Duckworth To DHS: ‘Don’t Even Think About’ Sending Federal Police To Chicago | MSNBC

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) reacts to reports that the Department of Homeland Security may send federal police officers to Chicago. Aired on 7/21/2020.
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Duckworth To DHS: 'Don't Even Think About' Sending Federal Police To Chicago | MSNBC

Duckworth To DHS: 'Don't Even Think About' Sending Federal Police To Chicago | MSNBC


  1. There’re not feds. They’re black water mercenaries. People need to arm and defend themselves.

    1. Ibriy Gad that’s what you guys need – more guns and more violence. You’ll never learn will you?

    2. @Mike Wilson Sounds like “your side” has a plan and “Mike Wilson” is sure of the outcome. Video Game to Reality. TIB and TRUMP’S TRAITORS are eager to draw BLOOD, even if it is THEIR FAMILIES BLOOD?

    3. TJ Abston you have no chance. We are slow to show up to the dance but once we do, it will be quick. The world will be a better place. Say when

  2. Who paid for those Federal buildings? Who pays the Stormtroopers? Who pays Trump to play golf? These people don’t understand they supposed to work for us.

    1. @Scotch Morrison Dems? Trump isnt a dem, the senate that excused him arent Dems. Dems arent in control. All this is from the treasonous Republicans that lost the popular vote.

    2. @James Carter obama lost the popular vote but I still had to watch him commit treason every day for 8 years and they are accusing because he is calling out all the crooked ones. You are stuck on stupid aren’t you?

    3. @Josh K. 8 years of Bill Clinton and 2 massacres. Waco 1993 and Oklahoma 1995. Then you wanted Hillary in 2016. Your the stupid one that needs to be educated.

  3. This is OBVIOUSLY why Barr came to Boston a few weeks ago. Tell the Mayor and Governor how to behave , another SQUID PRO QUO perhaps?!

    1. DON’T BE PROVOKED, BE PEACEFUL. DONT PLAY THEIR GAME. The dumb con is a criminal and Justice is coming folks.

  4. They’ll hold up a piece of paper and say intelligence said they were threatening federal property, even though General Bone Spurs doesn’t trust his intelligence agencies, so I’m confused.

    Can someone explain please?

    1. The problem here is you are trying to find logic and reason in the actions of a man who has neither.

    2. They will make up whatever intelligence they need to justify their actions. Disgusting
      GOP and the Orange Clown are going down in November. If we survive till then


  5. It’s obvious the end of the nightmare is nearly over because even the trolls and bots are giving up.

    1. Generally but leftists are far too toothless to do anything, and nobody on the right would stop the government from taking out the people vowing to destroy them for their political views.

    2. Yep, but the thing is a lot of those people who wave guns at legislators also say they believe the police and the support the troops.

    3. @Marcy Abrams Guess again. Plenty of us are armed. PLENTY. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment, you fool.

  6. List of countries which have secret police:

    North Korea
    Saudi Arabia

    Don’t you feel proud to be an American and see yourself on a list of dictatorships like that?

    1. @Richard G how is it incorrect? There are unidentified men arresting people and chucking them into unmarked vans!

      If that’s not secret police to you then what is?

    2. @Richard G “I just *thought* it was a given that he was incorrect putting the US on there”
      Thinking is not your forte.

  7. The Orange Thingy is digging his own grave. This kind of tactic doesn’t bode well in the end.

    1. LMAO Tammy” don’t even think about it”. What are U going to do about it? You or LORI, don’t have the support of your own Police department. Trump has the support of the Police. How about Tammy doing something about the increasing crime in her State? I hope the federal Gov’t does not give you any $ unless you make an attempt to clean up your streets! Terrible how this Blur ran State handled these so called “peaceful protests” and now the increased crime in this state! How about she DEFEND THE POLICE, support them give funding to police programs for training and more staff to handle the crime?

