Dr. Leana Wen, former Baltimore Health Commissioner, explains why she doesn’t think the U.S. has not gotten through the first wave of coronavirus and why she says a national testing strategy is needed. Aired on 6/22/2020.
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Dr. Leana Wen: ‘We’re Going To Overburden Our Public Health Infrastructure’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Simple maxim…..
If you’re looking for financial advice you seek the expertise of a financial advisor ;
If you’re looking for legal advice you seek the expertise of a lawyer;
If you’re looking for medical advice you seek the expertise of a doctor ……
@D I did not ask for the goal nor do I want communism in my country
@D Ok…..when you need brain surgery – call you car mechanic.
lexa harpell I call Ben Carson
lexa harpell Bernie maddoff was a so called expert haaa!
@D your statement makes zero sense,
Two weeks time we will see if Trump just started his own wave.
Sadly, man.
The really gone drown, off this wave

A lot of them are his hardcore supporters that traveled to tulsa for the event and are now possibly spreading the virus around their families and home towns.
Be interesting to see if his Twitter gang starts getting sick all the clowns were there..
The #MAGAts will blame the protesters. They already are
Australia 100 deaths
America 120,000 deaths.
America is 15 times bigger than Australia.
AMERICA should have just 1,500 deaths.
Trump and the GOP have to pay a very very high price for this.
Peaceful and sensation World Read antwalk 777’s post above….he was referring to you.
102 deaths and USA has 13 times the population.
Spot on. Also note that South Korea learned of Covid the same day as the Trump administration. South Korea–less than 250 dead. America–well, we’re shooting for half a million dead so we can still stay “we’re number one”.
@Graeme SYDNEY similar situation in NZ. All our cases are returned citizens. I understand that it is illegal to refuse citizens at the border. Some folk want to close the borders to everyone. All who return now have to have a negative test to leave quarantine even if it takes a month or so. Govt paid. That’s going to knock back tourism further but safety first. All are tested day 3 and 12 and before ending quarantine. Can you imagine the US doing this?
Dr Leanna Wen, you are a brave woman. Thank you for speaking out, racism is also pandemic. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be a Doctor or medic today.
Sarcasm or joking is the current go-to excuse for dumb stuff bogus potus blurts out.
For the next two weeks we’ll await to see what happens. And people really wanna back this selfish & foolish clown?
Trump Is the greatest
@D do you make $$$ being a troll?
Delinda Jensen yes over 6 figures
D That explains it. BTW how’s the OT funds?
@D 6 figures for saying stupid stuff. Good for you.
We need a leader. Vote the clown down!!
@Çoronavirus Çousins Are Çoming No thats Trump. Keep blame deflecting
@samuel gainey Biden is cringing about the sexual harrasment allegations as his brain shuts down mid conversation…
Çoronavirus Çousins Are Çoming That is what we have now!! Getting rid of this feckless “President” in November
Çoronavirus Çousins Are Çoming
trump has 25 women who have accused him of 26 incidences of unwanted contact and 43 instances of inappropriate behavior…..not to mention the women he has paid off and will be indicted for in January
But what about Biden. Nice defense sir. You got me.
America are not first in the world at testing . America are 22nd in world , per capita .
@Teresa S I’m guessing irony is not your strong suit.
There you go with that word he doesn’t understand ..
@Teresa S no your not
@mark heyne ratio = 1:1,000,000
cant fool figures donald
Common sense and intelligence is something NOONE should expect from trump and his gang of idiotic enablers.
i still cant get free testing unless i have a fever and i know it costs money to prepare for a test so maybe sell some of those tanks in small cities who have enuff presence already
“I take no responsibility at all.” — Mango Mussolini
There still is a shortage of PPE for us in healthcare
JJJJ808 really, that’s horrible as the numbers needing hospitalization will go up as the Covid cases increase. Stay safe.
The current government cannot be trusted! Vote the republicans OUT in November.
The ‘bell curve’ is just too wide. You cannot develop a national strategy when some people are just too stupid to follow simple instructions.
@charcolew In a word: Trump…
@Ray Isaac Who are the ones in charge of the American response to the virus, then? Who is / are to blame?
@charcolew I really don’t know. I’d have thought it was your President, but he apparently disagrees.
Your tragic situation seems to reflect the lack of priority he assigns to helping save people’s lives.
@Ray Isaac Do I sound like an American?
@charcolew I thought you did! No offence intended.
Hey Trump…25 million tests is ONLY about 6% of the country!! No wonder we lead the world in deaths.
Raoul Radio Brazil, Mexico, Russia and lot of other countries are under reporting their number of deaths.
I am not giving the USA an excuse. Trump has done a very poor job.
what is a noose in nascar meaning?
@Keith Mc America too has undercounted and mis-reported. The estimate, based on year to year comparison, is death toll understated by 25%.
The real figure, apparently, is closer to 20 than 25 million.
Everything trump does turns into a disaster he’s just one big disaster time after time
according to trump it’s Chyyynaaaaa! chhynaaaa!
and also “it will magically go away”.
otherwise if not, we can continue blaming chyynaaaa…. because we are such a world super power
that can’t make a vaccine for $1.99 for our citizens while chynnaaaa gives it for free to each person in their nation.
also asians do not exist in america according to trump.
tyjghjghhh haha
that’s a banger mate but you ain’t wrong either trump is a lunatic racist dictator and his supporters are following him blinded by greed and stupidity but hopefully you will get rid of him ASAP I’m surprised he’s still breathing with what he’s doing in America you were a very respected country and trump has turned America into the biggest embarrassment on the planet if he was in the Middle East America would of invaded the country and took him out has a threat to world peace take care of yourself my best wishes buddy from Stevie in Britain
Trump just doesn’t get it. It doesn’t fit his own reality. He is unable to admit that he has failed. Therefore, we cannot expect any progress. He is not suffering. We the people are. And he doesn’t care.
Yes but why do Republican leaders just follow him?
@Steve ~ Comprador (See dictionary )and $$$$.
@Parlez64 Yes. Now why do most people vote for him (2016)?
@Steve Because the propaganda is effective on them, very effective. It is based off bigotry and hatred and fear, that is the fuel of this administration and why 30 some percent still defend Trump…Trump gives them approval and they like that even at the cost of their well being and life, they simply do not care until they themselves have someone they love suffer and die, then and only then will half them turn against Trump…Not only do they do it themselves but approve of others who do!
@Steve Because they are
and they are being led to the slaughter!
Kudlow has never been right on anything !
Just lies daily like trump.
He said the economy was in tippy, tippy top shape in late 07. The man’s a genius!
That’s why he is on the team
DW news reporter speaking with a Trump supporter at the rally; why aren’t you wearing a mask, “we never had to do this with any other pandemic”. ok…
Don’t listen to her she doesn’t know anything. Trump know’s more he got a doctorate in medicine from TRUMP UNIVERSITY !
Since he owned a University, he presumably also owned all the knowledge it contained in its library and in the minds and computer drives of the teaching staff. And he has a perfect memory. Therefore, he knows everything. Sorry to disappoint all you guys who thought he was dumb…
You have to understand Trump supporters are willing to die for him, so they don’t matter.
Everyone knows more testing is a good thing. Well, almost everyone. Not Trump.
according to our genius trump and millions of his expert, scientists, engineers, area 51, black ops, darpa supporters…. if we don’t test, then covid19 don’t exist.
pretty simple to me.
i too believe in “it will magically go away”.