Dr. Vin Gupta: Identify People At Risk For Vaccine Side Effects | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Vin Gupta discusses how officials can still vaccinate the public while federal officials review the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. Aired on 04/14/2021.
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#JohnsonJohnsonVaccination #DrVinGupta #MSNBC

Dr. Vin Gupta: Identify People At Risk For Vaccine Side Effects | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Vin Gupta: Identify People At Risk For Vaccine Side Effects | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. @XxPoopy_ headxX Thank you, you are so right. And besides, it’s not just about the many people who died from and with Covid, but also about the fact that the already ailing health system is so stressed by the overloading of hospitals and nursing homes that adequate care for other patients is not possible , apart from the financial burden on the system and the population.
      All of this could have been avoided by a timely response from the government.

    2. @Lak Curious That’s the point of vaccine. To endure less people getting the virus so that the Healthcare system is not being overwhelmed with one disease and hence able to treat others as well. Unfortunately, the public does not understand this with many being selfish even when they themselves live in a community that very much need each other.

    3. @XxPoopy_ headxX obesity was a primary contributing factor to many covid deaths. So why ban gyms and allow McDonalds to operate?

    4. @cat videos Because your country live in a capitalistic world. Base on your argument, guns killed so many of you Americans and so does alcohols through drunk driving. Why don’t ban both? My country ban and control both and we don’t have significant problem like yours. Also the real reason would be with McDonald’s you have a choice to not to eat there but with Covid 19, you cannot know or control how you get them. Though there are Sops to prevent from spreading and catching the virus like wearing a mask and crowd control etc, but you Americans like your freedom too much and willing to risk it.

    1. You’re struggling with the math. That’s the real problem. People are bad at calculating probability. And there’s not a good way to correct people without offending anyone

    2. @Bobby3OOO you can sit here and try to use academic to try and detract someone from using critical thinking skills. The numbers are fudged guy. You just have blind belief in them and the “authority” that feeds you that data. There’s no failure of understanding going on in this person’s comment.

    3. ❗ Go get your tin foil hat and chill…
      we never seen this type of virus before and its all trial and error..
      Glad we don’t have that fat dumb azz telling us its a hoax and to inject 💉 disinfectants to cure ourselves…
      facts 💯

    4. @aaron nonofyoureffinbuisness
      Actually, there was nothing actually said it the comment, or in yours. What numbers are fudged, and what is your evidence?

    5. @Xavier Xavier oh yea big facts with an emoji huh. Swill. Utter garbage coming out of your mouth. First and foremost, ridicule is the first and last argument of a FOOL.

  1. I think that Chuck has some issues with anxiety and depression. He’s always like a cross between Debbie Downer, and Chicken Little when he reports. Always on the edge of hopelessness, whatever the occasion.

    1. @Make Racists Afraid Again
      Welcome to America…the country without racism. 🇺🇸🤜🏾🤛🏿

  2. O, now you’re saying what the title is saying? This video is crime against humanity!


  3. The J&J vaccine is very safe. Bad reactions are almost non existent.
    One reaction makes the Uneducated freak out.

    1. These have nothing to do with each other. If I die from the side effects or lose loved ones, I really don’t care whether I’m one in a hundred or one in a million. And if I can avoid this risk, then I will. There are other vaccines.

  4. I respect the fact that the Biden administration actually acknowledges when there are setbacks or problems.
    Unlike the Stable Genius who literally called this all a hoax from the very beginning because he was worried about re-election.
    Little did he realize that his failure on the corona is what made him lose.
    Stable Genius gonna Stable Genius, I guess. 😅😂

  5. DBoycott any and all business that require Vaccine Passports… Even if you did a vaccine …. Airlines and airports for example could easily have vaccinated and non- vaccinated flights …. They just don’t want to….. And shouldn’t be getting anymore bailouts for running of their customers

    1. Airlines are under no obligation to put their employees at risk just to pacify your selfishness. Stay home.

  6. Tell that to the families of the women who died.
    Can we hear from these families and stop treating them as after thoughts.

    1. Who is doing that? Of course it is tragic. I think only one died, but they were all pretty serious. But the decision to go forward has nothing to do with how much we care about the women

  7. Wow…I am jealous right now,how I wish that my country’s vaccination programme was this lightning fast!.Oh well…just pray that I can still hold on until I’ll getting vaccinated,though!.Hmm…wonder if the vaccines for children is under developed,too?.Curious…

  8. Happy to say that the UT Health care staff were fantastic in addressing concerns regarding my high risk for anaphylaxis when I went to get the 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine last Saturday. They had an epi shot ready to go, in case/despite me having taken Benadryl prophylactically, and several nurses/doctors monitoring me while I waited the additional time in observation. Alleviated my concerns.

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