Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reacts to the FBI executing a search warrant at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents, including classified documents, that may have been brought to Florida, three people familiar with the situation say. #CNN #News
‘Drastic and serious’: Ex- FBI official on FBI search at Mar-a-Lago

He barely even recognizes that safe. It may have held his coffee once or twice. Really, when you stop and look at it, it’s a very weak safe.
Trump 2024
They were wanting a red hat!
Trump-“That isn’t even my safe. Maybe seen it once or twice.”
“I’ve never met or spoken to that safe before”
FBI – “We found evidence of criminal activity in your safe”
Trump – “That safe was in Eric’s room”
They sent the most agents, more agents than have ever been sent before. The Best agents that you’ve ever seen.
@A muse brilliant answer ,and so true
@Gary Beauchamp I am for country over party. If a Democrat is a scumbag, g for it.
@agf1700 what did he do, exactly?
Just asking.
@Freight Train It wasn’t a raid it was a “special search operation”.
It was perfect and beautiful. Bigly perfect.
Trump angrily complained “They even broke into my safe!” after he saw an FBI agent use a plunger to unclog his toilet.
Hillary Clinton Emails
@ratbu neptune ratbu I think you’re right!
“No one is above the law”. Give me a break man.
@Troutaholic and that’s America? You are mistaken
@Troutaholic. Maybe, since Mitch McConnell is A RINO anyway.
give trump a break chasing him 6 years have nothing lol
@My Life took awhile to get Al Capone. Too bad no one gave that angel a break.
Was not an answer to the question. He probably didn’t know the answer and didn’t want to say anything clearly speculative…
Next time try “we’ll have to wait and see”.
Every Federal employee and military person that has ever dealt with classified materials knows full well mishandling it will get you in deep trouble.
I hope justice prevails from all consequences.
Anyways, I hope these docs.. if that’s what it’s about.. are something crazy high clearance. Heavy duty stuff, if FBI reveals little to nothing someone overplayed their hand, someone playing chess
So why is Hillary still walking around free?
He stole The Peoples Classified Documents
“It was beautiful, the most beautiful raid you’ve ever seen. There were people, lots of people. It was unbelievable how many people, and it was beautiful.” – Donald Trump
LOL! How about “it was a perfect raid, everyone knows how perfect it was, it was so beautiful” LOL!
be honest we enjoyed the video by having this:
Grown men, big men, just crying everywhere
Well obviously, police officers charged for a crime are above the law when they are told to turn their badges in and are given a slap on the wrist. Such criminal police officers are charged with misdemeanors while criminals without badges are charged with felonies and prison time for the same crime(s) committed.
“I’ve never seen that safe ever in my life”
But sir, you said, and quote ‘they even searched my safe’
“Yes my safe because it was on MY property, if there was a tree on MY property I would say MY tree, but who knows who is owns it? Idk? Do you know? Idk? Let’s ask crooked Hilary!? Maybe she will know”
1 ZedFour Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I’m really enjoying how CNN comment section is more diverse now. I’m more conservative but I watch both sides of MSM (most of my info comes from independent journalists) watching CNN can be annoying at times but I watch it cause I feel like it’s better to know why ppl think differently than I do.
CNN is ‘diverse’ like Pepsi and diet Pepsi is ‘diverse’.
Knowledge is power. Knowing what the other-side is being feed, gives you the advantage over there indoctrination.
Same here. I watch both fox and CNN, can be pretty comical that way.
The fact that CNN still has wet dreams over this man is hilarious. 🤣
Just remember, this media is complicit in all the lies. I would love to see some concerned citizens start a “punch the liar” game. Would be some great reality TV. I hope they wear a mask when they do it.
I would never condone violence. But one can hope, right?
Is there code here? What are you really saying?
“we got him this time” 2016 “we got him this time” 2017 “we got him this time” 2018 “we got him this time” 2019 “we got him this time” 2020 “we got him this time” 2021 “we got him this time” 2022 “we got him this time”
@Douken it’s so obvious
The people in these comments are unbelievable. Straight up sheep.
Exactly. When do we punish the democrats for concocting fake stories and lies and wasting the taxpayers money to do it and putting an innocent man through all the stress to try to wear him down?
@Serenity Peace and Comfort what democrats are you talking about? who? do you have any facts?
release the search warrant they provided him for his residence, of which he had a copy if he has done nothing wrong?
Put the warrant online so we all can read it.
They said 100 page list of non classified…3 pages of classified…so he took classified paperwork home…now was Bill’s blue dress 👗 classified??? because I don’t think it’s listed in the archives…
This person, DJT has lowered the bar for ethics to absolute zero.