Rescuers are trying to locate the missing amid catastrophic devastation from a deadly explosion that has flattened Beirut’s port area.
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You really putting cinematic Hanz Zimmer-like music to this? You really need a new audio guy, this is beyond mismatched.
@hj Wasn’t it put there specifically for the audience to hear it? Hence I’m commenting on the piece as it was produced and presented to me.. FOH, you must be just as incapable.
@Grapo FOH = Front Of House
Grapo triggered
i’m actually interested now. what would be appropriate? another song? the raw sound of the done propeller? silent?
@xcites you Silence and the background sounds of the city below would have been ideal…. This is supposed to be news reporting, not cheap entertainment
thanks for putting up graphics obstructing the captions
The captions are graphics. these are endcards – they can disable them with via the Youtube studio
What’s with the cinematic music? It looked like a movie, but it ain’t no movie.
@Grapo I literally am in the same line of business as this. I know. – I am photojounalist.
@Clostridium Tetani Benny Hill Theme
Listening to it again, it’s not terribly inappropriate. It’s just a little off.
i’m actually interested now. what would be appropriate? another song? the raw sound of the done propeller? silent?
@Joseph Comeau Yakkity Sax
Thumbs down due to end cards ruining the ability to read captions.
@Mark Lugg when it was first posted. The cards came up 20 seconds into the video around the 1:20 mark.
YouTube does that. There is no way to turn it off.
@Happily Ham YouTube doesn’t do that automatically, you have to put them up your self and you can decide when they appear and for how long
@Joseph Comeau Oh, well that would be very annoying. Ignore me
@Mark Lugg lol
prayers to you all
This isn’t supposed to appear like a concluding scene of a movie.
This was horrible i have never seen this kind of explosion. I dont think it was appropriate to add in the music.
Yes it is- that’s what gets clicks
@The GamingWolf87 I was going to say this. How disrespectful to the lives lost, to turn this into some movie production as if it had entertainment value. Very low morality these click-hungry news outlets have.
Show all the disasters of 2020 and we have the start of a movie that doesn’t end so well…
@Jero Toro It kind reminds me of a disrespectful family member “formerly” of ours one of our family member of the family had died and he went to his country for the funeral rather then showing respect they decided to sign and play guitar. And that was beyond disrespectful.
The dramatic music is really unnecessary
Mute it. – the music is fine.
Sergio M It is fine, cry baby. It adds to the drama.
frustrating ending ,,why cant youtube wait until the vids are over to plaster the vid ads blocking 99% of the screen,,,screwed up the whole vid
Those parts are controlled by the uploader. They just didn’t add a blank outro space for those parts to show up over.
What’s this tasteless music?
What do you mean? Its fine.
Very sad to here this,

@Robert Watt “hear”
2020 is getting crazier by the month
you can say that again lmao
2020 is like a movie lmao
Aside from the complaints about the music and captions being covered up, just looking at this footage is horrific to see. It’s almost unbelievable.
This was bo boating accident and it wasn’t jack the ripper
maybe dont store 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate in a populated port for 6 years
Ammonia nitrate, but yeah, store it pretty much anywhere but a city
Is this like the ending of a movie?
i’m capable of feeling emotion without the music…
But would you watch the entire thing or just leave after 20 seconds
Looks just like PORTLAND, and SEATTLE.
Im so sad cause my mom lives here
I’m starting to believe that we aren’t going to pass 2020 :’)