Eagle keeps eggs warm through winter storm February 26, 2023 30 comments A dedicated bald eagle kept her eggs warm during a snowstorm in Minnesota. #CNN #News #shorts Breaking News Picks the Video Edition
Amazing how she just knows those “embryos” are her babies and goes out of her way to care for and Love them Edit: A lesson we could all take to heart Reply
Bald Eagles stay hitched with just 1 till death do they part. Returning year after year to the same nest. Symbol of their fidelity. Reply
Too bad they are on the endangered species list. The symbol of freedom to be threatened is a damn shame. Hope they are keeping the DNA just in case the the do go extinct. Maybe one say we can live in peace and all who share our world with. Reply
God bless
Amazing how she just knows those “embryos” are her babies and goes out of her way to care for and Love them

A lesson we could all take to heart
So corny
and the father too
God bless


BREAKING NEWS: bird keeos eggs warm.
Just beautiful

Nature at it’s finest
Amazing to see
Now that is teamwork
Yes it’s nice so beautiful to see
The male Eagle is more help to his family in this short clip than my ex EVER was
I gather your ex wasn’t an eagle.
Bald Eagles stay hitched with just 1 till death do they part. Returning year after year to the same nest. Symbol of their fidelity.
I live 1 mile from NYC and I am always thrilled to see and eagle flying overhead
Too bad they are on the endangered species list. The symbol of freedom to be threatened is a damn shame. Hope they are keeping the DNA just in case the the do go extinct. Maybe one say we can live in peace and all who share our world with.

Good to see government officials hard at work.
I love Bald Eagle
there beautiful soul 

I agree magnificent bitds they are

Parenting that’s done right
Seriously! What else was it going to do, go to the snowball?
They’re such beautiful, majestic animals. I’m proud to have them as our national symbol

Sure is incredible to watch…
I was just.going to say that it must be the old man sitting on the little guys.