Live results from the 2020 presidential election as Americans vote in races for the presidency, 11 governorships, 35 Senate seats and all 435 House seats. Results map refreshes every 60 seconds.
Final polls show the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden has tightened since mid-October, both nationally and in battleground states.
Biden's lead in USA TODAY's average of averages, which is based on data from RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight, reached double-digits on Oct. 12, but has since fallen back to a 7.5-percentage point lead. That leaves him back roughly in the same position USA TODAY found him in its first poll roundup on Sept. 28, when his polling average lead over Trump was 7.2 points.
Beyond the presidency, Tuesday's election may result in changes in Congress, where Democrats want to regain control of the Republican-led Senate and Democrats hope to expand their advantage in the House.
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#ElectionNight #ElectionResults #Election2020
I think the guy wearing the suit will win
Oh the one with hair? Yeah me too
@P Law r/whoooosh
I am not a Russian bot, and I was not sent by Putin. I sincerely wish the United States prosperity. Americans, do not sit on the Internet and do not write millions of comments, and go out to save yourself and Trump! The USA can become the third world country if socialists win. Look at the 20th century in Eastern Europe, when socialists and communists destroyed millions of innocent people. Do you want to become like Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba? Then, fight in the streets and declare war to the left-wing media! Good luck.
@Кирилл Шарапов dont have to clarify that you’re not a russian bot nor sent by putin but ok
It’s to the point that even Europeans are watching the election
@Taza Phiri

@Djibson DaSilva

Im erupean its midnigth but cant sleep because of the election
Even Asians
@n0ka me too
I’m here for the comments
trump can just keep telling lies without doing anything effective just by shifting blames to China and WHO by not teaching an idiot baby like him of how to wear mask
to prevent covid virus.He would make usa worse and worse instead of great again if elected . Look at China has completely resumed normal with GDP positive growth while americans including trump himself still keep infected and death tolls is still going up and with GDP negative growth.
American election rigged like NZ . Trump won hands down. They called many states to early. For example they didn’t call Philadelphia when Trump clear winner. I hope Trump wins the fight . I from new Zealand could see watching all the different reports coming in. Fox was backing Biden. Or one news here to. They hate Trump with a vengeance.
Yeah! I’m not even American. I just come here for a drama.
Trump is telling a lie vote Briden
wish there was a fast forward button for the election
same here
A fast forward button that takes us all the way to the 2024 election. (if there is a 2024 election, and the Coronavirus doesn’t kill us all before then) Then we can forget about this election, and that will be it for Trump, even though mymom predicts that Trump Jr. will be one of the Republican candidates, and probably the nominee.
Voting is known everywhere on the same day. This delay and vote by mail is clearly weird. Mistrust has been suggested that voting by mail lends itself to fraud where there is an alleged duplication of votes. On other occasions, it has been said that there could be impersonations in the boxes. Delay = cheat = duplicate votes is the most unbelievable vote in the world. The traditional mode cannot be changed. * Trump representatives are not allowed to be observers that is already strange *
Wish there was a FF for the results displayed above. Lol so off
I think that’s the whole point. They’re doing it on purpose to get people anxious and roused.
I’m from Britain but im watching this because America election is literally a reality tv show
Perhaps my logic is wrong. We’ll get more “free stuff” if Biden gets in but remember nothing is free, it comes from somewhere. Just like the medicinal Marijuana. Free to smoke weed, while not being able to own a firearm. Clever government. People are passing away their own rights. The government doesn’t need to take them. This is why the age to vote should be raised.
Ahahaa… it totally is. This is how fallen our country become. T_T
Voting is known everywhere on the same day. This delay and vote by mail is clearly weird. Mistrust has been suggested that voting by mail lends itself to fraud where there is an alleged duplication of votes. On other occasions, it has been said that there could be impersonations in the boxes. Delay = cheat = duplicate votes is the most unbelievable vote in the world. The traditional mode cannot be changed. * Trump representatives are not allowed to be observers that is already strange *
…Keeping up with America…
Anyone just reading ALL the comments?
@UFO Specialist fair enough

@veronica cruz PERIODDDD
@veronica cruz and I’ll be one of the proud americans cleaning up your mess.
Vote, vote, win, and avoid corona at all costs, murugu herbal clinic. Kenya
Why is it that every single news report is different numbers?
@Fayez B Trump 2020 yabishh
@Fayez B civil war? How???
@Fayez B Wrong. The media divided the people for money. It’s as simple as that. Blacks conservatives are more respected now than ever before…. except on the left.
@Fayez B biden much?
I wish peace for U.S.A and World⚘
If biden wins there be a war again so lets hope no biden
Thank you. Very kind of you to say this. I’m so tired of all of the people bickering and fighting back and forth between themselves. It doesn’t matter who wins however, because in the end the only manipulation being done is by God and He puts the person in that office and since the end has already been foretold it makes sense that Biden will win and tear America apart.
God bless you in the name of Jesus!!!
Your care counts. 
@Mihajlo Mijajlović There’s a way to respond to love.
Just go see the Hispanic channels they dont give a crap about who wins
Man one of the worst comment section I’ve ever seen.
Don’t worry. We’ll find out who won, four years from now.
Exactly, citizens only get informed when it’s in the end, not right into the present
How did my comment get 11 replies and 236 likes in 9 hours? lol
Seriously though, at this rate, we’re never going to find out who won. People are even comparing this election to the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. (And I think we all remember how that turned out.)
Blm is racist change my mind!
If Biden wins our country is gone. Sad
You are right
Байден впереди ?
Подключайте барнаульских хакеров
Obviously, the Communist Party has penetrated into the big American companies, Wall Street, the media, and the Democratic camp. The Mordor black cloud has enveloped the earth, but the young people in the West do not know it. Wake up, the day when the Communist Party’s magic cloud envelopes the earth is extremely dark. It is the darkest moment in human history. Warriors from all over the world must stand up for the future of mankind!
Forebearing Biden is winning as the mercurial Trump already has been forbidden by Corona.
Who will win?

Joe Biden or Trump
100% Election fraud against Trump! Biden is dangerous for the USA!
That’s like choosing between hitler and Kim Jong un, I feel so bad for Americans
It’s 2020, and a First World Nation still can’t get a immediate fool proof tally of all votes the same day of the Election?
5G networks, Facial Recognition software, Voice Identification software, a smart phone in the hand of every American, and we still waiting on votes 2 days AFTER the Election.
Does anyone else see a problem with this?