Education Minister Warn Teachers of Consequences re Disruption | Cops Upset About Wage Negotiations

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    1. @plantqueentonie Nuh tru shi too outta order bcoz d teachers r standing up for their rights shi deh threaten dem

    2. 🤣🤣🤣
      I agree
      She’s rude bout labour board for adsent teachers
      Dem only want to take the money for themselves and don’t pay what hardly honest people deserves
      Teachers power✊🏾
      🗣Pay the TEACHERS More!!!

  1. Seven years of criminality it must come to a end.We got to applaud these teachers for standing up for their rights!

    1. Congratulations teachers, keep up the strike until you get what you need, it needs to go island wide, government too wicked

  2. As a teacher, we live from hand to mouth. As we get pay it finish. It cant work. We have bills, family. Have a heart man

    1. @Tevin Dwyer Like how much? JMD 150,000 per month after taxes? Like most Jamaicans, I have no idea. Maybe the union should publish the salary ranges to give the public an idea of how much.

    2. @G B basic salary for new teacher is little over a 120 k a month. Private school teachers get either half or more.

    3. @OG Oh man, if that is before taxes, that would not be good, that must be after taxes. Most teachers have student loan payments. Then there is rent, groceries, transportation costs, clothing. I need some teachers to join the conversation and tell us how they are dealing with this.

  3. “…concerning the ethical and lawfulness of their conduct…”,”…disciplinary actions to be taken against individuals who neglect their duties…” ohh the IRONY.

  4. Teachers should consider the option of pursuing job opportunities overseas where they are needed. The Jamaican government is not interested in education.

    1. Agreed, funny how there are laws out in place to punish them for just wanting better for themselves, laws set by the people who are supposed to make their lives better.

    2. They are leaving already and getting jobs in the mid west and western states. Same as a lot of Jamaican nurses.

  5. Fayval Williams is in denial..she tries to down play every aspect of her role and responsibilities. Pay the teachers and stop blackmailing them. Leave if you can’t manage the job.

  6. If it was for teachers Andrew wouldn’t be a Prime minister,Favel Williams wouldn’t be the minister of education.

  7. I highly doubt any citizen has a say in any matter relating to the public sector except in election period. Both parties keep saying they are for the people but that is indirect as far as I’m concerned. You’re threatening to discipline individuals for defending their own well-being! What exactly are we to these people whom we’ve elected to Govern us?!! I swear we are so blind as a nation. We need to rise up, take our freedom and stop asking for it.

  8. This woman 👩 is living in denial big time. I am just sorry that all the Teachers are not on strike. They must all come together. They are using bullying and threatening the Teachers. Teachers continue to hold out for your well earned money 💰. Every Public Sector workers in Jamaica 🇯🇲 needs to strike at the same time, let Condrew Hopeless and his gang of thieves do the jobs.

    1. So, are you saying the government must be fiscally irresponsible and meet every demand that is made by public sector workers. This will require new taxes, and then we’ll all be swearing and cursing out the government again.

    2. Most teachers have masters degree they’re well qualified. They shouldn’t have 2 go through all of this nonsense for what is rightful there’s. Soon all the brightest n best will b gone. They deserve what they ask for, period.

  9. Oh what a supportive minister she is. You see how fast she threaten teachers???? Failure Williams is convinced that Jamaican teachers don’t have options. Watch and see September morning

    1. I wish every teacher would just migrate to the US or Canada. This government is glad when the nation is ignorant. They are not interested in education.

    2. ” We cannot stand idly by while there is disruption in the sector”! Kmt. Pay the damn teachers!!!!!

    3. September ca come too soon. I hope she is prepared to go in the classroom and teach. I do hope Miss. Williams will also help the needy students and I do hope she will get resources to work. Honestly, Jamaican classroom a slavery. Teachers leave, go where your needed and appropriated. Other countries know your worth, GO, go and build another mans country because Condrew not intrested in using Education to build this country. All they are interested in is to steal from poor people. Go teachers, go and don’t look back. GO!!!!!!

  10. I would opt for us to take a page out of Thomas Sankara’s book. Cut politicians pay and di one bag a waste spending pon foolishness, PAY THE TEACHERS. Weed out the corrupt officers and PAY THE POLICE a LIVEABLE WAGE!

    BUT, on the other hand, Jamaicans themselves would turn on anyone who dared to do such drastic things in a bid to better the country, just like they turned on Sankara.

  11. Teachers stay strong 💪 don’t be afraid stand for something .let your voice be heard. Pure polly tricks

  12. Can you imagine our school teachers failed to completed a simple voting system by having spoil voted ballots yesterday, they should be ashamed of themselves 😭😭😭😭😭

  13. Teacher’s Jamaican citizen we need to stand with the teachers in unity for the betterment of our children’s future

  14. I want to tell teachers at the end of the day dedication, commitment and sacrifice won’t pay your bills. Teachers start looking at other places and get away if you can.

  15. Stop BULLYING the teachers by threatening them with their Job
    Stand up teachers I am with you all
    Stand up and stand strong ✊💪 together you can make a difference…

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