Sen. Dick Durbin asked Judge Amy Coney Barrett if the president had the authority to deny the right to vote based on race. Barrett cited the 15th Amendment but did not outright say that the president was not allowed to do so. Aired on 10/14/2020.
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Durbin Presses Barrett On President's Ability To Deny Right To Vote Based On Race | MSNBC
She already made statements
about what she believes, now she
Can’t answer yes or no questions.
As if her attitude doesn’t speak volumes
Listening to her is like listening to nails on a chalkboard
I have misophonia, I can’t even begin to express my disdain for this pathetic excuse of a woman’s voice and soul that leaks out through her whiney tone.
@DEEZ GERMS my 2-year-old speaks more coherently and with a deeper voice than this put-on’s act.
@pugetwitch Yep! she is acting…like Trump did’nt program her on what to say!!!
@DEEZ GERMS wow your sexist…
She speaks double talk fluently. She shouldn’t be a judge.
She is GOP to the core
@cuff link are you a Russian robot, a gun’s lobby robot or an insurance bot?
@al41057 re you a Russian robot, a gun’s lobby robot or an insurance bot?
She’s the Republican flunky sent in to carry out their agenda. I hear it in everything she hatefully says
_”Their agenda?”_ You mean the constitution?
@Brett Barnes their agenda is to systematically neuter our constitution with this stacked court.
Looks like Trump found another obedient lackey.
Vote ALL GOP out.
New croony for the swamp.
@Rocky Rock The number remains to be seen for a couple of weeks for further incubation…
Incapable of answering any question, make a decision or give an honest opinion. Her robotic responses give the impression she’s programmed .
Its the only way to protect America . Vote all republicans out .
That’s not correct, USA is based on laws, Ginsburg said the same…
Devil’s judge, she’ll cover his dirty deeds. Don’t let him get re-elected. Vote for the blue!
She knows the Art of the Deal! She must do what Don Donald wants!!!
That’s a no from me dawg
OMG…if the woman’s maniacal demon-eyes aren’t a clue into her dark soul, then I don’t know what is. SHED the RED and save the USA!
You’re sick.
That is pitiful and shows a lack of the tolerance that the left touts as being only their side. You should apologize for personally attacking a person. Disagree with policy not people.
@General Biochemistry I you’re a pompous azz, Babushka
@Brett Barnes Yeah…sick of tupitsas like you.
@Jerry Henderson No, you’re sick because you say insane crap like _”maniacal demon-eyes”_ and _”dark soul”_ to describe a woman who is, I’m quite sure, a lot better person than you are jerk.
She basically declined to tell us if she believes Trump is above the law & that’s a generous interpretation.
@General Biochemistry I Actually, she said what’s in the constitution. She was asked what would happen if trump wanted to screw with that. She said she didn’t want to answer hypotheticals, but the question can’t be more direct than that. I would expect a judge to be straightforward in answering questions.
@Chantal Tremblay So you want a hypothetical judgement on a hypothetical situation that the press and the Dems can bludgeon Trump with? I wonder why she would want to avoid answering a question like that? Why don’t they just ask her when she stopped beating her husband?
@General Biochemistry I There’s nothing hypothetical when trump is already trying to do it now. She’s dodging because trump probably already put it in her agenda.
@Chantal Tremblay Please cite the source you are using for a basis of Trump trying to deny people the vote based on race?
@General Biochemistry I You seriously want me to do your homework for you? Btw, i’m not saying your opinion is wrong. What i’m saying is there are serious questions on trump’s ethics and most people he hired are out of the picture. Republicans are shifting because they see he is going nuts. His past weeks twitter’s posts are all over the place. Republicans should give trump the boot and take back their party. Defend ideas and make USA one big happy family.
In moron Trump’s America, only those who support his idiocy are allowed to vote.
….You IDIOTS are PATHETIC !! Obama’s ONLY ” crime” was having BLACK SKIN ….. and you IDIOTS can NEVER get past THAT !! You’re just MOUTH on social media and GUTLESS at heart ….. TYPICAL Trump supporting ROT !!!
@General Biochemistry I He certainly HAS !! You’re NOT paying attention or living under a rock !! Just by supporting him makes YOU just as ROTTEN and RACIST as HE IS !!
If we dont get this fascist out of office, it will be white property owners only allowed to vote.
@Pamela Mattox ikr.. that’s EXACTLY WHAT he’s shooting for !! His SPC nominee is just a female KLAN member and WHITE Supremest pushing his RACIST ROT !!
@Terry Hawwins You completely forgot about the “tan suit!!” (bum bum baaaaah!!!!). EXPLOSIVE: Project Veritas has released photos after a 2-year sting operation: Obama actually has *TWO* tan suits!!! (and an off-salmon colored one) Obamasuitgate Begins!
Yep, she’s a wormy one.
She is a dutiful handmaiden, that’s for sure.
No. She’s just a lot smarter than you. Jealous?
Answer is , “No!” and she can not say it. Just like Trump can not condemn white supremacy.
She sounds just like a Trump lackey
She sounds like Bill barr Mitch Mc Connell Kaley Mckanayny,,etc etc
I’d be content to never hear her mousy voice ever again.
It’s obvious to millions of viewers, that she can’t commit to say anything,
whether it’s the right thing to do or not, because this may go against in
favor of Trump.
And everyone knows what happens to those who stood up for what is right,
and not necessarily siding with Trump, as one of Trump’s trade mark would show:
“You’re fired!”
Won’t answer Durbin or booker “democrats” questions as hypocritical but will go into details about voting with sen. Graham… She despicable…
She’s a mother alright! Must be related to Donald Trump! Loyal to the Devil himself. I liked her at first, but not anymore. She terrifies me.
Amy Phoney Barrett — is she using her kids as human shields today, too?
Everybody’s *hearing* but Barrett isn’t saying much, even those things specifically spelled out in the Constitution.
The ideal Republican candidate. Utilizing the four D’s: Deceit, Deprivation, Denial, and Deception.
Just say NO! The President cannot. Lackeys guard their language very carefully.