Several high-profile pro-government lawmakers appear to have lost their seats to pro-democracy challengers in Hong Kong's District Council elections, as early results trickled in early Monday morning. CNN's Anna Coren reports from Hong Kong. #CNN #News
Early Hong Kong election results show pro-government lawmakers losing seats

Fight tyranny HK. Use your voice however means possible.
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” Winston Churchill
@Nicholas Mullen Fight the 4 British family’s that own the majority of Hong Kong’s land and property development. Fight western investments Hong Kong Jockey Club using Hong Kong as a money-laundering hub exposed by Panana Paper Leaks along with Appleby Group that caused Britain to lose billions in taxes to Hong Kong. Fight the dull currency HK$ pegged to the war instigator, genocidal instigator, economic hitman currency US$ that built the Fragrant Harbor as a financial district bridge by the investments of Bretton Woods institutions for the US$ global support as the world’s reserve currency that controls HK$ pegged to US$ free-market-capitalist model and exceptional smuggling. Fight the oppressive western investment that enjoys the benefits of Hong Kong as a low tax haven while employing westerners to live in the paradise parts of Hong Kong while charging Hong Kongers to breath in their own city because they are Chinese and not white enough to enjoy the Gweilo’s paradise. Fight western investments red-light districts that created Hong Kong into the western playground of adult entertainment for the barristers and western bankers drunk and drugged every weekend while they control Hong Kong’s rule of law. Let the protesters destroy all of HK$ pegged to US$ financial districts so westerners can leave Hong Kong for the Hong Kong CHINESE people to get back their land from the land grab British wealth elites hiding in Hong Kong! ALL GWEILO’S F#CK off back to your countries where you all running away from tax living in corrupt Hong Kong that was built on blood-diamonds and conflict minerals, its time for BRICS Interpol surveillance to monitor Hong Kong western-built corrupt corporations HK$ pegged to US$ that use the port to smuggle resources from resource-based countries, while the human rights of resource-based nations are being violated through the business of western supremacy that created themselves a plague on the Earth’s resources!
NOTE: To the extremely financially uneducated westerners who only know Hong Kong as a genital playing playground in the cities embarrassing infamous western reputation. The dull currency HK$ pegged to the US$ financial district Hong Kong was not built from fairy dust, STUPIDS. To the financially educated, Hong Kong’s shiny building was built from blood-diamonds and conflict minerals with Bretton Woods investments in Anglo-America. Britain had to speak the language of REPARATIONS during the negotiations with the Angolan President of the prison release of Nelson Mandela captured by the CIA as the leader of the African National Congress feared as a global terrorist – which is why Hong Kong was signed over to China in the making of RIC to BRICS New Development Bank. South Africa’s USSR-IBM military base contributed to Sputnik-1 that the US military satellites are built upon. It was the Soviet Union that funded the African National Congress to take down the apartheid regime founders De Beers founding partners of Anglo-America, placing South Africa as a corporation on the US stock exchange that contributed to the fishing village to turn into a financial district. It was the west that begged South Africa to stop the nuclear weapons programs because the west feared the rising of BRICS bilateral partners New Development Bank the greatest threat to Bretton Woods institutions.
In 2009 in a Financial Times interview, George Soros stated that China Rmb is undervalued pegged to the US$ and that the US$ power depends on China’s global markets. With this being said, to the financially educated the US-China trade war is a currency war that will cause the US$ to lose its reserve status to China’s Rmb as the financial new world order towards global financial reforms. Hong Kong protesters literally destroyed the US$ global support built financial district causing global traders and merchants to go direct to China using the China Rmb without the use of the US$ as an intermediate exchange causing the US$ to decline in global transactions support in use. The Hong Kong protest have accelerated the global financial recession that is affecting countries that depend on the US$!
Tyranny has always been the war instigator, genocidal instigator, economic hitman currency US$ with its promoted democratic government whereby financial corporations control government no different to how it’s done in the USA which brought on the Occupy Wall Street Movements. “He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation.” – James A. Garfield > which is the power of the arms investments backed currency US$ forced on resource-based nations as the world’s reserve currency.
