CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta walks us through his coronavirus antibody test and highlights key details regarding this type of testing.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes coronavirus antibody test

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta walks us through his coronavirus antibody test and highlights key details regarding this type of testing.
The healthcare workers are true patriots. They will be remembered in the history books as heroes. I thank you all for actually putting yourselves at risk by helping those in need as opposed to a fascist president who has done nothing to make things better.
Wolfe 123 ….Thank you. Nothing makes us happier than seeing a Covid patient leave the hospital healthy .
Wolfe123 I will remember Dumb as the biggest A####le in the world!
Please hurry up and get this man out of office. He is stupider than any fish ever know
Your obviously content with your ignorance and must live under a rock. it’s the youth that are voting Trump in 2020 after Democrats have failed at every charade to discredit Trump. Have failed at every attempt. Humans can only associate with idiots before he realizes he’s the idiot. Wake up your losers.
@R Ma
Communist Lies by the COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK.
WANT THE TRUTH. YOUTUBE THE STILL REPORT AND DR STEVE TURLEY. Hot Microphone saying Covid19 is bullshit.
@Anthony S2K04 you’re*
“What do you have to lose except your life?” asks Trump.
The Democrat governors are doing all they can to secure their states while the Republican governors are calling for a end to the shutdown and to resume things back to normal,when things are resume back to normal,and workers go out to work,they can still get the virus,i dont understand why these Republican governors dont stick with the shutdown,it is a danger for people
JogBird he really did – are your ears painted on!
Anarchy 543 “…they are *as dumb as they come.” Learn da english libtard.
Jerry Rogersome And what would you have done differently to make that relatively low number even lower than it already is? Also mind that most deaths are occurring in leftwing areas with leftwing local governments.
Ronnie Allen Probably so people don’t starve to death or grow anxious and ignore the lockdown altogether. I know libtards lack the concept of common sense but it’d be nice if you could borrow some or something. I suppose you think a majority of Americans have the disposable income of sports and Hollywood stars.
What you got to lose ? LIFE !
Absolutely NO HYDROCHLORIQUINE for any libturd…
Michigan Democrat Rep. Karen Whitsett ‘Praises Hydroxychloroquine, & President Trump’
A Democrat state representative from Detroit, Michigan, has given credit to hydroxychloroquine and President Donald Trump for saving her life as she battled the deadly coronavirus.
“It has a lot to do with the president … bringing it up,” Whitsett said. “He is the only person who has the power to make it a priority.”
“Congratulations to State Representative Karen Whitsett of Michigan,” President Trump wrote in a tweet today. “So glad you are getting better!”
Do you think fake news CNN or report the story? lol
When hell freezes over….
So what??? Death is for the weaklings! LMAO
He sounds like the serpent in the garden of eden asking eve to eat the apple. “What do you have lose, take it” . Erm how about you lose your life
Well…he is the Son of Perdition!
Seriously, he was 100% wrong. It’s criminal, giving medical advice about prescription medications without a license.
Pak De Those incidences describes how the majority of his supporters think. Tragic
Dr. Anthony Fauci On February 29: At This Time There Is No Need To Change Your Habits Over Coronavirus
*We are fighting two pandemics at once: coronavirus and trumptardism*
Cuckpiro you are sure illegal immigrants in this country what why you hate trump and fall in love with socialism
Trumpdardism is worse than the covid-19!
P M ha ha ha you are the one Indian here ha ha ha ha you Indian and you telling I’m Indian you punk I’m here in home country USA you idiot
Trump at Mar A Logo: “Any more stocks you want talked up?”
, “I have shares in those companies.” Said Trump.
“since I have their undecided attention, thanks to corona”
So the man who said that windmills cause cancer was completely wrong
Annelijn Frijlink tRump also said that Windmills were also killing a bunch of Bald Eagles
@British savvy so the queen is failing also?
@Tortillero 313 I mean thousands of birds do crash into windmills and die
@Josh Edmonds what are you talking about
@British savvy the queen has no problem with boris in charge so he must be doing amazing
I just came to read the comments.
@LaToya Garrison well, you seem sincere and open minded.. I just automatically assumed you were one of these psychotic anti-trumpers
@P- Squash I’m a knowledge seeker that’s all.
@Havanorange that’s what i came here to get not more Trump bashing and thankfully they didn’t !!
@LaToya Garrison me too. Let’s figure out exactly what’s going on here.
@LaToya Garrison you seek knowledge and rush to the place where russian trolls tell you rediculous information?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, thank you, CNN, Thank you as well!
Very valuable and, informative for everyone ~ please stay well, you each and, everyone!
Trump, “What do you have to lose?”Apparently, people’s lives.

Your obviously a Media lab rat content with your own ignorance.
Top comment came from a China man who infected The world and lied about it when you created the china virus in your lab. Of course Democrats will defend China.
Michigan Democrat Rep. Karen Whitsett ‘Praises Hydroxychloroquine, & President Trump’
A Democrat state representative from Detroit, Michigan, has given credit to hydroxychloroquine and President Donald Trump for saving her life as she battled the deadly coronavirus.
“It has a lot to do with the president … bringing it up,” Whitsett said. “He is the only person who has the power to make it a priority.”
“Congratulations to State Representative Karen Whitsett of Michigan,” President Trump wrote in a tweet today. “So glad you are getting better!”
Do you think fake news CNN or report the story? lol
When hell freezes over….
What do have to lose says the devil. That intervoice you hear whispers: Your life!!
Well if you’re in a bad shape you’ll die anyway so…………..yeah you have nothing to lose at that point, but he said it differently because he is old and can’t think straight!
What do you have to lose says the devil? Your inner voice response and says: Your life!!
“What do you have to lose?”
Brazil stopped their study because 11 people died due to arrhythmia because of the drug.
Well……..that’s what you get for listening a psychopath!
@John Clayton Send photos to Trump of eleven more dead bodies. Another happy story before bedtime.
My life. I have lupus and found im allergic. Potus, your ignorance is devastating and causing more deaths. Stop
“There are more important things than living” – Dan Patrick. #voteblue
sounds like pro life,
This con man is an expert at selling snake oil
Everyday he is sounding more like a meth dealer. “What do you have to lose? Take it, just try it.”
B Patel
maybe he is a drug dealer ….u never know having that kinda power in a high position helps hide alot
Well he meant to say that we have to try it because people need a treatment but since he probably has dementia he said take it what do you have to lose? Yeah it’s like warning somebody about a certain danger but with a smile on your face! That’s dementia!
“What do you have to lose”, well, it looks like your life