Ont. Opposition Leader Andrea Horwath grills Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce during question period.
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Is there no way to turn off the translators volume? So annoying!
I had to stop watching the video because of that
It is called paddle to… And living in the north it is not same..
You can listen with only the left ear.
can anyone just speak plainly here? first what specific cuts are being made? if the govt is raising the funds in the budget for education and healthcare, then what is being cut? in reference to those two teachers being fired, what were the circumstances surrounding that? they can’t be fired for no reason. the questions are misleading, and the answers are non-existant. and that’s why no one trusts politicians.
Doug and the Education minister do tell her they are spending more than liebrals on education , but the big ndp gal doesnt wanna hear that and keeps pretending cuts
Election over, time to come out of hiding, show them again what a conservative government looks like.
You must be a rich boy, silver spoon who doesn’t have to work or pay taxes maybe mommy pays your share, well if you like high taxes you can pay mine.
@Karl Garber do you need a hug?
I’d like to know how many teachers fired were liberal vs conservative. I’m from Alberta and just ran across this video. It’s sad when anyone loses their jobs but teachers really should be teaching more common sense life skills…
I think all provinces need to apply that, plus common law, secularism and the students get the money and schools choice to let better performs in the school system and allow national competition reward…
They killed more jobs here in 4 years, because we are oil they don’t care
cant listen with the bloody translator
They should use subtitles instead.
At least there’s almost no liberals there
Ha yup..the ndp are similar messes though.
Never met a pile of debt they didnt like
Cuts have serious consequences? As serious as moody taking control of your province and bankers making the cuts? That is your future if you don’t start reducing your debt.
At least ford is trying to help with the debt not like you NDP that thinks there is no limit to whet they can tax the tax payer. Teachers have it better then anyone on this planet other then the politicians. Enough of the greed. It’s nothin but the poor paying the rich . Go ford go
Go Ford go!!!!!!!
So what math test did teacher’s fail? I don’t remember taking one?
If the majority of students fail that means the teacher is a failure.
MISFIT SICKBOY I don’t think you understood my point. In the video Ford says “the teachers also failed the test” the teachers have not taken any math test.
@Marigold yes , the report a year ago was that they failed the test too.
PC will get this all cleaned up over the next decade.
It will take some time !
Remember MARRS? Cancelled Gasplants? Paying teachers unions Bills? Wrong spe’d beans for Herb Gray highway? More one on one time in classrooms, easy, make school year round grades k to 10. Grade 11/12 summer jobs of course. If cuts are coming, they are the product of immense mistakes from Wynne McGuinty, better to shed some waste, than lose it all bankrupting the Province.
Doug the thug in da house!
we need a complete overhaul of our school system … teach kids about life, options to learn trades (better then now) , life lessons , experiences , how to save money , finances , responsibilities.. not forcing ideology on kids and making then learn things that will have no benefit to them or that they will ever use in real life out of the classroom. time to start teaching our kids about REAL LIFE and what it takes to make it in the world, and STOP CODDLING them and teaching them that everything will be ok and nothing goes wrong . ENOUGH is ENOUGH . time to take our children’s futures back !!!
The french translator is very annoying.
Small Tip: The translator is only in the right ear. Left ear for English only.
But I dun wanna wear teh earbudz…
Slap him he s french !
(Just kidding )
Casinos were to generate money for education and health care, they made millions so you then gave it to privately owned company called ELEMENTS, you are all liars and thieves always double talking.
You pay big companies to fix the roads and within a year they are falling apart again, why don’t you get a warranty, you useless pieces of crap. Best highway ever built with taxpayer money was the 407 made of concrete, then you sold it for less than it cost, what a joke.
*I’ll be happy to translate this for you:*
Ford: “We’re putting the funding where it belongs… which is somewhere other than the pockets of these greedy, overpaid teachers.”
Woman: “Teacher want more money. Show me the moneeeeeeeeeeeeey. Teachers gots to get paaaaaaaaid. They work hard 8 months of the year and need $150k + pension.”