In light of the White House embracing the strategy of letting the virus run rampant over enacting more shutdowns, Dr. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota, explains what the results of herd immunity would look like. Aired on 10/16/2020.
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Dr. Osterholm Says From A Scientific Standpoint, Herd Immunity ‘Has The Value Of Pixie Dust’ | MSNBC
Donald Trump is killing America
@Mark bodman your absolutely wrong take New Zealand for example 100 days without a case during lockdown. Shows how ignorant you are

@ravenwda007 you mean the problems they caused and blamed it on the republicans? Everything happening right now is only happening in democrat run areas and they’re letting it continue, so they can blame Trump and look like the good guys. You’re their slaves.
@OVERLEVENDE1 another lie spread by republicans in a pathetic to shift blame. It’s pathetic
@Craig Dunk why must you hurt my feelings?
@chris Anaxagoras no surprise a prof defends them. Do you get a bonus per student you indoctrinate or do you do it free of charge?
Well since most trumpercans believe in fantasies such as Q, I’m sure the leap to pixie dust would be easy.
Trump Peter Pan lol
Trump is nauseating.
I wanna talk about tRump’s Herd Mentality Immunity Policy & if you’d like to discuss the pro’s & con’s of Herd Mentality Immunity then drop me a comment & a line.
*7 Facts That Show Obama’s Economic Recovery Has Been AWFUL*
Aug 2016
*President Barack Obama and recently coronated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton touted the Obama economic recovery at the Democratic National Convention last week, despite the fact that the statistics show that the Obama recovery has been horrid. Here are seven facts proving this.*
1. The Obama recovery has had a record number of quarters where economic growth has been two percent or lower.
2. The average real GDP growth of recoveries rate prior to the Obama recovery was 4.3 percent. If the Obama recovery had been right in line with that 4.3 percent, the country would be $2.2 trillion richer today, according to Investor’s Business Daily. The editors at IBD explain further: (emphasis bolded)
3. The most recent labor participation rate was 62.7 percent, with slightly more than 94.5 million Americans out of the work force. Back in September, the participation rate was 62.3 percent–the lowest in nearly 40 years.
4. The number of jobs created under the Obama economy has not kept up with the working age population. Obama and Clinton have claimed that there have been nearly 15 million jobs in the private sector created under Obama, and if that number is taken at face value, it doesn’t quite come close to the growth of the working age population of 15.8 million at around the same time frame. But the job gap is likely worse than that.
5. There has been a decline in business startups and investment. According to Time, there has been a decline of “entrepreneurial activity” from 14 percent in 2014 to 12 percent in 2015, when the four preceding years featured positive growth. In May 2015, The Wall Street Journal‘s Thomas J. Duesterberg and Donald A. Norman described capital investment as “historically weak,” citing the burdensome corporate tax rates and regulations as the reason for the weak amount of investment. This is an important metric since investment is one of the key forces behind economic growth.
6. There has also been a decline of real household family income. According to Conservative Review, the decline went from $57,000 in 2007 to $53,700 in 2014. Naturally, it follows that the home ownership rate has declined to a near 48-year low.
7. There has also been a spike of Americans on food stamps. Conservative Review also used data from the Congressional Budget Office to show that the number of Americans food stamps has increased from 26.5 million in 2007 to 44.5 million in 2016. That is a decline from 47.7 million in 2013, but still much higher than pre-recession levels.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
Trump has bought his own quack to lie to the American people. Listen to the really doctors the viral immunologists and epidemiologists not just any old lying dentist the Republicans pay to lie for Trump!
*7 Facts That Show Obama’s Economic Recovery Has Been AWFUL*
Aug 2016
*President Barack Obama and recently coronated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton touted the Obama economic recovery at the Democratic National Convention last week, despite the fact that the statistics show that the Obama recovery has been horrid. Here are seven facts proving this.*
1. The Obama recovery has had a record number of quarters where economic growth has been two percent or lower.
2. The average real GDP growth of recoveries rate prior to the Obama recovery was 4.3 percent. If the Obama recovery had been right in line with that 4.3 percent, the country would be $2.2 trillion richer today, according to Investor’s Business Daily. The editors at IBD explain further: (emphasis bolded)
3. The most recent labor participation rate was 62.7 percent, with slightly more than 94.5 million Americans out of the work force. Back in September, the participation rate was 62.3 percent–the lowest in nearly 40 years.
