Election law expert discusses if Trump’s call broke the law

CNN election law analyst Rick Hasen says that there is enough there for Federal and state officials to investigate President Trump's call where he attempted to pressure the Georgia secretary of state to overturn the 2020 election results.

#Trump #CNN #News


    1. @7thpilot

      Not interested in you “listening to” (reading) my comment.

      Replying to me was pointless.

      You’re a hopeless case.
      You’ve proven this by the content of your comments and reveals the unsound state of your mind.

  1. Stop referring to the constitution…..Stop saying he’s uprooting democracy! We know that!! Do something about it for liberty’s sake!

    1. @Thomas Jackson Exactly. According to Newsweek, the Pentagon has been preparing, just in case. I love our military.

    1. @Andrew Sprague as stupid as that was…. I think he was talking about the 400 million then 1.3 billion a little later. You can try to explain this transaction away but it is fishy as hell.

    2. @Charles Stone i take it you are not familiar with how Obama became a Senator. He ran unopposed after he fed an entire complaint to get his GOP opponent removed from the ballot. He walked into that seat, unelected essentially.

    3. @njs2 ah yes. The old, do your own research but also believe me CNN is fake I have trusted sources. Get a life. Trump lost. Ur trash

    4. @Kevin An you’re not too familiar with history, apparently! Republicans freed the slaves. Democrats did the lynching.

    5. @Juan Labadie I already forgot what I said to you and whatever you said is hardly intelligible. Have a nice day. Trump lost Georgia

  2. “It could be a crime.”

    – Words you really only hear if the person committing the crime has money/influence.

    1. @Alex xelA Then Kamala Harris takes his place and becoming the first female president, either which way Trump does not win another term other than perhaps a term of further impeachment and incarceration HA! lots of first – first female president, first president to go to jail. What an uplifting year this may be.

    2. @Susanne Grabowski it’s already certified right ? That wouldn’t do anything,he also said my people are saying you guys tearing and ripping them apart,get me x amount of those is what I heard,Trump is saying legal trump ballots are being ripped up,I guess the deleted votes he’s alleging.

    1. There are 300-signed affidavit’s of witnesses saying so. I heard this from a reliable source whose uncle heard it from his barber.

  3. It’s exactly the same method used in the “perfect” Ukrainian call !
    This is the way Trump operates: dirty and threatening !
    He needs to be impeached fir a second time so he can never hold office again……it’s going to be difficult anyway either from a jail cell or in exile !

    1. @Joseph Avant He asked Ukraine to say that they were opening an investigation into Joe Biden to hurt his campaign.

    2. @Dollis Scheele yes, investigate Hunter, but they were trying to pull Joe into the investigation by saying he profited from his sons position

  4. He is running out of time
    afraid to go to jail for his whole 4 years of abuse of power etc
    Please let us over with this nightmare

    1. @70s Girl I did already! And all I can say is, our freedom is in risk. Open your eyes … we’ll all see soon!

  5. Stop saying could be when we all know it is. The only question we have is when is someone going to do something about it! I’m tired of my democracy being kicked and punched around by this wannabe dictator.

  6. *COULD BE*? *COULD BE*? Are you KIDDING ME? He’s a treasonous Mafia capitalist and should be tried for a multitude of crimes.

    1. In a court of law, you could argue that he’s delusional and actually believes what he’s saying. And unless you have evidence to prove otherwise, it would be hard to argue that he was committed a crime. It was unethical as hell, but I’d say the likelihood is that he believes his own bullshit

  7. if we dont have a law against trying to strong-arm, bribe, threaten or coerce an election offical we better have before the next election. OMG this is insane, and Trump should be in a straight Jacket. and or Jail.

  8. Of course it’s a crime; if I commit a crime. The state would be all over me for a prosecution. Trump should be no different at all

    1. @Lorraine Lafond i agree. As soon as biden and harris take office we should protest. And go on strike. Until trump is locked up. I am with you on this one. So are 80 million others. Lets seriously do it. This is outrage.

  9. According to the federal governments law. He is guilty of election fraud. Read it. Will he be prosecuted? Who knows.

    1. That’s because he doesn’t want to go to jail once hes out of seat he will be prosecuted for all alleged crimes. And he is always Use to Getting out of trouble but this time I think he has burned all bridges and is really afraid

  10. “He’s been emboldened by the fact that the Republicans failed to hold him accountable the first time around”

    Spot on.

    1. How people don’t understand that that’s basic psychology – you get away with something, you do it again – is beyond me.

    2. “ I believe that the President has learned from this case” and that Trump “will be much more cautious in the future.”
      -Susan Collins on 45 getting a pass on being impeached.

  11. “He could still be impeached after he leaves office in a way to disqualify him from running for office again in 2024.” Then what the hell are we waiting for???? Impeach him!!!

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