E.U. Agrees To Ease Covid Restrictions For Fully Vaccinated Tourists

As Covid-19 restrictions are relaxed across Europe, E.U. member states have agreed that mandatory quarantine and other restrictions for travelers entering Europe should be eased, especially for those who are fully vaccinated. NBC News’ Sarah Harman reports from London. 

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E.U. Agrees To Ease Covid Restrictions For Fully Vaccinated Tourists

E.U. Agrees To Ease Covid Restrictions For Fully Vaccinated Tourists


  1. Im confused is Britain still a part of that gang or nah. One week its all friendly cooperation and the next week theyre fighting over fishing rights like….are you in or out chaps?

    1. @William Springer you do if you want to go to certain countries in Europe. I’m traveling to Spain and Germany this summer, and I’m fully vaccinated, but I probably have to take a test to go to Spain.

    2. Not EU, but I was in Iceland last week and we had to take 1 test at the border even if vaxxed and 1 test mandated by the US to return. It depends on the country, I think.

    3. @William Springer Every single county here in Europe has been requiring 48 or 72 hour negative PCR tests for entry. No country in the EU has let anyone in without one of these PCR tests.

    1. @kefkapalazzo1 we have to protect the people who are already vaccinated and those who have made the choice to not be protected…lol..basically. well that or the entire world needs to protect those who have auto immune conditions, like the entire world..ha!

  2. This battle is going to be one with your money , what’s left of it. Even on a local scale. Suddenly our genius Governor has decided to leave it up to each individual business but strangely enough he could not do that at the start of the newly defined pandemic. One day they go by the CDC, the next day it’s not enough.

  3. New sign at voting places – no ID required but if you don’t have your covid card stay out.

  4. Imagine if everyone decided to not travel the airlines would crumble instead you do the complete opposite

  5. If this woman was in Greece last week then I’m Santa Claus. Amsterdam in the red-light District , now that I could believe..

  6. London as the capital of the uk is not a member of the Eu. So why not give an eu update from an eu country.

  7. I’m not gonna bother traveling to any place that requires a vaccine passport/documentation of some kind.

  8. They should identify their vaccinated customers with red arm bands and have them salute to their American Airlines logo before they get on the plane

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