4. The number of jobs created under the Obama economy has not kept up with the working age population. Obama and Clinton have claimed that there have been nearly 15 million jobs in the private sector created under Obama, and if that number is taken at face value, it doesn’t quite come close to the growth of the working age population of 15.8 million at around the same time frame. But the job gap is likely worse than that.
5. There has been a decline in business startups and investment. According to Time, there has been a decline of “entrepreneurial activity” from 14 percent in 2014 to 12 percent in 2015, when the four preceding years featured positive growth. In May 2015, The Wall Street Journal‘s Thomas J. Duesterberg and Donald A. Norman described capital investment as “historically weak,” citing the burdensome corporate tax rates and regulations as the reason for the weak amount of investment. This is an important metric since investment is one of the key forces behind economic growth.
6. There has also been a decline of real household family income. According to Conservative Review, the decline went from $57,000 in 2007 to $53,700 in 2014. Naturally, it follows that the home ownership rate has declined to a near 48-year low.
7. There has also been a spike of Americans on food stamps. Conservative Review also used data from the Congressional Budget Office to show that the number of Americans food stamps has increased from 26.5 million in 2007 to 44.5 million in 2016. That is a decline from 47.7 million in 2013, but still much higher than pre-recession levels.
@mary jones Yes I do remember Trump was trying to give her credence to his cause.
@DC R His quack is Dr. Scott Atlas, a neuro-radioligist who reads and interprets x-rays of the spine and brain. NO EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER in infectious diseases. Caught trump’s attention on Fox. Has said there’s “no science behind masks” so is there any question why trump liked him?
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Daily wire? GTFO.
herd immunity = unnecessary suffering
@Conner Productions Herd immunity will never cure COVID, it’ll make everyone infected.
@Jedy S it hits black n brown communities hardest. It’s doing just what the admin wanted. Now they dont need to use cages. They can just send their cheeto God to infect his minions and then let it run wild.
@Kristi Stevens It hits old people hardest, and they were Trump voters in 2016.
Herd Mentality Immunity is cruel & genocidal.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
Trump let the American people down during a time of need
yet his supporters say hes saving america. I wish i could get a straight answer out of them that doesnt involve pointing fingers at someone or some group. imagine if the only defense one has is accusing others.
@MannyKunV Trump Q nodding lemmings are the problem…….they voted for him…
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
I think when referring to the Trump malAdministration, he meant “Angel Dust” not “Pixie Dust”…
@Michael Bray so much for humour. Mr. Bray, you the the price of everything and the value of nothing.
@michael Baughman I got the humour, I was just providing the information and observation as it was not entirely clear from your comment if you knew what angel dust was and how it relates to Trump’s love of drugs: Adderall, hydroxy, Remdesivir etc…
No offence intended.
@Mark bodman is an NCT who wants to emotionalise the issue and make us think it is all one way or another.
Ignore and vote Biden/Harris to make America learn to respect and compromise again.
The Middle Way cupcake…the middle way.
Just waiting for the footage of him holed up, cooing in a pigeon coop.
@El R. “Next thing I know, I’m in Debo pigeon coop sweatin’ like a slave…and the only person who could get me out was Melania.”
-Donald ‘Smokey’ Trump
Quick fact- herd immunity equals
Republicans are hands off because they want another Justice and control of the presidency. It’s disgusting.
Well, per the Trump COVID response team, WHO, and the CDC, it does.
6,000,000 Poor, weak, sick, unemployed people – thinning the herd of the unprofitable. Capitalists do not need or want dependent people, they can always import more slaves when needed.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
Get rid of the old people that collect Social Security and Medicare so the GOP Kingpins can take those tax breaks.
Trump has no respect for America, Americans, and the rule of humanity he is in his own zone enjoying watching people die from corona virus
Think what you want, it’s still a hoax
@Howard Adams
democratic hoax.
@Howard Adams
You are stupid and/or in denial this pandemic is real you will probably only believe it if someone you care about dies
@Loretta Russell it’s a publicised flu with inflated death rates , and the only hope for democrats to take political power.
Like all the indoctrinate fascist communist left?
Millions of dead seniors and Trump wonders why he’s tanking with seniors.
