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That’s very sad when you think it can’t get worse
What a shame iñ Jamaica ,the cannot use bad languages about the head of State .
Would you use bad language to your mom
@Anderson Sherman is andrew holness your mom?
No news here folks, just a regular, normal in Jamaica
… As of today 806 murders and counting, when will it cease or ease up? 

These things are more important than to find a way of preventing the Guns from coming into the Country.
lol your government does.
as you can see guns dont commit crmes people do as this crime was commited all without the use of a gun
What needs to be taken to the constitutional court are Jamaica’s primitive gun laws that enable gunmen and restrict the rights of citizens to defend themselves from the baby gunmen in training (Sir P call them 87’s) disrespecting the prime minister that social media is now up in arm defending. Let’s hope the next home he breaks into is not yours.
The same people that is law maker’s and criminals defence lawyers.
So they not going to go hard on there criminals that is killing us off..
The politicians of Jamaica have failed us badly..
he didnt break into nobodys house if he did he would be in jail thats a lie
Don’t believe that because you government people are so protected, that evil cannot befall you also of i Don’t wish on you or anyone. BUT do not build a wall of protection around you and your and not do the same for your fellow man, you ever read how the walls of Jericho was torn down. Take heed and think of others as if they were your blood too.
He should Sue his parents for that nose..
Too much slap on the wrist for crimes in Jamaica
what the hell is going on??how can this continue if this poor old lady was ever a friend of mine O WELL and that is all needs to be said.
I disagree with Dionne Jackson-Miller. It is for the very fact that people are “allowed” to disrespect each other why we have so much crime. People are disrespecting each other and it leads to greater crimes.
I wonder if Dionne was PM – if she would take kindly to someone disrespecting her? Or even as she is as a regular member of the Jamaican society – how does she feel about being disrespected now? Smh. Sometimes we have degrees but aren’t really educated.
We jamaicans have grown to love slackness, lawlessness and evilness and all this is because of the past governments of jamaica, which caused hardships, the fighting for free handouts and scarced benefits of government. Lol, seriously! When since the pnp have never been in damaged repair mode,? Can’t even run themselves muchless the island of jamaica. God help us jamaicans cause we dunn gone stinkin rotten already!!! Too late
What a dark dark shadow cast over the Olympic victory and Emancipation! Barbaric!!!!!
Be careful under that “bad wud” issue! You may have employees ! Employers ! Children! Parents! Contrary to what you say,, WE MUST ACTUALLY RESPECT EACH OTHER NOT JUST PRIME MINISTER! Time and place for anything.
Try turn unu focus on addressing the Crime against children and the elderly and poverty.
Jamaica needs to bring back the death penalty
Start with the prime Minister

@Kevin Williams lol
This is my birth place Community right across from here. And I only had one intention to leave for a better Life. And thanks be to God.. he had took me out many many many years ago. It is sad what they did to that old Lady. Mighty God of Daniel if these people would make some changes to they’re Lives for better

I cat forget this pregnant woman in St Thomas got kill by the police for using one of these so call bad words, So two lives cut short for word form by people long long before her time tome, Madness, We need to change that mindset
While i celebrate my heart is in pain & grief at the heinous killing of these 2 elderly women. Having been nurtured by a loving grandma, i am so utterly grieved. Where is the public outcry for these 2 old ladies?
Lady in the Manchester seat continue to do the work for the Jamaican people. I am a stanch PNP will always be one but I lived in one of Bunting’s constituency and he did nothing for the people. I am with you as long as you are working for the people. Work with purpose and integrity and put God and country first and you don’t have to worry.
So the PM feelings get hurt, agen! My question is, how come the gunman and don man dem noh brought to justice so swiftly when dem hurt so many citizens??? Misplaced priorities. Stop wasting taxpayer’s money to hunt down people who hurt your feelings and work to bring an end to crime and violence.
Exactly!!! Thank you Dawn
refreshing to see a comment that makes scene
cover me and my family dear Lord.

A lot of sick mind people are living in Jamaica.
It is not acceptable for a person to disrespect another person. Criticism is ok if done without using words that will cause the person to react in a violent manner.