Dr. Kavita Patel: ‘These Are All Preventable Deaths And Cases’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Kavita Patel discusses what more can be done for the prevention of COVID-19. Aired on 8/4/2020.
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Dr. Kavita Patel: 'These Are All Preventable Deaths And Cases' | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Kavita Patel: 'These Are All Preventable Deaths And Cases' | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. How can you feel comfortable using a picture of a HOMOSEXUAL for your profile pic? 🤔
      tinyurl.com/vpf95na 🎶

    2. Laura Zaboraski eaze up Laura, I was talking to little Willies mum last night, she said he had a brain injury as a child and has never been the same, she said they let him use you tube cos it keeps him amused and the stuff he says is to ridiculous to believe

    1. Laura Zaboraski he’s a psychopath who has murdered 100s of 1000s of Americans. This is what monsters who do that say when they are confronted.

    1. @William H Are you gauging success by the number of Americans he has killed? Then you’re correct.

    2. @William H TWEATLES! No he’s not, you know better. I bet you can’t wait for Trump to lose so you can do something more substantial for a living like cleaning out porta-potties. And incidentally, in a survey of 200 political scientists ranking U.S. presidents from best to worst, Lincoln took first place. Obama came in at number 8. And Trump? Dead last! Shocker. https://www.businessinsider.com/greatest-us-presidents-ranked-by-political-scientists-2018-2?op=1

    1. @Forrest Trump That makes about as much sense as DIRT-DOGS and SCHMEG HARVEST.
      tinyurl.com/ycp4tac4 👈😆

    2. @bill t I’m still holding out for Idi Amin as being worse. Of course, if Trump gets re-elected he may surpass him.

  1. Oh boy, this is so 😥. Seeing such a BUFFOON lying and fumbling with people’s lives, lets VOTE blue our lives depend on this. This guy is so inhuman



    1. @William H *That’s some really lowbrow humor you’re sending folks to see, Billy Bob…. Keep chewing your gum or gumming your chew and your jaw and brow might well get close to some wit one day…* ..gw

    2. @Tom Smith *You do know that Trolls like William H… are some of the most physically in-shape people in the world… but that’s only because they have to carry the bridge they live under everywhere they go in life… not to bright… but still very strong…* ..gw

    3. That was obama but the Obama and Biden paid media was obsessed with worshipping him and ignoring his mistakes unlike how it is with trump

    1. @William H Hello buddy- I have actually not asked you about how you feel about the dead Americans because of Trumps inability to lead our Country..
      What you got for me….I cannot wait

  3. He even implied (=lied) that S.Korea’s data is not to be trusted or something (and then said he wouldn’t go into that cuz he has a very good relationship with S.Korea lol). Okay here is the fact. I came back to S.Korea from Chicago in April so I know how differently these 2 countries handled the pandemic. S.Korea tested at x40 times faster rate during the golden time (Feb and March), and this is why it managed to flatten the curve immediately & this is why S.Korea doesn’t have to do so many tests anymore. Even I got tested twice during my 14 day quarantine after coming back from Chicago (despite no symptom & despite first test being negative – this is how thorough they are). Also the most significant difference btw the US and S.Korea is here people actually do proper contact tracing with high technology and apps. Not to mention all people are wearing masks. So please stop being jealous and why not just leaving S.Korea out of the talk. This is annoying and offensive.

    1. Wrong, that would be Democrats. They are the party of murder, hate, racism, property destruction, lies, and deceit.

  4. To date 158,000 Americans have died from covid19 due to the incompetence of Trump ………………. That is 158,000 reason to VOTE BLUE IN NOVEMBER

    1. Blaming Trump for the Shamdemic isn’t working… Democracts are toast 😆
      tinyurl.com/y7m4ny8f 🎶

    2. William H > did you listen what the dr said, just waring masks would help. why has south korea and many other country so little death? because the to it differently than the us, there is plenty room for improvement, but you belong to those who like to learn it the hard way … (or not …)

  5. Trump is giving the Lincoln Project and everyone that want Trump out of office another material to use against him. Keep it coming Donald.

    1. I sometimes wish the Lincoln project folks dumb down their Ads so Trump supporters can understand it. Their ad content is too intelligent 😂

    2. @Elmosweed yeah especially when Lincoln project started using Trump’s own quotes in more recent ads. His quotes sound ridiculous to normal people like us with at least the base level of human intelligence but to Trump supporters, these quotes may sound like gospel 😂😂

    3. @safari 87 They should turn the commercials into cartoons- Perhaps that could get them to place the needle down for just one second…

    1. @Toward Treatise

      “How many dixycrats” -@Toward Treatise

      Your claim was three.

      A claim equivalent to claiming that Trump is the only Republican.

      So why did you lie about it?

      Are you that stupid?

    2. @Toward Treatise –

      I don’t like willful morons or congenital liars.

      So I despise Republicans.

      “How many dixycrats” -@Toward Treatise

      Your claim was three.

      A claim equivalent to claiming that Trump is the only Republican.

      So why did you lie about it?

      Are you that stupid?

    3. Vendicar Kahn I thought smart people answered questions.. I knew prejudiced people don’t already though.

    4. Vendicar Kahn answer the second question of that statement you wigged out about btw.. is blm more racist than alm?

  6. Trump lying about “doing everything he can to control the pandemic.” He has done almost nothing…He is criminally negligent.

    1. this journalist needs to win an award for confronting trump on the percapita and having gotten him on this like he did.

  7. “Here lies DJT, it is what it is”. Trump will have the most desecrated grave in history. Can’t happen fast enough.

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