    2. You demonrats are terrible people you are going to pay for what you have been lying about for three years

  8. Kayleigh should be ashamed, wearing that Crucifix and LYING to the people, on a regular basis~!!

    1. @Mkmf easy…not everyone who follows Jesus lies about it. We all have the right to our own spirituality.

    2. Technically, a crucifix is a graven image, and, therefore, condemned by the Word of God. Exodus 20. Crucifixes are actually signs of devil worship. Christians who actually read and understand the Bible don’t have crucifixes. Crucifixes are idolatry.

  9. This is Trump’s house of horrors right out of Hitler’s playbook; Putin is so proud of his asset in the WH.

    1. @Aaron Arner Trump is responsible for anything good and Dems are responsible for anything bad. Tell me one good thing the Dems did for you. The lick down? The masks? The taking your guns?

    1. @Scotch Morrison You are still angry at her for loosing 4 years ago, and you have no proof that America would have been destroyed! This anger is rooted in conspiracy theory! You have no basis to hate her for 4 years anyway! You hate her that much for being a democrat in 2016? Hate for her won’t help our current problems. Equal opportunity allows her to run for the presidency too! Racism isant generally acceptable anymore either.

    2. @w41duvernay you have lost you’re f ing mind Marshall law is coming to Chicago an it needs to all those so called bad azz people will go back to mommy’s basement

    1. Look at all the trump trolls coming out to defend dear leader and support secret police activities. This is how it starts fools.

    2. @FRANKSNAKE71 This is how you take back your city so honest businesses don’t have to have their hard work looted and burn because a useless left wing politician is a traitor .

    3. @FRANKSNAKE71 Let me guess…you learned that word on your building blocks. Well..keep working at it someday you’ll get to the letter J and that mean’s JOB

  10. If they were really there to protect federal property, there’s no excuse for them to do anything but stand around those buildings!!! This administration is lying to the American people, as usual!

    1. @peter mcmuffin LMFAO! Dead children being shot??? I don’t care! I’m more concerned with people who are alive being killed!!!

  11. These are being sent by the Department of Homeland Security? From what I have seen it has been turned into the Department of Homeland Tyranny. This is unconstitutional and needs to stopped IMMEDIATELY.

    1. What part of the constitution does this violate? Note that due process does not apply when someone is not charged.

    2. @James Ricker Joe Biden voted Yes on the 2002 Homeland Security Act that created the DHS. In what universe would what you just said make any sense?

  12. I love this lady Tammy Duckworth. At the end there, she stated a clear response, didn’t have to look it up, didn’t lie or create it off the top of her head. SHE KNOWS how to be a leader and she knows what is best for her state citizens.

    1. LMAO Tammy” don’t even think about it”. What are U going to do about it? You or LORI, don’t have the support of your own Police department. Trump has the support of the Police. How about Tammy doing something about the increasing crime in her State? I hope the federal Gov’t does not give you any $ unless you make an attempt to clean up your streets! Terrible how this Blur ran State handled these so called “peaceful protests” and now the increased crime in this state! How about she DEFEND THE POLICE, support them give funding to police programs for training and more staff to handle the crime?

    2. @Pam Deshane The police state intentionally creates crime by giving gangs and cartels a monopoly on one of the biggest industries on the planet, all so they can demand more tax money. The more tax money is flushed down the drain of police funding, the more crime and drugs there are on the streets. Because they are corrupt criminals. No significant illicit drug market exists without the participation of corrupt police, and they’re mostly corrupt; they all know about it, and they’re all guilty because nothing is done about it. Too many powerful people have too much to lose.

    3. She used a teleprompter. Do all you liberals suffer from stupidity. As far as a leader goes…so was Hitler, napoleon, Mussolini and so on…and it didn’t work out to great for them. They ended up in ruins

  13. Very proud to see my fellow citizens follow the late John Lewis and MLK and show passive resistance and nonviolent opposition to authority. Hard to believe America has descended into this authoritarian morass where jackbooted thugs are provoking violent confrontations.

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