Drag performer speaks out after drag ban law signed in Tennessee | USA TODAY

Eureka, a drag performer from East Tennessee, said it's a parent's choice whether to bring their child to a drag event in response to new law.

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Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill prohibiting surgeries and hormone treatments on Thursday.

Lee also signed the first law of its kind in the country that advocates fear severely restricts drag performances on public property, with language prohibiting "adult-oriented" entertainment harmful to children, including by "male and female impersonators." The legislation was filed after a flurry of controversies over drag shows across the state.

The new health law bans medications such as puberty blockers and hormone treatments to treat any underlying gender dysphoria cause, affecting Tennessee children who identify as transgender and nonbinary. Surgeries, which were rare in Tennessee, are also banned.

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  1. A.M.E.R.I.C.A.N’S All Mankind Equal Religion Intelligence Culture Abilitiy Name Society. This is OUR WORLD, OUR HOMES and OUR FUTURE. UNITED WE MUST STAND WORLD WIDE.

  2. Thank you for speaking out, this ban is so rediculous and Govt should be using time and energy on actual problems like the hate crimes against the trans community smh

  3. Homeless people are the true heroes of our time.

    Homeless people are not to be blamed for crime and this is why. You can become homeless for many reasons including flood, fire, earthquakes and world epidemics. You can also become homeless because the company you work for moves to another state. Once you become homeless you have to fend for yourself against drug dealers, murderers, and bullies. In some states you get criminalized for homelessness (Tennessee and New York) and can be sent to a mental hospital or prison for committing a felony. Homeless people are also tortured beyond belief. The law denies them sleep and the human right to empty their bowels which is not under human control. Over time it results in the worst self-esteem problems you can imagine. Your body and feelings start blaming yourself for living and smelling like human waste. The Constitution does not protect homeless people against the ills of society, greed can go free homelessness cannot. Dying without hope (institutionalized thinking) and being tortured while alive is what makes homelessness the heroes of our time. Homeless people are the true victims of a society that puts money over God. Even in slavery people will take care of their possessions. Nobody owns homelessness except for a belief system that says people can go expendable believing that greed is good and should stay free at all costs. Even churches are in on the act buying airplanes selling the spirit of Jesus.

  4. They’re not attacked, hated or discriminated against in any way. They just need to stop forcing their ideology on everyone & let kids be kids. It’s that simple. They aren’t victims. Why are they SO desperate to be around kids?

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