A witness in El Paso, Texas, describes helping children evacuate Cielo Vista Mall after hearing multiple gunshots.
#CNN #News
A witness in El Paso, Texas, describes helping children evacuate Cielo Vista Mall after hearing multiple gunshots.
#CNN #News
Good on you for taking care of the kids. 11M!
This is the war the United States government should be fighting. This is the real terrorism. The enemies are within. Leave the Middle Eastners alone and save the valuable lives of Americans we beg u.
@lilcarlproduction zzz I am mexican, from Texas. People on the outside looking in stfu. They have released hundred of illegals into my city. I know first hand what illegals do to the economy. If the man was white and had a manifesto then he is a perfect example of 1 white man wanting to kill. He does not speak or act for all. He was radicalist who should be dead.
@Redwood Madrone please explain how I am racist or inbred? Dumbass with your illogical thinking is what created these crazy scenarios.
@Redwood Madrone I am not defending him I believe he should be dead. I am defending the people in saying Democrats and people like you have turned 1 mans hate motive into a political agenda. People should be grieving not worried about politics right now. I surprised as to how this turned into our presidents fault. Pelosi has been in politics for 20 years akd hasnt done crap. Trump 3 years but yet this is his fault?
@bOOSTEDjOSH Trump has finally called this a COWARDICE ACT! FINALLY!!!!
What would possess a person to shoot up schools, malls, movie theaters, and churches?
Adam N. The difference between now and the past is how widespread/global video games are. Literally anyone can get their hands on a shooter game regardless of their age.
The problem isn’t the video games, it’s the people playing it and how they choose to apply it to their daily life. There are plenty of people who can differentiate between real and fake, but there are people who struggle with that or just can’t. It’s when those people get their hands on shooter games or any game that promote violence that chaos is ensured.
@Hoshmand Plays by your name I am going to go out on a limb and say your a Gamer, Therefore your opinion on this matter is irrelevant !!!
JXEYbvndvna Beats The brain
You would think that after so many shootings the slightest of warnings would be enough
Rap/freestyle videos your right
@Rap/freestyle videos let me rephrase: America IS kinda really dumb. *no offense, I live here too*
20 people dead 5 hrs later in Ohio 9 more people killed what’s wrong with people
@Jeremie Dufrois lmao! that is as ignorant as anything Ive ever seen on the interwebs…….
@NAT TURNER Stop using your computer then since it was a White male named Konrad Zuse who created the Modern Computer.
It was planned out
@Christopher Villanueva that’s the same exact attatude of Hitler. Oh, how you people never learn.
People need to listen to your kids because that little kid could have saved a lot of people please please please to your kids and stop telling them to get some were and sit down I have grow kids and I still listen to what they have to say my heart and prayers go out to the family
Joyce Nelon learn to write first kid
“You’re immediate goal was to help save those kids instead of running towards the gunfire even though you were armed.” Wtf why does that sound like he’s accusing him and making it sound like he could’ve stopped the guy instead.
@Sherry Hill You know the DC snipers were black and didnt get killed by the police?
Because if the cops saw a black guy with a gun they would automatically kill him. There was a story last year where a black security stopped a gunman and the cops showed up and ended killing the black hero because they saw his gun
The Dez Dispenser Other
@MONEY/SUCCESS 10Million This could happen to anyone honestly. This is why it is best to communicate.
It is no different than friendly fire in a war. If you have failure to communicate…you will bomb your own people.
Most adults are just ignorant these days…
@An0nym0us F1gure b03
Fucking boomers.
An0nym0us F1gure It’s funny because if the person’s white, they’ll blame it on mental illness. But if the dude had some color on them, they blame it on immigration or terrorist actions. This country is fucked up.
Absolute Boomer.
We all know how this goes.
Step 1: Grieving
Step 2: Thoughts and Prayers
Step 3: Blame the gun, Blame the suspect
Step 4: Wait for the next mass shooting…
So sad. #5 Leave this country.
@ktillman2002 so were bows and arrows but why aren’t you fighting to ban those
Wreckless One looks like step 4 has just happened…time to start the cycle again
Step n: repeat
@Cool Guy how can a civilian do that when most mass shooting have happend in gun free zones?
A country where animals are more valuable than human
I mean animals are better creatures than human beings
@Goku Black *tell that to spider’s some eat there own husbands-*
Kathleen King with that logic we deserve to shoot each other.
Goku Black technically we are animals too
compared to the people I meet everyday I would value some animals over some people
Welp everyone just go to amazon for your groceries
We shouldn’t have to live like that
Funny but kind of wrong
That’s worst…. Now humans will be out jobs and be replaced by A.I
Use instacart
I get “the boy who cried wolf” thing, but I think as a nation, we’ve seen plenty of evidence of “wolves” around, so when we are warned, we have to treat it as a false positive.
@Draymond Mean Greene #WARRIORSCAPTAIN True, it’s not the most fitting analogy. I’m not sure why he wasn’t believed other than people simply didn’t WANT to believe it was true. If they ignore it, maybe it will go away. Not sure.
No. You are all excusing disbelief and inaction. Mass killings on this scale are unprecedented… even compared to the middle east.
@BigBoogookie of course it is fitting. It’s a WOLF Blitzer video.
@HotSkull In what way is it being excused? I think we are trying to understand it, not excuse it.
Draymond Mean Greene #WARRIORSCAPTAIN no but we have a history of shootings
*online shopping has entered the chat*
TheSlimeCraft this aint time for jokes man
Can’t shop at Walmart, cant go to nightclubs, can’t enjoy a Garlic Festival, can’t hang out at the Mall, cant go to school.. Are we safe anywhere?
answer: Canada
Bye Felicia.
Issadog Boss
>“Someplace safe”
Pick one.
Please leave then. I love my guns. I won’t be another corpse just to give you a false sense of security
Cole Pratt not really it can get up to 36-38 degrees (Celsius) and Justin…. ur right on that
Yesterday I got an emergency alert at 11:56 and 12:51. They both said the same thing.
Active shooter in Cielo Vista area. All El Paso City/County residents are asked to shelter.
Marco Grijalva what do you want a cookie
@OFSGV música ranchera
So very sad…Sir, thank 3 for helping the children!!
This is crazy! 4 shootings in a week. Two Walmart shootings in Mississippi, and El Paso. Garlic festival in California and in Dayton, Ohio! Gun violence must end!
Good luck with that!
Gun violence? Um ok..
Calculator Tortilla its not the guns its the damn people
This felon had a gun, he isnt suppose to have one. But guess what…he had one and held people hostage at a gas station and killed one guy.
If someone had a CCW then they could’ve easily taken this guy out.
That little kid could have saved 20 lives

jessica sanchez I KNOW that
Its crazy how adults these days can be ignorant and think a kid is crazy when the kid tries save lives.
@No FriendShrimps no the suspect didn’t kill anyone inside the mall only inside the walmart
JAVA Wraith I also know that
“I pulled out my phone Incase they were going to shoot me” this just shows you the state America is in.
Hmmm active shooter.. guy has a gun.. crazy to think he might be shot if he pulls that out!! Pulls out the phone so they know he isn’t the shooter. So sad
wasist powice
bruh ik right u shouldn’t just pull out your phone and open Snapchat u should runaway
if someone said bomb in an airport they would take action quickly
Or fire… Maybe