Dr. Vin Gupta: ‘We Need Mandatory Masks’ To Reopen | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Vin Gupta discusses what needs to be done to reopen safely. Aired on 5/25/2020.
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Dr. Vin Gupta: 'We Need Mandatory Masks' To Reopen | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Vin Gupta: 'We Need Mandatory Masks' To Reopen | MTP Daily | MSNBC


  1. You guys still have an option not to wear a mask? 😲
    Here in Botswana failure to comply attracts a BWP 5000.00 fine or 6 months imprisonment or both

    1. Masks can reduce infections by up to 75%. Unfortunately many chinese
      made masks don’t work. Alpha Pro Tech (APT) is producing NIOSH
      approved N95 masks and face shields in the USA. They are adding
      production through the end of summer

    2. Trump cultists… are the people who refuse to wear a mask. So stupid. It’s such a simple thing to do.

  2. Good luck. People are being so ridiculously belligerent about masks. Heck, half of these people don’t even believe the virus exists or poses any threat! I pity anyone trying to get cooperation out of such obstinate deniers

    1. Well considering were free not having the slave mentality that demwits want you to have. Well be just fine.. inspite of the plandemic.

    2. @Lynn Kliewer pathetic is those that want to program others to authority over freedom. Who are you…

    3. Masks can reduce infections by up to 75%. Unfortunately many chinese
      made masks don’t work. Alpha Pro Tech (APT) is producing NIOSH
      approved N95 masks and face shields in the USA. They are adding
      production through the end of summer

  3. No uniform rules for masks or protocol. The whole process relies on everybody taking part in protecting public health… This is S.O.P. in third world countries right now along with severe travel restrictions. But not in uhmerica. What a bunch of losers

    1. Quid Malbug That has been the problem all along, no coordinated effort, just a constant flow of misinformation from our leader in Washington….. Freakin Joke!

    2. The losers are those that think they have to control others. That’s AMERICA to you pusscake.

    3. @Sparky 58 nope you demwits need fresh diapers. Trump will be your president until 2024 princess.

  4. still debating on wearing mask today in America where contributes almost 35% of Covid-19 cases worldwide? so stupid , so slow!

    1. @Melvin your rights come with responsibility not privileges. You have the right to go about your life as you see fit but that comes with the responsibility that how you live doesnt infringe on the rights or safety of others around you. It DOES NOT give you the privilege of being able to put others at risk or infect people because “freeeeeeduuuum”

    2. @Noreb I see you bought into the lies. Enjoy your tin foil hat. We dont require permission. Nor approval Karen.

    3. @Melvin Gillham Which is the problem. Good job!
      Now please be quiet, sit back, drink some Lysol and watch the game.

    4. @Melvin lol the fact you dont understand your own constitution or government while repeating empty talking points is embarrassing and sad. I hope your a bot, otherwise please get sterilized.

    5. @Shin no, it’s not the problem, the problem is illiterate and willfully ignorant people (stupid by any other name) buying into the fearmongering of the leftist propaganda machine. Masks dont do anything. Ya cant stop a 1.25 micron virus with a 3 micron mask.

    1. Speaking of dumb people, are De Blasio and Cuomo still happily killing U.S. citizens in New York?

  5. All we need is simple attention getting strategy. Just charge everyone not wearing a mask with attempted murder. Allow no bail and let them sit in a “no big deal” COVID-19 infested cell until their trial some time next year.

  6. Don’t like the mask?….then you’re going to really hate the ventilator. Enough said.

  7. Not wearing a mask in public now-a-days is equal to assault with a deadly weapon. Should be treated that way.

    1. Shrug. I don’t like people being pushy pro mask or no mask. I wear one because I get paid then.

  8. I go early in morning (before sunrise) and before people come out… hiking in California mountains…got to take off the extra pounds I put on from “house arrest”.

  9. Sometimes “freedom” is ironic. People want to be free to get and transmit coronavirus. What kind of freedom is that?

  10. does anyone know what happened to the guy that murdered the security guard over wearing the mask?

  11. here in asia if youre not wearing a mask they will look at you like a terrorist with a bomb vest.

  12. :: looks at watch ::
    In about three weeks there’s going to be another Corona Wave hitting all the areas that “Over Partied” this weekend.

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