these elites and news feeders are all AGAINST God, they know his real but they HATE HIM. See Biden is a smart man, even in the elections I saw EVERYTHING, he tries to become the victim he’s like see trump wants to do this he wants to do that, he has no plans, I have a plan and he looks at the camera and tries to connect with you emotionally to try and convince you to support him, never ever will I support him, I WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT God, and God will ALWAYS support ME!
TRUMP 2020 if biden wins it’s gonna be HORRIBLE FOR CHRISTIANS and I know God won’t allow that!!! REMEMBER ME when you see TRUMP win. and remember that I told you this, There is gonna be stores, houses burned down, and the military will come and put full force on people who bring are gonna bring guns.
Right now it’s either DEMOCRAT or God Democrat is the mindset of do whatever I want in this world, I have only one life and God is the TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIFE AND HE DIED FOR THE SIN OF THE WORLD!!! For the democrat love SIN, your whole life you have been conditioned into sinning thinking abortion is okay, being gay is okay, changing your gender is okay, God WILL let them all perish in the LAKE OF FIRE!
I look at both sides, and I try to reason with them, I’m not just biased because trump is a believer, I look at the logical reasons NOT the emotional reasons to support so on so since I can’t vote, I’m under 18 and I live in Australia but what happens in America effects the WHOLE WORLD.
See a lot of people hate trump because it’s unusual for a president to go to church and get a choir to sing for the president even look at the 80s trump was thinking about becoming president then but he asked Christians and they were like not yet.. so now he has decided to become president even with the Hilary debate Hilary could of actually won but the way she said stuff led her the wrong way and God ended up making Trump president.
Stalling for time. The counting stops while we all sit in bed wondering. Thanks…
@Ender Tobias well obviously they need to recount it one would think if that is true easy to find out though they just did a census
@Windows Alternative yeah
Just looked up Biden’s China policy. Seems like he’s one of those responsible for putting all the companies and jobs in China. It’s really sad that the US only has 2 choices for your President. It’s even sadder that whoever your President will be, it will affect other countries. Seems like more jobs and more power will be resume to be given to China.
@Hum phrey copy and paste guy, shut up.
@Jolujo 58 i see now, i just saw it took untill almost December in 2000 to recount Floridas Votes so i guess this could take a long time. Think that source said Nov 27th was when floridas votes were finalized, they screwed the count up in Florida several times that year. Heard the same this year, one of the states accidently put an extra 0 for Biden showing he was winning by 120000 votes when it was only 12000
Not trying to get political but Popeyes has better French fries then McDonald’s
@Kitten Whiskers your not missing much
@M3Eddie III Fast food like a rabbit, gazelle, Deere or cheetah meat. Or Cheetos.
@Justo Torres bro,.. step awaaay from the crackpipe
@M3Eddie III Pasa el toque güey
@Justo Torres ok. Does Youtube allow advertising videos?
Two months from now in a nursing home somewhere in Delaware.
Did we win?
Yes Mr President we won,and now it’s nap time.
I’d like to see these two both win joint presidency and work things out like Will Farrell and Jon Heder did in Blades of Glory. That would be the best outcome of all.
Everyone can search “Kachita” And We want to let’s him reach 10,000 Subscribers
So please Everyone help him!!
@J Applic o fear its an utopia, Trump would never accept to be second, nor to have someone who controls his actions
@Alex D I know, I was trying to lighten the mood.
I believe this is going to be dragged out. They just stopped counting votes & called it a night. Trump said hes taking this to the supreme court.
@t̶a̶e̶y̶o̶n̶g̶ツ My President was enacting an international travel ban at the same time Nancy Pelosi was touring Chinatown (without a mask) encouraging people to come and visit. Don’t talk to me about COVID, the left manipulated and weaponized it to give joe Biden some semblance of a platform.
@yafeelme stevens your remark is ridiculous and childish. Trump has done more to improve race relations and quality of life for minorities than any President in the last century, including Obama. Minority employment has never in our history been as high, and no other President has pardoned as many minorities for being wrongly imprisoned, including Obama. Before you throw out an ignorant statement like you just did, try doing a little research so you know what your talking about.
