Dr. Osterholm: We Must Do More To Reduce Transmission | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy, discusses the latest coronavirus figures, what Trump can do to help the Biden transition team and his thoughts on the coming vaccines. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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#Osterholm #Transmission #MSNBC

Dr. Osterholm: We Must Do More To Reduce Transmission | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dr. Osterholm: We Must Do More To Reduce Transmission | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. We need to have a straight bill that will provide stimulus checks to the American people. $2,000/month will help people. No pork. Just a clean bill.

    1. @HOME TEAM
      I’m confused as a whit republican female
      How does the transgender thing work with me chenkov?
      You poor little troll clowns are confused 😂

    2. negotiate 8 gallons for 10 gallon trip in an airplane over the ocean at night during Hurricane?? Don’t forget the drunken pilot that American government actually is. .. time to hit the autopilot and get out the chutes.. we will make it until we don’t then we swim the rest of the way

  2. tRumps covid plan is to get everybody infected , he says that the strong will live and hopefully they might be immune . When asked about the MILLIONS that WILL DIE his comment was “It is what it is” and ” I take no responsibility”

    1. tRump is a narcissistic and sociopath and we are dying and suffering.People are choosing political party over doing their job.I am happy Biden won.😷✌

  3. I strongly believe the Republicans are allowing Trump.to continue to destroy our Democracy and will.not out his nasty tail out, to spite the Dems for winning and God knows what they are trying to hide. They are definitely scared for some worms to come out of that can. AH!!!!

    1. Pro covid19 Trump GOP and republicans and Senate- “ America does not need PPP it needs Amy barret! The Senate decided to nominate a corrupt supreme court judge instead of giving America PPP and then they decided to go on vacation until next year leaving America out in the cold 🥶 to fight covid19 by ourselves, Georgia you’re the only hope to save America please vote for the Democrats so America can survive the trump virus 🦠

    2. If civil war breakd out, we will win. The GOP is too cowardly to actually fight when it comes down to it. We are also much more concentrated in cities as opposed to rurual areas.

  4. We’re not 5, we’re not 4, we’re not 3, we’re not 2, we’re number 1 stomp stomp we’re number 1. Honestly I think that being number 1 sucks 😕

    1. Pro covid19 Trump GOP and republicans and Senate- “ America does not need PPP it needs Amy barret! The Senate decided to nominate a corrupt supreme court judge instead of giving America PPP and then they decided to go on vacation until next year leaving America out in the cold 🥶 to fight covid19 by ourselves, Georgia you’re the only hope to save America please vote for the Democrats so America can survive the trump virus 🦠

    2. @Keith Grogan Masks work. New England Journal of Medicine: Visualizing Speech Generated Oral Fluid Droplets with Laser Light Scattering https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2007800?query=featured_coronavirus
      Masks Work. Really. We’ll Show You How https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/10/30/science/wear-mask-covid-particles-ul.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab
      Facial Masking for Covid-19 — Potential for “Variolation” as We Await a Vaccine

    1. I can’t help but think part of the reason why they are not sharing information is because they haven’t kept track of it or what they do have is deficient or altered from the facts collected by John Hopkins University and other data centers.

  5. Trump said a few weeks ago that coronavirus will disappear on November 4th after the election. He lies so much. It’s sad that people still believe in him.

    1. It’s even more stunning that so many people still believe the virus is a hoax and that the COVID death count includes people who die in car accidents, from all kinds of diseases and old age. The death counts of “Fake News” they will tell you.

  6. The only way we can do more to reduce transmission is to eliminate this widespread confusion about the virus and address clear understanding of it.

  7. The dying are the people from Trump’s rallies?
    I don’t understand why people are don’t putting Trump in a mental hospital for an evaluation. Playing insanity it’s his last card.

  8. Trump went around the country coughing coronavirus in the faces of thousands of his cult followers. Covid Donald is like a reincarnation of Typhoid Mary with a twist of ignorance and a bigger butt.

  9. When do we go after Trump, personally, for holding dozens of superspreader events and singlehandedly creating this uptick in cases and deaths??? HE did this. Literally.

    1. Soon as we tie Joe’s hands,..
      He’s old school, an he
      will offer forgiveness, he’s already spoken along those lines..
      Anyway trump must pay, he’s responsible, Many of these covid Deaths, were so unnecessary..
      He’s pulled, crimes daily whilst in the W.H.

  10. “It’s all under control”- Donald j trump
    “ like a miracle it will one day disappear” -DJT
    “ it’s true people are dying…it is what is! – DJT

  11. Trump hasn’t done anything to protect the American people 🇺🇸
    COVID-19 will be Trump’s legacy! Over 250.575 killed in 8 months on Trump’s watch! History will not forget!!! 😢😷

  12. It’s a bad time for the chronically ill who must be hospitalized every few months. It’s life or death for these people if they can’t get the care they need.

  13. Experts: “All we need to do is wear masks when we go out and try to keep our distance if we have to meet.”
    republicans: “But I don’t wanna!!!!”
    Everyone else: “Sigh.”
    Corona: “Yay!”

  14. Just read his book, ” The deadliest enemy” . It’s a gold mine of information. And a realization that The next pandemic could even be worse.

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