Economic angst among Canadians a boon to Pierre Poilievre’s brand

Michael Stittle and Nik Nanos discuss the growing angst among Canadians over inflation and a possible recession is helping Pierre Poilievre after he's spent years building his brand around economic issues.

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Economic angst among Canadians a boon to Pierre Poilievre's brand


  1. Go Pierre go 💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

    1. @Nicolai Hilckmann You’re definately a liberal! All they know are insults, because their education levels hover around a grade 8 average!

    2. If you pay attention to what he says, he basically moves from one grievance to the next, blames whoever is his opponent (typically Trudeau), offers no real solution or what he’d have done differently, rinse and repeat.

      He even contradicts himself over time, like what he needs says about inflation and what he’s said previously.

  2. It has nothing to do with his brand. It has to do with running the country with common sense. We haven’t seen that in 6 years.

  3. Despite the economic downturn, I’m so happy 😊. I have been earning $6,000 returns from my $13,500 investment every 13 days.

    1. Same here lol,My previous profit withdrawal investing with Mrs Linda was over $18200 and it’s still counting high.

  4. Pierre Poilievre: “HUGE tax cuts for the wealthiest will allow them to trickle down (economics) all over the poor and working classes even more!!”

    1. I mean, these liberals don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, but come in the comnents and just make spectacles of themselves, believing they’re actually informed! They don’t even follow politics!

    2. Yeah we need to triple the taxes because the most wealthy will be hurt the most. Or… wait, no that’s not how that works. Better spend another half trillion because inflation hurts the wealthiest the most. No… wait. That’s not right either. Hey, the liberals are hurting the poor and middle class while making the wealthy even richer. WTF

  5. Hard to take Poilievre seriously when he recommends Crypto. Obviously doesn’t know what he is talking about.

    1. Do you believe everything you hear that’s out of context and basically not accurate or can you reason without being fully biased? It doesn’t seem so.

  6. Got my $28 GST check today,just thinking of how I will spend all this money? I might subscribe to the Disney Channel.

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