On the final night before the federal election, the four major party leaders rallied in B.C. for one last pitch. Jon Vennavally-Rao reports.
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It’s still the day before the election
THE FRONT-RUNNERS ARE NOT “NECK-AND-NECK”…These rigged, fabricated poll numbers are complete BS, and this FACT will be proven tomorrow…
There’s gunna be alot of jaws dropping tomorrow
Lol I can’t wait
It’s gonna be like 2016 all over lol
Delusional, get out of your conservative echo chambers
11 11 I already saw Nanos back tracking on his predictions of a minority. He said that maybe Liberals won’t come out and vote and that could hurt the Liberals. Actually Nik maybe those voters are voting for someone else.
Please Canadians do not vote for Trudeau…
Oh we are unforrunately. Sorry it does hurt to do though.
A V i’m not familiar with canadian politics. why not just vote for the other guy if it hurts so much to vote for Trudeau?
@H R Well think choosing ghonorhea over chlamydia..
Trudeau all the way
Pretty boy must go
Heck, I’m just happy we don’t have Ted Cruz. *Shudders* that’s one ugly dude.
only covering those already ahead lmao you guys are as needed as cancer.
Yup need more green votes.
@CyFr’s Corner that’s not your everyday cuckery, that’s advanced cuckery.
Mad Max 2019!!!!
It will be the saddest day of my life if Trudi gets back in

Hillary says they are Russian assets
So Canada voting campaigns only run for 40 days, ow do these “politicians” expect to run a dirty campaign when they don’t have enough time to investigate the skeletons in their opponents past?
If you believe anything the news tells you, you dont deserve to vote.
Stephen•MP if you don’t want to believe the truth, what the news tells you, you only deserve to vote ppc
NC 567832 lol it’s funny how you would think they’re leading in the polls if you’re reading the youtube comments but they’re only gonna have one seat
If you guys vote blackface don’t be surprised if Americans get a wall on our northern border as well.
Anyone but NDP
Brought to you by Carl’s junior
And he did blackface because deep down, he wants to be Obama! They’re buds! They both have deep, strong, obsessive dictatorship dreams!
PPC Strong and Free
Poor reporting
The Bloc will steal Quebec. Trudeau is done.