Drew Brees, the popular New Orleans Saints quarterback, caught heat from the likes of LeBron James and his own teammates, after saying he will "never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag," a reference to players taking a knee in protest during NFL games.
His response came in an interview with Yahoo Finance, when asked his opinion about players kneeling to protest police brutality once the NFL season begins this fall.
Brees said respecting the National Anthem is not just about showing respect to the military, but also to anyone who sacrificed for this country, including those in the civil rights movement.
"And is everything right with our country right now? No, it's not," Brees said in the interview. "We still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart, is it shows unity. It shows that we are all in this together, we can all do better, and that we are all part of the solution."
#Brees #CNN #News
These comments show exactly how divided the country really is.
@Ra H A DAMN FLAG? You know how many people have fought for that DAMN flag? White, Black, Indian, Asian, Mexican and so on & on & on……
@Ra H is bigger than that…. Amerikkka vs America. Drew bress a Whyte nationalist
The truth is that the very same people who level the term “white privilege” are often the same people promoting the destruction of black babies. Planned Parenthood in the United States was founded by Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist and clear racist. Her “Negro Project” worked to bring birth control and eventually abortion, particularly to black communities.
Let’s blame china lol
@Jeremyah Brown I think you mean white nationalist? He is Caucasian, but what is a nationalist?
You know who never should’ve took a knee? Derek Chauvin.
I wonder if cnn will release that??
You sir are the light in the darkness
EXACTLY. the MAIN reason we talking about ANY of this shyt right now
Chauvin had seen Floyd’s Pron video and was afraid of the concealed weapon he was carrying?
Why don’t you have Colin Kaepernick, Don Lemon? Stop continuing the blackout against Colin Kaepernick!
I wonder why drew hasn’t shared all the military experiences he’s had; since, y’know, he walks side-by-side with his grandfathers.
What have you done ? Soy boy
@Richard Hammonds dam right!!
@DJ Architect
@Vene305Rican “man bad for liking his late family”
@Eric Rich A really white American. Too bad that he hasn’t learned that white Americans aren’t the only Americans.
Some gotta learn the hard way…its kinda sad, that some of them grew up 2 b conditioned 2 really believe those things. He’s rich though, so I’ll reserve my energy 4 more pressing issues.
He’s FOS it nothing to do about the military. I retire out the US Army , and I know a lot of others veterans agree with me. Some people just talking out the side of there neck
There is only one race: the human race. God bless each and everyone of you. Vote!
@Lucky Luciano
No thats not true, lucifers designed minions of evil are everywhere
@Jennifer Hackett
Why would you say what the serpent people say?
How easy for you to say since your race doesn’t affect you. White people created the idea of race in order to create stratification levels in society. But now YOU want to say there’s only one race when you’re confronted with the outcome of those stratification levels.
This is when you put symbols ahead of the principles the symbols stand for.
@Liberal cities are falling down Strange, because he obviously can’t comprehend when others do just that. Probably because he, like you, is just plain dumb.
@Liberal cities are falling down He has no spine.
@ray ray Brees had enough spine to say what he believed regardless regardless of the backlash and that’s more backbone than any White Democrat in America…
@Jon Z What a stupid response… You people are complete idiots…
Nailed it
Acting like he’s the only one with a grandpa that has opinions and fought in the war.
White privlage
@S G It’s no privledge to live in a society that is 13% black.
Have your “feelings” – Respect all human life!
@Daniel Glover of course cop lives don’t matter to leftists lol. Who would want to be a cop in 2020? No one and why would you? One idiot does something and the entire group is indicted for it.
tell the black youth of inner cities to do just that
@Henry Longshanks I bet there isn’t a conversation on earth you couldn’t turn to abortion.
“I threw those used staples in the bin,”
“Just like the Dems do with million of unborn babies.”
@Mark of Excellence why not start there? Why ignore 4 for dead black cops? Nobody can say Black Lives Matter if they ignore the 4 dead black cops. If you say anything but their life mattered and they didn’t deserve to die this way Saying Black Lives Matter is a joke!
Thomas De Quincey Ha! Love that. Thank you! It’s not like it’s their future kid or life, why the heck do they care?! I’ll keep my reproductive rights and they can take their religious bias elsewhere.
It’s past time to drop this disrespecting the flag facade
jake canebrake There is much more to being patriotic than loyalty to a one hit wonder and embracing slavery. I don’t believe Drew is racist. I have no reason to. That song and the writer of that song however is racist. That really isn’t the point anyhow. One of the things that makes America great is that things that you consider cringe worthy are protected by our first amendment. Otherwise there would be no point in having the first amendment. He has a right to his opinion and others have a right to disagree. Stop being so hormonal.
It’s about time to drop this social justice facade. I’m so glad people are awaking to the fact that 2x as many whites are killed by cops each year. So glad we are seeing the truth.
@Matt Crump Well instead of using that statistic to try to diminish the efforts of black people, then whites should protest police brutality as well, if it bothers you so much. If it doesn’t bother you, then you deserve the abuse.
Mik’el Ban Rab’ah Owned! That was a solid blow

Mik’el Ban Rab’ah it’s mathematically incorrect anyhow.
Whyte nationalist
@Dwain McWilliams i don’t want to miss it neither
@Jeremyah Brown My only other hope is that whoever takes him out, kneel down next to him and ask him, before he is carted off, Do you inderstand now.
I can understand people feelings on Drew, but we should let people speak their minds, unless they totally violate know who that is and keep it moving. Let me tell a secret here, if we knew what most people said or how they felt maybe we can get unity. I’m telling you most stuff we by are from people who have these same views or worse.
@Dwain McWilliams It became the Negro Football League years ago. Ratings are way down and will continue to freefall as this controversy resumes.
And how many US flags were destroyed by kneeling?
@Charles AndersonWere you drafted or did you volunteer?
@Magnus Krakue Implying that America is a “racist” country is the reason every major Liberal city is self destructing… They aren’t just destroying flags. They are destroying American cities…
@Liberal cities are falling down and whyte
@Jeremyah Brown I agree!!! Every Liberal I’ve ever seen burning a flag is a White. I guess I’m “racist” against White Liberals…
Liberal cities are falling down and your name is funny since liberal cities pay for your backwoods hick states. You’re a leech and live off of welfare thanks to liberal cities.
Sorry about that sack Drew, I slipped onto my knee….
Can’t hide racism just look at my face
Thank you… some folks blind
I want to watch this game he’s going to get cracked pretty hard
Drew just needs a white woman to tell him to”shut up and throw.”
PutBoots ToAsses true
The lineman shouldn’t block for him anymore, let him go home on a stretcher or a body bag.
Great point. If you disagree with rioters you should be injured
Matt Crump great point if you’re dark get shot by a police officer
Elijah Palmore stfu
Why don’t you have Colin Kaepernick, Don Lemon? Stop continuing the blackout against Colin Kaepernick!