While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, only just over a million people have died to COVID globally…
Check your statements.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
@FlamingNinjaBoi The doc said it would lead to millions of dead. Given that 80% of the current dead are seniors ergo herd immunity would lead to millions of dead seniors. Yet there Trump is off to Florida to LIE to seniors and try and get them back in the fold.
@Mark bodman You understand you’re referencing ‘dissenting’ scientists, yes?
As in, scientists that are purposely going against the grain of commonly understood fact for some reason or another?
That’s like referencing William Happer when trying to convince people climate change isn’t real. It’s not a well-grounded argument, to say the least.
@Radwulf Eboraci Ah, okay, I simply misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you were claiming ‘millions are already dead’, not the prospective future fatality rates.
Yes, you are right.
She said Trump is “in denial”. This is inaccurate. “in denial” implies what he says and does is unintentional… He is doing everything ON PURPOSE knowing the harm and danger it is causing!!!
@Steven Chin I agree he has no empathy for anyone. He is the worst President ever. He lies about lying like his Administration. We gotta vote Biden/ Harris for change and normalcy.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
@Ynwa6 There was a name-change to Trump.
True. Woodward tapes show that.
Absolutely true. There is no incompetence going on here he knows exactly what he’s doing. He knew exactly what he was doing downplaying and lying about corona. It’s not negligent homicide it’s premeditated and anyone with half a brain knows it. And the republicans are fine with it. That makes them what is commonly known as coconspirators.
A herd marching to the slaughter house feels it has herd immunity.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
Trump ran to erase Obama’s legacy & never cared about the country except for the billionaires!
@72 Nova who’s excessively posting on a night he should be knocking it out as a 54 year old ‘stud’. All the studs I know are not lurking on the web. Unlike you, they are getting it done

@feldspar hoobyshoob oh no, you would be quite impressed. I’m not fibbing.
@72 Nova Bwa-ha-ha-ha. You’re hysterical.
@feldspar hoobyshoob I’m watching moneyball on Netflix and FaceTiming my son at college. Wife and daughter have no interest in the movie. But, my cat seems to like it.
You seem alright. Good sport. Have a great weekend.
vote for integrity…
vote for civility…
vote for medical science…
vote for basic human decency…
Herd immunity has NEVER been achieved against a pandemic without a vaccine from Science & Medicine. The ffing fools promoting the idea are advocating social Darwinism not herd immunity.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
@Mark bodman 3 total hacks, f**k off troll
Herd immunity is treating humans like cattle.
definition, yes
Say no to the poke
herd immunity doesn’t work if people can get reinfected, which it looks like they can.
Yes! Here in Nevada there was the first person to be re-infected, this was a few months ago, but they just reported it recently because they did test after test to verify it was indeed a re-infection. Trump is just stupid.
There’s been a to of them in Korea. Antibodies drop rapidly for 85% of people. Not sure if that’s true for vaccines.
By the end of the year, Covid will have killed more Americans than died in World War 2
– Ignore/mock/destroy anybody who suggests ‘we let this virus do it’s thing’
Trump doesn’t believe in science. He’s said as much.
But he sure runs to Walter Reed frequently.
After a hoax impeachment corona virus was a godsend for democrats as the only chance to regain political power.
Masks, forced lockdowns and social distancing is not the answer. Draconian laws and quarentining the healthy was stupid from the get go.
Trust scientists the left says, great here are three prominent scientists that tell it like it is.
@Mark bodman the rest of us in the world, look on as you prove you idiots don’t understand what a pandemic is……enjoy.
Trump cannot pronounce Yosemite (and probably does not even know that it is a National Park).
Criminal Indictments by Administration
Donald Trump (so far) — 215
Richard Nixon — 76
George W. Bush — 16
Bill Clinton — 2
Jimmy Carter — 1
Barack Obama — 0
You should post this comment everywhere including fox news. Thanks for the info! Stay safe. Vote Blue!
@G d
Huh, notice the lack of trolling on this post? Trolls have serious issues with truth and humor. They either don’t get it, or they don’t get the joke, much like AI.. Poor Russians. They have so little avenues to make money they have to troll. Better than no borscht or vodka, I guess.
Dunno Jinx Trump: America is in trouble? I don’t take responsibility at all.