Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz's campaign attacked Democratic candidate John Fetterman's health as the candidate returned to the campaign trail 3 months after suffering a stroke. CNN's Eva McKend reports. #CNN #News
Dr. Oz campaign attacks Fetterman over his stroke

GO FETTERMAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE’RE ALL BEHIND YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Says more about you in a negative light making a joke out of someone’s health problems..
@hockey addict he’s the one who made it his interest to point it.out when no one else was saying iI. Soooo
@hockey addict
Yeah, you obviously can’t read or comprehend. Maybe you can volunteer for Herschel Walker’s campaign!
I just said the same thing on another comment. It’s so true.

so… we have a “doctor” mocking somebody for having a stroke? WTAF?????
@Bongfacekilla just stop
@LA but he didn’t. It’s been proven over and over again that he didn’t. You only watch left leaning news so you don’t know that. Also, Oz didn’t “mock” him. He said he doesn’t look like he eats his veggies!!! OMG

@Bongfacekilla Says you! We’ll find out in November….
@M R aaahhh good one!!
One would think that since oz is truly a doctor he would know better not to mock anyone’s health issues.
@Lawrence Gregory Uncle Fester-man
@Monica Barker
. Didn’t you mock President Trump for 6+ years?
Probably he is a mock doctor.
My dad recently had a similar stroke and it did affect his speech but in no way affected his cognitive ability. He just speaks a little slower and slurs certain words like his mouth doesn’t quite want to move right to form the sounds correctly, similar to a lisp.
@EDUARDO lol quit trolling bro there’s better things to do rn
Aphasia. Common after a recovering stroke victim. I had a stroke too, I’m just fortunate that I reacted fast enough and the ambulance responded quick enough, I was able to fully recover. Now I chew aspirins like they’re candy.
You would think that DR. OZ (LOL) would know this information, he probably does just wanted to take a cheap shot. Mesa, AZ August 24, 2022
Different strokes for Different folks, we are all common in the human form but still unique. Glad your dad is doing well.
Idk I still find it pretty impressive that he had the balls to stand up there and give a speech in spite of the effects of his stroke
@Jerry What made you such a hateful person that you’d say cruel things about a fellow human being, especially one you dont even know? Seriously. Was it something that you went through during your childhood or perhaps the people you hang out with or maybe the media? I’d really like to know and look forward to your reply.
@Lawrence Leverton ,”An overweight badazz with heart trouble” That sounds a lot like the former twice impeached president don’t you think?
@Red Ranger
Remember when that same black man ended up in prison and said he doesn’t have any ill will towards him? Funny how the only time you guys bring up issues like this or police misconduct is when you think it benefits you politically. Real funny.
If feterman took Oz’s advice the stroke would have done him in. Keep going strong Feterman
I believe it will be Much Better to have a Representative who has survived a heart attack, than to have one who will Bring On heart attacks… ‘aye Doc Oc?
Uncle Fester-man
How the hell could a cardiovascular surgeon make fun of a stroke survivor? That’s gross.
Dr. Oz is acting like MAGA KING.
Fetterman is a Miracle Cure for TrumPublicanism.
Republican. That’s how.
A cardiothoracic surgeon who makes light of another person’s cardiovascular health? It speaks volumes about the former surgeon’s character, not so much about the other’s cardiovascular health.
@Symptom of the Universe being a leader means you can’t pass the buck — if someone on his “team” said it, then it means Oz said it and now he has to own it
@Tom Beacher How many leaders in government preach self-reliance and “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” inherited wealth, relied on others or got extremely lucky?
My father had a stroke. His speech was affected for a short period. But had no effect on cognitive processes, and the speech corrected itself. Hearing loss was addressed with a hearing aides.
As far as Dr Oz goes I thought physicians were supposed to show compassion, not mock others.
@John marshall Dr Oz has my vote
@EDUARDO vote Oz vote red stop inflation
I would rather have 10 Fettermans than even a portion of a “Dr. Oz” – I know who cares about us. Did Mehmet Oz take a page out of Trump’s playbook to mock a differently abled person? What genuine physician would EVER do that. That is enough to cause me to vote against Oz but further, to lobby against Oz. I am done with him forever, in any sphere.
@Gary Rogers Oh….BOO hoo
@Donald Stewart if that’s your best rebuttal, I’d say you are the one impaired and in need of some assistance.
Even with Fettermans stroke. He will still be hands down a far better senator than the Wizard of Oz.
Boy, I sure do trust a doctor who mocks someone for his health issues! And I love it when a so-called legitimate physician has a history of trying to sell magic beans on tv!
Not only that but since he is a dr he knows his speech will come back.
Last fight
He’s a doctor insulting a patient and his illness. Tells you everything about him
Damn good point!
Fetterman is the actual American we all need in Washington. Makes me proud to be a native Pennsylvanian. P.S. This race is already over. Fetterman’s way too ahead for Oz to catch up, so a debate is pointless if you’re in the Fetterman camp
Really? To ahead to get caught up. Isn’t that what you said about Hillary Clinton. How did that work out for you
@Tally May All polls showed Biden was ahead of Trump. Not a single poll had Trump leading. How did that worked out?
This shows how much more class and brains John Fetterman has over ‘doctor’ Oz…
Fetterman is the better man!
A so called “doctor” mocking someone about their health is absolutely disgusting. A freaking doctor doing this is so beneath the human dignity of their hippocratic oath that they should be sanctioned by the medical board.
First, do no harm.
And Oz a heart doctor too. Disgraceful man.
Last fight
@Linda R Just because “Doctor” Oz operates on hearts, doesn’t mean he has one.
@Amelinda TOEIC spam reported.
This guy is a LEGEND! I’ve been following him since before he was ‘cool’ and going on the offensive about legalizing cannabis. I hope Pennsylvania’s lucky enough to have him as a senator and America is to have him working for all of us. What an inspiring story of how he’s overcoming his stroke, I thought that footage was from before the stroke until they began to elaborate on it.
Amen bro.
He is a legend.
Last fight
And this is coming from a so-called “doctor”. He’s literally body shaming his rival.
People like that truly disgusts me.
*What was hidden from us. Video not for children! Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERY-DAY.CF
Mr.Dunn – respect for you.
1 Emma Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer