Dr. Juni weighs in on Ontario entering Step 3: ‘We shouldn’t rush ahead’

Dr. Peter Juni, Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table director, says Ontario 'shouldn't rush' to enter Step 3 of reopening.

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Dr. Juni weighs in on Ontario entering Step 3: 'We shouldn't rush ahead'


  1. They don’t want to give up control of the population they worked so hard to gain for over a year.

    1. @The Incredible Sulk why are some countries opening and then closing again? If this is about “control”, why open to begin with?

    1. Wouldn’t the per-ultima be Omega and who says it would stop when we run out of Greek letters?

  2. 3:55 is the point at which he realizes the game is up. I don’t think he was expecting to be questioned!

  3. Just another over educated egghead , heard enough of theses tools in the last year and a half .

    1. Yeah pattern recognition lol. This fall will be the most extreme lockdown yet with covid passports etc. Buckle up buckaroos.

  4. I’m sorry…we are never ever going to get 90 percent coverage…like never

    Also Florida is a terrible comparison…

  5. the state of emergency powers MUST BE REPEALED. the province has clearly demonstrated they can not be trusted with such powers. the law must be repealed so we can end this once and for all.

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