Election deniers train GOP poll workers to be ‘undercover spies’

A CNN exclusive report examines how some GOP leaders in Wayne County, Michigan, could be interfering in the election process.


  1. watching and monitoring the election is fine, but taking unsafe actions such as removing election machines copying them to distribute or interfering with the election process should get jailed.

    1. @Jack Cross You said “Breaking some rules, to stop people who are breaking some rules (i.e. cheating). Makes sense to me”
      Rules against bring recording devices are meant to prevent changing the votes or affecting people’s privacy while voting. Does that make sense to you?

  2. Where I come from the way elections work is that upon arriving a polling station I am giving a ballot with with the names of the candidates running. My name is checked off the voting lists to prevent me from voting twice. I go into a voting booth where I mark an X besides the person I want to vote for. I then proceed to put my ballot in a ballot box. At the end of the voting day the ballot boxes are emptied on a table and the votes are counted. A representative from each party is present while the counting is going on. When the tally is completed the results are noted and sent to a main voting center where all the results are compiled with a representative from each party serving as witnesses.

    1. @mssweetlisa Where ? We would all love to see these videos. Please don’t show the video from Guiliani. That has already been debunked.

    2. @Doodle Bob covering blinds is fraud 😂 a woman 🤣again they did multiple recounts including hand recount and an audit and all the results were the same, so what was the fraud?

    1. Democrat motto: “Questioning us means you’re ignorant/racist/a terrorist. That means any actions we take is perfectly acceptable, no matter how extreme.”

    2. @Gabriel Boorom Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger aren’t democrats and I’m an independent, so there’s that…

    1. @Doug Buse yes. I did it once and it was hard, tedious work. I always thank my poll workers and I thank you. 🇺🇸

    1. @Jessica Ferguson Photos are the least of my concern. You can have the program for a major virus on one of those phones. The voting machines don’t have to be online in order to upload a virus. What we know happened in Georgia and at other state election offices should be very concerning for everyone. They were getting the scripts that are running on those machines for a reason. My belief is that they weren’t looking for irregularities , they were planning a way to inject irregularities in the future. Thats why these companies need to change the running programs for ALL machines that were “breached” by these criminals.

  3. I don’t see anything wrong with accountability for the poll workers. From both parties to each other. Probably a good idea to do it silently and respectfully not to cause any problems at that time.

    1. This isn’t about that. That’s *always* been true.
      Telling some people to break the law to do so is wrong on it’s face.

    2. We have always had observers from both sides. Now, one side wants to go even further by sneaking in phones. That cant happen.

  4. Watching the poling stations and insuring that they are legitimate is the duty of every legal voter. It is the only way to avoid voter theft which is much more widespread than people believe. If people want legal voting then they should promote observers from both side of the isle. If they don’t then you know they are thieves and a major part of the problem. TRANSPARENCY “MUST” be the operative word for voting in this country. Without it there is nothing more damaging to our way of life.

    1. You are so wrong. The only duty of our citizens is to vote. It’s nun of your fucking business to watch over the election process. You need to learn the law.

  5. There’s nothing wrong with being undercover to make sure no funny business happens imagine thinking getting evidence is “wrong”

    1. There are reasons why these rules exist for everyone.

      You are not allowed paper and pen because you can invalid votes as you are counting votes.

      You aren’t allow phones because then you can be contact or receive orders to do things.

  6. In my opinion (if I should be so bold as to have one), Every square inch of every voting center and every worker there should be filmed at all times for public viewing. Full transparency! THE PEOPLE have a right to see it for themselves.

    1. I can only imagine how that would be exploited right off the bat. If you want to see it you’ve got to go volunteer.

    2. Appreciating your opinion, but why? And why capitalize “…THE PEOPLE…”??

      If you had ever spent one day volunteering at an election center during a general election (where you could actually see it for yourself and where “THE PEOPLE” who actually do the work, election after election, actually do see it for themselves – are they different “PEOPLE” than you are? – 10’s of thousands of PEOPLE doing the work across the country, yet no mass ‘outrage’ from them over the years, or are they all ‘in on it’?), you would realize how unwarranted (I initially was going to say ridiculous, but that would be unwarranted) your distrust, dare I say, paranoia, is. The distrust campaign was intentionally sown by a concerted multiple decades-long effort (put on steroids since 2016 but triple-dosed in the last 3 years) by the ‘Republican Party’ (the party is just the facade/store front of a much bigger ‘institution’) to sow distrust in a very efficient, safe and secure institution and process.

      There are just too many systems and checks involved to allow for anything significant to happen in the process to warrant your doubt in the process. But apparently, the strategy has worked on you, regardless of the fact that every single lie and accusation has been proven false, with 62 out of 62 court challenge lost with only 1 concession (4 feet) out of 156 aspects in those 62 court challenges given (for Wisconsin to allow official observers to be 6 feet away instead of 10 feet away) which had nothing to do with fraud or validity of results in voting. Plus every conspiracy has been debunked (although you may not know this if your information sources are ‘limited’ and specifically ‘focused’…)

