LA Times columnist Mark Barabak discusses early California recall voting data which favors Governor Newsom.
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#California #Newsom #Recall
Remember what we said in 2020.. ignore polls, VOTE.
My Husband & I’s Ballot was just Received and Verified at the post office.

@True Grit funny, I did the same except I voted YES.
Definitely a yes vote on the recall! Get that weasel out!
I don’t just want Gavin out, I want to send his nasty Aunt Nancy Pelosi a message. So, I voted Yes, Yes and Yes!
@Amanda Herman He’s going to be flipping burgers
I call bs
Insanity= doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
VOTE YES on recall!!!!!!
Voting is real , even if Newsom gets reelected… Voting is real
Fake News.
He’s trailing in all the polls and is slated to lose. Don’t lie.
They said the same thing in 2016…
If I still believe what polls says. I’m a fool
Ignore the polls.
It’s a lie so you don’t go out and vote.
Ignore the polls, VOTE, like your life depends on it because it is!
Well of course it does. Democrats cheat elections now. Ppl aren’t that stupid to vote for him
Well people voted for Trump so there’s that
Trump cultists are the stupid ones
The Capitol 6 terrorists are in jail
Giuliani got license suspended
Sidney and Giuliani are being sued
My pillow guy…. He’s losing his $ big time
Yes on the recall!!!
I see so many people voting NO, but I see zero reasons explaining why Newsom deserves to keep his job. Only comments about how bad Republicans are.
Someone explain why Newsom is better for CA than Kevin Paffrath.
Comrade Stalin would be a better governor then newsom.
There should be a lengthy audit at the ready
We are voting yes to recall Gavin newsome! The yes on prop 8 worries that we will lose pbs and he is not Larry elder!
How he can show himself in public befuddles me.
Please ! We Californians LOVE the homeless drug addicts, feces on the streets, electrical black-outs, high taxes. Keep Newsom so we can see our beautiful state finally crumble
Yes I’m turning in my vote personally.
Why do no polls ask me? Im Democrat – GO LARRY ELDER! Vote y’all