CTV medial contributor Dr. Marla Shapiro explains why the term, 'fully vaccinated' should be replaced with 'up to date.'
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I’m Pure Blood and Feel Great. No Worries
Lol everyone is pure blood lol . I’m taking it you’re a tad bit on the slow side aren’t you
and we shall inherit the earth
@Drew M nope

@Drew M unless you got the 2020 jabs
Me too proud unvaccinated I will not comply whatever happened
Fully poisoned 100%
“some experts” think… And what do the others think?
“Experts”… hahah what a joke
Nope. No way. I had two. That’s just fine. I’m not obese and have no co morbidities and I’m under 55yrs old.
Never Vaxed never tested.
I’m same vote
Me too
Remember when this was a conspiracy theory?
6 months and things become reality.
Canada still playing the game while the rest of the world is over it.
But “up to date” never cost anyone their jobs….. get it Dr. MARLA?
Change it to useless
She should get more work done…..
Up to date doesn’t mean it is mandatory
Rewatch this video and substitute the word “recommending” with “mandating”.
Entrust in the medical expertise and healing powers of Trudeau’s male feminism.
Because Trudeau and all his buddies can make more money start telling the TRUTH
GFY. Show me where it has stopped the spread of this disease.
Public humiliation to this lady
Hahah won’t take it, never will.
um no we don’t. Let it go already we know you bought too many boosters–you all take them