Dr. Sanjay Gupta calls new CDC guidelines ‘ridiculous’

The CDC has changed its Covid-19 testing guidelines. The agency no longer recommends testing for most people without symptoms, even if they've been in close contact with someone known to have the virus. CNN's Sanjay Gupta and medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen tells us more.

#CNN #News

Dr. Sanjay Gupta calls new CDC guidelines 'ridiculous'


    1. you’re right about we are screwed i think there to much politics involve in these decisions and all that going is get people killed

    2. Joke on them, This place is GREAT! metropolis in blinded by hate. He who controls the media controls the mind! Jim Morrison. Turn that crap off. Fire all OUR employees. Media only shows who NOT to hire.

  1. Trump thinks less tests will be good for his re election.

    Killing thousands of Americans is not an issue for him at all.

    1. anutaka101 If you let it rage, 2 million Americans die. That’s deadly enough to take it serious right? Don’t listen to your Covid denier … he only cares about his re election. Trump is a sociopath as his niece and sister explained.

    2. @Masson H

      2 Million? Yah…reality much?

      we have half the deaths coming from democratic governors who stuffed covid + patients in nursing homes and approaching one year we are about 190K
      “covid deaths”.

      These covid deaths are bogus as you can see nobody apparently anywhere dies of old age anymore.
      111 year old dies of “covid”

      109 year old dies of “covid”

      108 year old dies of covid

      107 year old dies of covid

      106- skip that one because nearly everybody survives covid at that age because it is that “deadly”


      There are 1000’s more bogus incidents that we caught.

      Adjusted out the democratic murdering the elderly in the nursing homes and the bogus covid claims and we would be about 40K deaths in nearly a years time.

      This virus was in the country in October and British scientists knew of it in sept 2019..YT search it.

      Overall…Trump or Biden would have really little influence on the virus that was already in the country well before China admitted it escaped.

    3. @anutaka101

      YT search British scientists knew of covid in September.

      That means China released it in Aug and took time to get to the Uk.

      It was in the US in Oct and adjusting out for what the dem governors did to the elderly but putting covid+ patients in nursing homes we would have about 50K(if that) real covid deaths.

    4. parklee manquist so just like an virus, it’s created in a lab. If it came from China and wet markets why aren’t wet markets closed…??

  2. I am pro-vaccine however, at this point, I wouldn’t trust a vaccine from this administration. All credibility is lost.

    1. @imnotaterrorist

      This does not directly speak about covid but you will see what I am saying does apply to many situations including covid.

      Governors should NEVER be given this kind of power or mayors either.

      The govs would make an emergency call on anything and after x amount of time has passed then the citizens of that state(or city for mayors) get to vote whether the temporary mandate should continue or not.

      This is a blatant overuse of power in which there exists a loophole for govs to abuse.

      There needs to be laws rewritten on what I just mentioned that it NEVER happens again.

    2. @parklee manquist I agree with 100%. But in the environment we exist in…. The president is being a monarchy if he suggest federal action and on the same note if he allows the States to do THEIR jobs, then he isn’t doing enough.

    3. @imnotaterrorist

      Yep. And the logic being used by the democrat party is pathetic.

      They are saying Trump is ___causing___ the “protests” ,which are actually riots with billions in damages to property and loss of livelihood for physically blocking the streets for months.

      We could use that same demo-logic and say sending in the firefighters is only going to make the fire worse.

    4. @imnotaterrorist

      Yes, and do you know of the real efficacy of a cheap and proven drug in treating covid?


      If you havent looked at the new Plandemic video, I would suggest it:

      I also recommend expanding out Kevin Thompson’s excellent post on what is going on with censoring:


      I experienced the censorship too many times as researching early in covid, I found some very damaging sites that have been hidden now. The CDC was caught red handed in ’95 overstating measles deaths by a factor of 3….gone now.

