Dr. Michael Osterholm lays out the strategy items he believes are necessary to speed along the end of the pandemic as virus mutations rise. Aired on 2/5/2021.
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#Osterholm #Variants #MSNBC
Dr. Osterholm: Variants Will Cause A Huge Case Surge | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
Good take from Dr Osterholm. Good source of knowledge. Multivalent vaccines are key.
The US has become a festering Petri dish / hot box of Covid mutation (Thanks Donald – NOT)
Trump never implemented a COVID plan, and his supporters wonder why he didn’t win, death is a motivator to vote for someone who cares..
I believe this also.tRump had every opportunity to make the right decision on the virus.He chose to worry about his reelection.It was all about him.stay safe.

@X2 GI 58% percent of the people who voted for Biden did so to get rid of Trump.
@WAL_DC-6B People always rid themselves of Cancer before it has a chance to metastasize.
@X2 GI Or else they die a slow painful death.
At the very least, I’ll say this. This is troubling information. From people like this guy and people in the Biden administration, we are GOING to hear things like this. Yes, I understand. They can troubling, they can be worrisome, but at the very least, just for the sake of being honest, it will be the TRUTH.
Keep swallowing their tripe
@REAL BLACKS KNOW THE TRUTH Trump lied at least 30,000 times while in office. His pathological lying is why we are doing so poorly campaired to the rest of the developed world when it comes to Covid. His followers were told to believe him and only him and they did. Not wearing masks and not social distancing and not caring about anyone but themselves. His lies killed people. So again, it’s nice to know the truth even if the truth hurts sometimes.
This isnt the truth lol leftists are such morons
@MrQuincy27 ?
Hopefully, the one dose J and J vaccine will get quick approval.
Before the month ends approved
Put yer effin’ masks on that’s where you can start.
Amen, buddy. I live in a county in Montana with a mask mandate, too many people just don’t care. Some creepy slacker was at the store last evening, his “Let’s pretend it works” logoed mask was down below his mouth, he gave the checker cr*p when she asked him to pull it up. I waggled my pinky at him and gestured an inch gap with my thumb and forefinger while I shook my head, but I’m an older female. People, it’s just a mask!!
God bless America!!!!
for what???
I wonder if Trump is calling it the England virus
Let’s not even go there.
One question I would have for the virologists is about the variants, or mutant strains, of the virus. It appears that the vast majority of the cases and spread of the coronavirus occurs in the U.S. (about 25% of total cases have occurred in the U.S.). Mutations take time to occur in individuals, proliferate throughout a community, and then spread throughout a population to possibly become dominant. Also, the U.S. is NOT doing much in the way of identifying variants. Is it possible that many of the variant strains are actually originating in the U.S., spreading abroad (we all know people are NOT staying away from travel), and then getting identified in a different location?
7 years! If she said yes, I would of literally found a bottle of pills right now. I can’t live like this anymore.
That’s a little overly dramatic, don’t you think? Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I haven’t read the article, but I doubt that they’re saying that life will continue to be exactly this bad. Masks are just a minor inconvenience. It’s not a great hardship if we have to keep wearing them for the next few years. Our economy obviously isn’t going to immediately bounce back. The depression we’re in (even though it isn’t officially called a depression until the recession lasts for 12 months) isn’t going to miraculously recover by June. It’s going to take a few years. We lost about half a million Americans last year, and that means a lot of dollars were also drained out of the economy. Studies show that each new immigrant accounts for 1.1 jobs, so that half a million people probably account for 750,000 jobs lost permanently. I think we’re down about 18 million jobs right now. Until the pandemic is under control, a lot of people like me aren’t going to go back to movie theaters, gyms, sporting events, fairs or festivals, musical events, museums, eating at restaurants, etc. It will get better, it’s just going to get better incrementally. Good luck and stay safe.
When I lay me down to sleep, I thank the Lord for the blessing Donald Trump has brought us. I only regret that he is but one man and could never live long enough to feel all I want to return to him for these blessings.
Dear Lord, forgive me for lying.
It’s Trumps fault 400,000 are dead. Wake up
@C O And I regret we can never fully repay him for that “blessing”
Thank You
I will take 3 years.
Doing better than 7 yrs depends on the American people. America is f’kd.
I just hope that the number of death doesn’t cross 800K.
What about 799k?
A good Doctor will tell you stuff you don’t want to hear.
I know its not great tv, but i really feel that the country needs to see the body bags. Nobody gets it. And its not sinking in.
Just say the magic words: Herd immunity.
So Jen Psaki said that even after I get vaccinated…I have to continue to wear masks and socially distance? Lol then I’m not gonna bother getting the vaccine. Nope. No thanks.
This is something Trump should have been working on in those days he was playing golf and doing nothing and now were paying the price still