‘Dumb, stupid tribalism’: CNN’s Carpenter slams GOP infighting

CNN political commentator Amanda Carpenter criticizes the GOP over their treatment of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as she refuses to spread misinformation relating to the 2020 election.

#AmandaCarpenter #AliceStewart #CNN


  1. When you’re looking to a Cheney for moral correctness, you know the other side has gone over the edge of crazy.

    1. @Cpt Harsh Its cute and telling how you ignore my point about the differences in protest, but keep crying that you lost with no evidence!

      ok now I know you’re trolling lol

      Hey, let me ask you a question that you will dodge cause you’re position is morally bankrupt:

      Would you have been ok with Obama calling a state asking for 11k+1 votes?

      hahaha bye bye morally bankrupt bro!

    2. @Count Choculitis you are a really bad troll. If you are not a troll you are obviously uneducated on the topics you are talking about but we both know this is a troll, I really hope it is.

    3. darren, what exactly don’t you agree with what Liz has been saying? Do you disagree with her for saying that trump played a role in inciting what happened on Jan 6? Do you disagree with her for saying that the election was fair an square, and not stolen like trump’s every day language? So you have an issue with Cheney, does that mean everything she says is false? How may lies did you make today?

    4. ​@Akon Fenty _’ I heard…’_ No, you hear what you want, regardless of context.

      _’There is a video of how Trump votes flipped…’_ No, there’s video from a conspiracy-peddler that claims they ‘hacked a voting machine’, with NO PROOF that it actually ever happened. And physical ballot audits have PROVEN that the ‘vote switching’ nonsense is BS.

      _’They were told to leave…’_ No, they weren’t. Some observers and media left with the first shift of counters, the second shift continued counting *exactly as they were supposed to* . This BS has already been investigated and no wrong-doing was found.

      _’mail in voting is not a method of voting according to their own Constitution’_ Nope. PA has had mail-in voting long before they expanded it in 2019. Do you even bother to look up the garbage you spew?

      And again, it was the *Republicans* who expanded mail-in voting in 2019. And they happily used it *for a year* until they lost. Then all of a sudden it’s ‘illegal’.

  2. If I voted the wrong way, I would lose my seat. Just about says it all, about most of the GOP. They care more about their jobs than doing a good job & do what they were elected to do. To represent the people that elected you, & make their lives better.

    1. If the people of Wyoming decide Cheney no longer represents their views she won’t be reelected, and it looks like that’s going to be the case. It’s no one else’s decision, esp. CNN’s.

    2. A few years ago Newt Gingrich was being interviewed and when the interviewer brought up the fact that many of those running for office on the republican side weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed Newt laid it all out for everyone to see, Let me paraphrase “we don’t need them to be smart we don’t need them to understand the issues we just need them to do what the leadership tells them to do. We will tell them how to vote and what to say.
      See things haven’t changed a bit.

    3. @soylentdean Guess that’s the way you want it? Move to China or Russia, you’ll love it.

    4. @JD MacGyver Rather stay in America and try to keep you Democrats from taking away our freedom. Unlike you, I believe America’s a good country worth fighting for.

    1. @Aaron your statement makes no sense… perhaps it’s your “parties” stance against education that has caused your inability to write a cogent sentence…

    2. Republicans in Congress brought us the lying orange puppet and he brought us death.
      His complete incompetence and greed resulted in over half a million lives lost.
      There is nothing to talk about. They should all resign.

    3. They are planning on it, but my question is how come they don’t think we can see them? 🤔

  3. “There is no debates on policy when people overrun the Capitol and climb the walls” . Brilliant . Keep it up !!!


      THERE ARE 33,367,795 Coronavirus Cases and 593,995 Deaths in the UNITED STATES

      Last updated: May 07, 2021, 01:00 GMT

    2. @Robert Emery What about last summer’s riots? That lasted 6 months and in fact still continues. Talk about that. The Capitol violence lasted only about 2 hours

  4. “There is no debates on policy when people overrun the Capitol and climb the walls” ~ Amanda Carpenter
    That’s the best Knock-out, Checkmate that I’ve seen in a VERY long while!

    1. There were no debates on policy before people started climbing the walls. Policy debates require a basic admission that there is a problem that needs solved. Im fiscally conservative and dont agree with most of biden’s specific solutions to issues our country faces… but the other option is voting for ignorance and a complete denial that our country has issues -_-. The republicans are a long way away from from putting forward a policy discussion.

    2. @Stephen Pettyjohn A true center Party is what is needed.
      The Left is going way too Left and the Right is going wayyyy too Right. Actually, I truly don’t understand the level of what can only be called Stupidity on the Right.
      There is absolutely nothing wrong on leaning Right or Left.
      But we are now, pretty much all over the World, embracing extremes way too much.
      Serious , VERY Serious Trouble on the Horizon…

  5. As usual, Alice is off the tracks. I don’t know what it is with her, but she drives me nuts!

    1. She’s a poster child for the 30% of White Christian Americans who have been privileged for so long that they can’t conceive of an America with racial equality. Without these people the Republicans would be left with 20% of the vote and become irrelevant.

  6. “Until Republicans return to reality and become responsible, they should not be trusted with power again.”
    That’s been obvious for some time, the same warning I have been advocating, but it’s good that Rep. Maloney is amplifying that message. More Americans need to understand this.

  7. So McCarthy & Ilk are absolutely fine with Deadly Insurrection & Mafia-style tactics to maintain power.. ACCOUNTABILITY IS ESSENTIAL..!! Alice Stewart has drunk the Kool-Aide & Reason has left her mind..!!

  8. Thank You Amanda..!! Stewart’s smirk says it all.. She’s fine with DEADLY Insurrection.. apparently found it entertaining..

  9. She ended it beautifully, “there can be NO policies when ppl are climbing the walls!” Mic drop!! Bet we see this clip ALL over the place

  10. Have the DOJ investigate, they can call anyone, including McCarthy, under oath, do it, get it done and charge those who must be held accountable.

  11. I’m loving optimistic girl in the red shirt arguments. She is tearing into lady with blue shirt.

  12. The new cancel culture: kick out truth sayers and while we’re at it let’s destroy truth.

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