@Pat K spoken like a true left wing zombie.
@jmsmeier1113 I can tell you that I have personally affected by his presidency. I will not tell on what issue because I know what your rebuttal will be. His time in office caused a great strain on my life and the issues that he has no empathy for. What’s good for other’s may not be the same for the rest.
@jmsmeier1113 He says what he means and denies it when confronted about it. But to get through your whole love letter of repeated crap … It has all come to this. Be as kind as to help the murderer out the white house…you and a few of your clan would have thought of it I’m sure …but that building is gonna need a scrub and a paint job , before Joe moves IN. Put that negative energy to good use. You must might be lucky enough to visit the Orange deranged family… In jail … I think Biden has a great Idea in introducing a Reality Prison… At least you have a place of worship of you place the TV to the West. Good luck and good riddance.
“im a sheep, im a sheep, im a sheep”
Democracy is a big fraud. America need to communism revolution.
Just looked up Biden’s China policy. Seems like he’s one of those responsible for putting all the companies and jobs in China. It’s really sad that the US only has 2 choices for your President. It’s even sadder that whoever your President will be, it will affect other countries. Seems like more jobs and more power will be resume to be given to China.
@Hum phrey where did you look that up?
@Hum phrey China, China, China….Focus on your own business, those who always trying to find excuses from others instead themselves are losers.
POV: you’re trying to survive the purge
The recent statement from the Democrats ” All Trump supporters must be held accountable”” the definition of purge.
Got my chainsaw ready for any socialist crowds that may show up on my street.
Just looked up Biden’s China policy. Seems like he’s one of those responsible for putting all the companies and jobs in China. It’s really sad that the US only has 2 choices for your President. It’s even sadder that whoever your President will be, it will affect other countries. Seems like more jobs and more power will be resume to be given to China.
Everyone can search “Kachita” And We want to let’s him reach 10,000 Subscribers
So please Everyone help him!!
This is how a real civil war starts. Maybe it was their game plan all along?
Shut up…
@Hum phrey China, China, China….Focus on your own business, those who always trying to find excuses from others instead themselves are losers.
@M. Algi Who is that?
@Hum phrey Libertarian Party candidate
It’s not over
Be patient Wisconsin still using mail pigeons
LMAO this is the funniest thing I have seen tonight. BRAVO. LMAO
Best thing I heard all day
You have incredible sense of humor
2020 badly hit America. I can see an Election day has become a Clown show in the history!
the clown show already happened in 2016
@A_Tasty_ Treat
The clown show probably running over time then!
“The Americans love me” – Trump win
“It’s a fraud” -Trump lose
Everyone can search “Kachita” And We want to let’s him reach 10,000 Subscribers
So please Everyone help him!!
Anyone else here to see what typa purge night we finna have
I wanna have a purge. Be fun to deal with some democratic scum
@RixyZ I am not suprised you want a purge
7:33:50 What? They wont finish counting votes?
The votes are still counting, Donald Trump falsely said he called it a night. The election is still going on joe Biden is still in the lead
Pov: Dr. Dementia and Oompa Loompa fight each other for ruler.
“This is a fraud on the American people, even though I won. But it’s an embarrassment. Frankly I won this election, but it’s still very fraudulent”
Yes, even if trump wins are we suppose to let all the lying that the left did slip by and accept it as the norm that will happen every 4 years?
@Mesa Player haha, that’s rich coming from a republican. All your liar in chief did since he got into office was lie
Obviously, the Communist Party has penetrated into the big American companies, Wall Street, the media, and the Democratic camp. The Mordor black cloud has enveloped the earth, but the young people in the West do not know it. Wake up, the day when the Communist Party’s magic cloud envelopes the earth is extremely dark. It is the darkest moment in human history. Warriors from all over the world must stand up for the future of mankind!
Well Trump doesn’t care about his people! !I VOTE BIDEN!