The whole world depends on the resources of resource-based nations to live, they cannot afford the luxury of watching anything without the electronics and technology that is provided by resource-based countries under BRICS New Development Bank – BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa representing Africa) who are America’s surveillance boogieman through the foundation of USSR-IMB satellites the US military satellites depends on. Learn how extremely uneducated people like you get access to electronics and technology because “In God Dumb Trust”, America has no resources to sustain their financially uneducated useless nation’s economy, in the global financial recession you will all be forced to live off the grid lives, electronics and technology will be a luxury for western countries.
@Acha0 hang on to your panties. A one party dictatorship is coming your way soon.
It is difficult to take democracy away from people once they are used to it. China needs to learn this.
@jerry henrie The US is a Constitutional Republic. A form of Democracy. Russia=CCCP. CHINA Communist Dictatorships. Know your facts.
Do I read Chinese government bots at work on their cyber farms in some of these comments? They’ll be shipping tens of thousands of HK citizens off to ‘re-education’ facilities soon. Like the Uyghurs
(John McCain is)…not a war hero. He’s a war hero cause he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured,ok, I hate to tell you.” CadetBoneSpurs DJtRump quote
China wants to rule the world
putin and xi are not happy with this !
They didn’t care about other people’s rights or feelings, so why should anyone care what these two so-called “leaders” think!?
Let’s go Democracy let’s go!
“What luck for rulers that men do not think.” Adolph Hitler
@P J but Church hill is dead. Why run on past thoughts
@P J …Either Hong Kong is part of China or Hong Kong is ruled by China, no other possibilities except the way of Hawaii. Total genocide and final repatriation.
“We shall go down in history as the greatest statesmen of all time, or as the greatest criminals.” DJtRump quote or Joseph Goebbels? Answer correctly & you win a prize to Vladisvostok Siberian Gulag free.
Hong Kong is fighting back with voting.
against communists
Funny, since thos elections are nothing special and they are allowed to to this all the time.
This mainly shows how stupid all this anti china propaganda is.
Chicago Critic Gerald
How Communist Fight the People: *Guns, tanks, bombs, planes*
How People Fight Communism:
*Use voting booths and vote them out*
We Freedom lovers are complete savages!

@CJ very cool, CJ!
@CJ Um, you should look at US history on how they “free” countries from oppression. And the HK rioters are not peaceful protesters, they tore down their own city and it has hit recession. Their freedom was never taken away from them, it shows in academic studies. HK freedom is ranked 3rd in the world and Australia is 4th, which is where I am from… All those anti China people could of just voted and not make a mess out of their city, no one lost their rights. If it was true, HK will be something like North Korea. Freedom is a necessity but some groups use that as a mask to exploit and control the narrative. And people are emotional beings, most don’t look at facts before defending the oppress. But the question is, is the people you’re defending are really being oppressed? There’s freedom of press, freedom to vote, pro riot supporters from the US gov officials can enter HK freely and protest along side with locals, that is freedom. And I am encouraging everyone to their own research, knowledge is freedom.
The citizens are showing us how to do it here in the USA.
@CJ we are actually a consutuional republic which means we are not a democracy. That is why we survived much longer then a normal democracy. We love by the consution not by popular vote
yea, destroy,vandalize,attack innocence and the police,doing all which is against the law
@Renas Dupont Exactly…they conveniently leave that part out
Add Oil America! from Hong Kong
@Blanca J. Christ we need more intelligent and skilled workers like the people of HK. It’s those third world people with no skills and education we can do without.
Showing the world hows its done. Congrats from USA
all against communists
Renas Dupont No, against Republicans
@EpicExplosionify No, against communists
Pro-establishment have lost 200 more seats.
#02588 #02588 Trump University can not afford doing refunds.

Surprised they didn’t mention those “Extra ballot Boxes” mysteriously were brought by CCP to a CLOSED polling station because “a disabled individual requested the ability to poll in an off site location”. Two whole ballot boxes, huh?