      HCQ and fatality rate was hidden from me too but I remembered all the search detail and you can find it but not easily.
      They have hidden this from prying eyes and just a general 5 minute search as most do will give people the impression of how deadly the side effects of HCQ are but yet isnt in the top 50 most dangerous drugs in the world…hahaha.


      >>>Also, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine significantly ________decreased the risk of death____,>>> both in the overall population<<<< and in those diagnosed with incident cancer during follow-up.

  3. Trump has finally infected the CDC with Alternative Facts (LIES). This is illogical at best unless they’re trying to kill people.

  4. This just goes to show how fragile government really is. All it took was less than 4 years and one man with zero morals!

    1. @Fiona Bogden but only supported 99% of the people, right ?

      and the 1O,OOO people per/every million in population size that “fall through the cracks” are irrelevant ?

    2. @thrisbt1 I am horrified I just saw trump have 1500? people packed in to the white house garden.
      Jesus wept

    3. @Tina Preston You mean the Godly Trump, go doesn’t go to church and pronounces 2 Corinthians as “Two Corinthians”?

    4. Biden and Harris are both on record as supporting police defunding, and euphemistically calling it “reimagining police funding.” The Democrats are pushing for legalized looting and they are calling it “shoplifting.”

  5. Politics has gotten into this department. if this is not proof of a dictstordhip. Someone standup to this SOB.

    1. @Insomnia Pictures Defunding the police has two meanings: some call for the complete elimination of the police, but this is the extremist position. Most are simply calling for demilitarising the police and funding better approaches to certain problems, such as the use of counsellors instead of police in cases of mental distress, for example. Both Biden and Harris have called for police reform, not the elimination of the police and no one has ever advocated for legalised looting and/or shoplifting.

    2. You never considered the idea what if pregnancy tests always considered your wife pregnant?… What if the pregnancy tests said your kids are pregnant?
      Would you still believe the tests?

    3. @Ian Littlewood Ian, are you American or are you British? Don’t soft peddle the policy that is destroying my city. The Democrats are evil. They are deliberately destroying US cities on behalf of Communists.

  6. I would not trust anything from the FDA right now, too much “Orange Blossom” interfering with things he doesn’t understand!!!!!!!😈😈😈

    1. @Tina Preston Tut tutt? You do know that we Americans don’t speak like this? Tell Putin there is a party in his mouth and we are all coming.

  7. Finding asymptomatic carriers is the whole POINT of testing. If you’ve been exposed, obviously you should be tested. This is indeed ridiculous

    1. What’s the point of the testing when they are faulty to begin with, with all the false positive and false negative results.

    2. @Flawed2Perfection – YAH’sChild Any evidence, send me the link.I want to know ,how many morons like you are out there hiding behind the computer.

    3. Everyone is obligated to listen to Nobel prize Laureate Bio chemist and physicist Michael Levitt, that specialized in the development of multiscale models for radically complex systems. The most highly qualified and credentialed person in the world to decipher hard data and data trajectories and the (R) Naught calculations for death rate vs excess deaths across the globe. As a general overview Sweden is the only country that did it right, and the other counties that are showing an uptick in excess deaths can basically be attributed to the effects of the lock down measures themselves. In the US for example there is actually only approximately one month of extra natural deaths this year. Because of lock down, early detection Cancer screenings were postponed, early detection heart attack, early detection stroke etc. were being canceled out of panic and fear plus the dramatic increase in suicides from jobs lost, lives and livelihoods ruined. In other words the corona disease itself likely had almost zero impact on the death toll what so ever and most if not all extra deaths are attributed to mass panic caused by the hysteria of politicians, media and the political scientist trying desperately to remain relevant and in power. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh2b8TQYrpE

  8. Trump has been fixated on testing saying “slow the testing down”, looks like he’s doing exactly that. Anyone that votes for him is a fool.

