Drinking too much coffee linked to kidney dysfunction: study

Dr. Marla Shapiro breaks down the results of a new study that shows drinking too much coffee is linked to kidney dysfunction.

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Drinking too much coffee linked to kidney dysfunction: study


  1. 0:15 In other words, like *all* other diseases, etc…, moderation is the answer. I wonder how much money could be saved by stopping these ridiculous studies? You do a large study that gives you a pseudo response, and yet, there will be *no* further testing for the general population, so, as the interviewer puts it, “Just trial and error.” When you get the symptoms, and have kidney disease/failure, it MIGHT have been caused because of your genes but, you know, we’d have to study that… 🤦‍♀️

  2. Be healed. Kidney. Heart, lungs, stomach , intestines, liver. In Jesus name. All assignments be broken .

    1. False. Green tea has 75-125 mg of caffeine, coffee has 275-350 mg.
      Most notably, the caffeine in green tea contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that relaxes and calms the mind
      while simultaneously providing mental alertness.

  3. too many jabs also lead to thrombosis and large “unexplainable” blood clotting; ask your doctor; he/she knows your needs better than you yourself should. Oh Canada

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