I’m just skeptical CCP would ever allow HK to gain real legislative power, or remove the Chief Executive.
@Jon Kino The counting isn’t even over yet and the pro-democracy side has already captured 17 of the 18 district councils. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody that was paying attention.
Suffrage is impossible because it may lead to independence one day , at least from Beijing’s perspective,
Why dont you gus demand something else?, affordable housing, better emplyoment and cantonese language preservation
Those demands are much more realistic and achieveable than suffrage.Negotiate and compromise. Join them if you can’t fight them.
Doesnt matter if the whole HK rioting, China has resources to train/mobilize 7 M cops.
Demonizing China and asking other countries esp US and UK to support
the protest wont get you guys sympathy from beijing,mainlanders and overseas chinese worldwide.
Violence, beating mainlanders and people with different views , destroy and burn shops and public facilities are counter productive too. retailers, restaurants and travel agents are closing their business . If this riot keep continue for another 1 year then HK may lose its financial hub status forever and there will be many unemployment. For me, no money equal to limited freedom.
Andi A you speak the truth, these full democracy seeking ingrates will only destroy Hong Kong in the long run. Also China is the main provider of water and power to Hong Kong, and doesn’t even receive taxes from Hong Kong, talk about ungrateful.
Carrie lam has the gift to say a lot of words without saying anything at all
It’s true when she used the word “listen” when referring to members of government as if thier children making a request
She is a Traitor of Hong Kong
@Linda Lee … Either Hong Kong is part of China or Hong Kong is ruled by China, no other possibilities except the way of Hawaii. Total genocide and final repatriation.
Yes…typical white liberal b!tch
Don’t worry, China. The NBA’s still got your back.
soylentdean lmao
Because of MONEY that’s why BASICALLY selling their DIGNITY for FINANCIAL WEALTH this is BULLSHIT I have to call out anyone excepting money from bad people
China don’t more black ballers, too many already.
@yo dasxi Dem blackys bad
Get it Hong Kong! Show the world how to fight for freedoms! I support you! #FreeHongKong
Free Hong Kong!
“Dictators ride to & fro on tigers from tigers they dare not dismount. And the tigers are hungry.” Winston Churchill
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile-hoping it will eat him last.” Winston Churchill
Great Quote

Churchill is scum.
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” Winston Churchill
The march of democracy is the way to a brighter future.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” Winston Churchill
P J Mark Twain said that dear.
I still feel like this is all according to China’s plan…
same here, its as if they are letting it happen to legaly surpress it…don know nor pretend to know,..just a feeling
Yes of course
Any attempt to divide china will end in crushed bodies and shatter bones.
Even if Beijing agrees somewhat to their demands now in year 2047 it’s all over.
If they riot in 27 years later then the people’s Liberation Army will storm in because officially the sino british declaration is over
3 million is just about everyone eligible to vote and almost half of the population.
@Lee Ruory That’s fake news. The true facts is that the pro-bejing candidates arranged tour bus to pick up groups of elderly from different district retirement homes and dropped them off at the voting centres to cast votes for their camp, in return for a small token of gift or money. There are video clips on YouTube showing pro-bejing support workers handling out Chinese red pockets to those elderly as they were getting off the bus.
“If she wasn’t my daughter I’d date her in a NY second.” DJtRump
@yutuberboy I can understand that your upbringing in authoritarian society like in mainland has ingrained your tiny brain to the point that you’re incapable of thinking beyond nationalism, and to respect the personal freedom and the privacy of others is the things that go beyond you knowledge. HK people are too smart to be pulled back to live like those on mainland, where the government can even educate those nationalist folks not to defecate on sidewalk.
And the whole world also knows that China always violate the agreement to let HK to be self governing, and this is not yet 2047.
so Carrie Lam? – the people have spoken, not even a congratulations for them?
Congratulation?for causing HK in a massive mess and that is what US and UK final target?
James Martin Carrie Lam is the female Andrew Yang!