      My wife’s 2 brother-in-laws (b.i.l.) and to a lesser extent, one of her sisters, have been intrinsically involved in elections for decades. All 3 have been in the executive for their given state’s Election Boards, county elections divisions and all three have been the officials at election locations (there are 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats in charge of a polling location that oversee the process, are responsible for all workers, resolve any conflicts, responsible for the polling equipment, responsible for final signature verification if there’s doubt and making final dispute decisions (all four must come to a consensus). Her sister has done it as both Republican initially then Democrat (switching when the Iraq war started) in Florida, her husband has been strictly (and staunchly) Republican in Georgia (they have lived and worked in different States, living in separate houses in different States only 20 minutes apart (but both owning both houses) for 36 of their 38-year marriage and both were (now retired) criminal defense lawyers formerly owning their own firm (Brunswick, Ga (b.i.l. but lives in Kingsland 30 minutes south) and Jacksonville, Fl (sister) sorry for the detour, and ya, I know, odd, but I can’t help telling that when I can) and the other b.i.l. was initially Republican switching to Democrat 20 years ago, being involved in elections since he moved to Oregon in 1980. Through them, I can tell you, assure you, the election process, the mail-in ballot process is robust, secure, safe and trustworthy.

      To demonstrate the validity of the security of the voting process, The Heritage Foundation (more specifically, Heritage Action), the (activist) primary think tank/braintrust of the Republican/’Conservative movement (more specifically the aforementioned “bigger ‘institution”), has a running database of voter fraud. They would want nothing more to have a plethora of voter fraud in their database. In fact, the purpose to create the database was not to legitimately keep track for the purposes of posterity, they wanted to use it as a political cudgel to try to dismantle the process, to manipulate it, change it (just like they have been doing concerning the Postal Service) if they could demonstrate there was massive amounts of voter fraud. They are so desperate to demonstrate this, they have secretly (they will not admit to have) coordinated with Project Veritas to attempt to fabricate cases of massive voter fraud or entrap/set-up people to commit fraud to pump up their numbers, without success. So you should know, their numbers are legitimate considering they want anything, everything, no matter how trivial, accounted for.

      The database goes back to 1980, with a few related 1979 cases (that start date is significant, I know this explicitly through my wife who is deeply politically ‘relevant’ and integrally cognizant of the aforementioned bigger “institution”, but I’ll not get into that, it’s extensive and detailed). This includes ALL elections, from small local (mayoral, etc) off-cycle to primaries to run-off to special elections to the national general elections. Since 1980/1979, the Heritage Foundation has only identified…

      *1,375 cases of voter fraud* out of nearly 2 billion ballots since 1980. That’s approximately a 0.00007% occurrence of fraud.


      The database (remember, the Heritage Foundation is desperate to identify _anything, everything_ ) shows there were *ONLY 43 CASES OF VOTER FRAUD* during and since the 2020 election. How does this warrant your skepticism and impulse to scrutinize ” every square inch of every voting center and every worker [filming] at all times for public viewing”? !!! ONLY 43 CASES !!! Hundreds of millions of dollars of video infrastructure throughout the country because there were 43 cases??

      Furthermore, having done extensive breakdowns of this database (my wife and I), 62.4% of the 1,375 were committed in local, many off-cycle elections where the robust safeguards normally established in larger, general elections i.e. the elections where this false voter fraud ‘outrage’/paranoia resonates, does not exist (the security is less, the experience of the poll workers is less, focus is less and people are more tempted to commit fraud due to the increased significance of each vote in small elections for mayors, etc. (30 or 60 votes may make the difference).

      A majority of the fraud cases are out of misunderstandings e.g. not realizing they are not eligible, etc. (honest mistakes) and not out of nefarious intent i.e. the ones the fake outrage rails against (aaaah, thousands of dead people voted; aaaaah, thousands of illegals voted; aaaaah thousands of dogs voted; aaaaah massive stacks of fake bamboo ballots came in from Asia for Biden aaaaaaaaaaaahhh…

      Finally, not only are the elections physically robust at the voting centers with multiple layers of protection to fraud, the digital systems set-up with the voter roles have built-in protections against potential fraud, especially the 30 States plus D.C. where ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), an A.I. system that cleaned-up the voter rolls initially then maintains the voter database is utilized, which instantaneously flags any anomalies in votes for every eligible voter and flags if anybody ineligible somehow cast a vote. The other 20 States use multiple systems that are more labor-intensive and less efficient but accomplishes the same things as ERIC.

      Your suggestion is absolutely not necessary. You have been lied to and manipulated to believe there is a need for greater scrutiny when the system is safe and secure. Besides, cameras ‘covering every square inch’ would violate voter privacy and expose voters’ confidential voter data, which can be used to manipulate future elections (who voted, who they voted for, where they live, their personal data, etc.).

      Trust the system: It’s working just fine and is secure.

  7. So, when one someone is being asked to double check policies and procedures…that is wrong. But it is okay to break the rules or do things incorrectly…great spin

    1. @Jack Hammer And if someone watches and mades up a false statement how is that fair? That poor black woman who was harassed because someone saw what they wanted to see and not what really happened. I mean we all saw what happened in January 6th , an insurrection but there are still people out there denying it . Good luck having ” anybody” who wants to see inside a polling station and have total chaos.

  8. Well if you all are so worried about election fraud, there are international institutions for election monitoring, maybe just let them do the job.

  9. Thank you for continuing to make sure the thing that isn’t happening anyway based off the result of dozens of lawsuits isn’t happening. . .

  10. I believe in order for the upcoming elections to be fair first start with back ground checking the poll workers, second voting ID should be a must, and finally all voting transactions should be filmed. Can’t get any fairer than that.

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