Dr. Leana Wen On The Coronavirus Surging: ‘There Is No Role For Politics Here’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Dr. Leana Wen, former Baltimore Health Commissioner, responds to Donald Trump’s insistence that schools will reopen in the fall despite rising coronavirus cases across the country Aired on 07/07/2020.
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Dr. Leana Wen On The Coronavirus Surging: ‘There Is No Role For Politics Here’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Dr. Leana Wen On The Coronavirus Surging: ‘There Is No Role For Politics Here’ | Deadline | MSNBC


  1. China-Wihan virus is lethal. And this covid-19 combined with an ineffective leader of this USA.

  2. Thank you. Trump is self promotion, a viscious con-man. A liar with blood on his hands. He has lied his way through most every concern regarding this virus.

    1. Wanna talk about kids dying? 10 got shot in democrat cities this weekend along with hundreds of other people. The black community is calling blm Marxist terrorists. Democrat funded planned parenthood kills more babies than anyone in the world. Bam!

    2. Democrat funded planned parenthood kills more kids than anyone. Bam! 10 kids shot in democrat cities this weekend. Nice invisible high ground.

  3. My child will not go to school if i do not think its safe. He does not need bio that bad.

    1. @frictionRx9 – Did you know that there are two new reports out within the past month about COVID that should make you concerned? 1. Herd immunity is a dream. New report says that immunity from COVID may last only 6 months. 2. Permanent lung damage can occur in asymptomatic carriers of COVID. In spite of their never feeling sick, their life term problems can … and probably will occur. If you have children, you had better consider this because if you don’t …. you are an awful parent. Read these articles before you send your child to school.
      “Early Herd Immunity against COVID-19: A Dangerous Misconception”
      “COVID-19: Immunity to coronaviruses may last just six months, says new study ”

    2. @frictionRx9 – Once again … I am not attacking you. I am concerned about all of my fellow human beings. Ignoring facts is not science. Even science can get it wrong, but … I would rather fall on the side of caution. When it comes to your children … so should you.

  4. Sorry, Trump was warned about this virus a number of times in his Daily Intelligence Briefings from January onwards. Instead he decided to play 6 rounds of Golf and hold 9 political rallies in the months of Jan, Feb, Mar.
    This is all about him getting re-elected. He doesn’t give a toss about people’s safety & health and the results are now devastating and getting worse because there is not [& never was] a Nationwide Containment Plan in place

  5. Oh, you mean like Trump pressured southern governors to open their economies…we all see how that is working out. Trump is a fool!

  6. Donnie the Epidemiologist told us it would just disappear so I am not sure why you scientists are tripping?

  7. Home school…there is nothing that the federal government can say if your child is home schooled

    1. What are your qualifications? Must be unemployed for starters…..Or a Trust Fund human…tell me please.

    2. @Heather Shaw So you have no qualifications to home school a ferret…Might want to investigate that..or be held in some sort of criminal court depending on jurisdiction…Kamala Harris would throw you in jail for truant child…I’m guessing you’re in California..

    3. @Brock Madigan Speaking of having a ferret’s attention span. It was the user name Always Grateful that said their child would be homeschooled. I never mentioned whether mine would be or not. What I did mention was your questions to Always Grateful weren’t any of your business. I don’t know if Always Grateful is qualified or not nor do I know what state they’re in. Why? Because it’s none of my business. How about you worry about your own truck before you stick your nose into your neighbor’s yard wanting to “help with their truck” when yours is on cinder blocks in your front yard. I suggest starting with reading comprehension -seems like you could use a refresher. See, if you had been nicer Always Grateful might have helped you out.

  8. Oh the irony of the fact that t’rump is resisting the ONE thing that would ensure his re-election.
    Stopping the pandemic and restarting the economy.
    But lucky for us, he’s both too lazy and too dumb to do it. 😅😂🤣

  9. Forgive me,,Ladies, I’m an old man now 65,,Attempting to figure out how to get
    Out of The Twilight Zone, and Escape to
    The Outer Limits,, help me, Opie, Beaver,

    1. Freeze yourself in Carbonite until either January 2021 (best case scenario) or January 2025 (worst case scenario).

  10. Ooooooh I Wish Those Teacher Nun’s
    Could, go to work on them and their lawyers,,TRUE FAILURE OF LEADERSHIP.

  11. Unless they find a better way to protect children NO parent would send their child back to school!!!!

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