    1. bennmaz from that same above article it says
      “It’s true that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped having states report H1N1 cases in late July 2009, a little more than three months after the first U.S. pandemic influenza virus cases were identified in April, But the CDC did not “totally” stop testing, since some testing continued for surveillance purposes and for select patients. .”
      So basically, we were only testing people who were symptomatic only during the H1N1 unlike now we test everyone’s who feels or has a little cough (which very much could be an allergy) and they’re already panicking and run to get tested just to come back negative, ridiculous!.
      Now, show me again where during H1N1 we tested to the same level as we have done so now. 5 million! Show me where we tested 5 million for the H1N1. No one is comparing the severity but the amount of testing. If the past admin would have tested at the same level we are testing now, that would have been a valid source or percentage of comparison between deaths over positives.

    2. @Lena Masverat The article says they stopped testing during H1N1 because it didn’t make a difference in care. Whether you had a flu or H1N1 the treatment was the same, they would give you Tamiflu or another similar antiviral. The difference with COVID is we don’t have a treatment that works as well as Tamiflu did for H1N1. Another difference is that some people can have and be spreading COVID but at the same time have no or mild symptoms. So if a member of my family comes home after being exposed to someone who is confirmed to have COVID, my family member might very well spread it to others without realizing it. That is why testing has been recommended up until this time for people who are known to be exposed to someone with COVID, regardless of symptoms. Given that we have two people who are in their 80s in our household, our grandparents, it only makes sense to know who has COVID and who doesn’t so we can take appropriate actions to keep them safe.

    3. Biden and Harris are both on record as supporting police defunding, and euphemistically calling it “reimagining police funding.” The Democrats are pushing for legalized looting and they are calling it “shoplifting.”

    4. @Lena Masverat That’s an outright lie; the Obama administration DID NOT stop testing during the H1N1 pandemic. The CDC stopped collecting infection data from states because it was no longer meaningful as the disease became widespread – the initial reason for having states report cases was to track the infection patterns of the disease. Once it became widespread with many people mildly infected but not seeking medical treatment, the data became less useful. Here it is, directly from the CDC:


      In the H1N1 pandemic, 60 million were infected, but only around 12,000 died in approximately one year. Right now, even with the significantly under-reported numbers, the US is losing three times that many EACH MONTH.

      By the time Biden is in office, the number of active infections in the US will be completely out of control. The US hasn’t even started to feel the pain this thing will rain down on you thanks to the completely inept, thoroughly incompetent and negligent response to the virus by Trump.


    2. @Tina Preston You ARE the only hater here. Not very good at this TROLL stuff. Two weeks ago you wrote very different. Do you people switch account access? Tell your supervisor you need better TROLL training.

  9. This is an absolute DICTATORSHIP in the making people. Trump TOLD the CDC “what to write.” This is disgusting people.
    Vote Trump OUT on Nov 3rd.

    1. The BizzMoneyB I think more votes will go to Biden,legally but I’m afraid trumps got the election rigged already in his favor. I keep seeing reports of illegals with fake IDs that are voting for trump. Of course I don’t know if that’s true but I put Nothing past him.I wish his taxes would be exposed before the election! We need a president that takes this pandemic seriously & that is Biden’s first priority.

    2. Dictatorship is real. We cannot wait to vote him out. He need to be removed now. The longer this man is in office, the more dangerous he becomes. I feel that we are living in the coming years of “The mark of the Beast”.

    3. Magdaline Jackson the Bible thumping senate had the chance to remove him after his impeachment but they chose not to. Mark of the beast oh please. Just vote him out, no need to get all fire and brimstone. 😂

    4. The BizzMoneyB Trump wins delay of tax returns subpoena! It was live this morning on the Bloomberg report. I knew this was going to happen & it’s not fair! I bet we won’t know what he is desperately hiding concerning his taxes until After the election.

  10. Sanjay asked “What’s going on in this country now”
    Me- Well you forgot Trump is still President! The CDC is eventually politicized.

  11. A dog wearing pants is bizarre.
    This is just evil and greed being displayed as obviously as possible.

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