Dr. Peter Juni says that just because mandates are being dropped, doesn't mean people in Ontario should stop wearing masks.
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this guy is a JOKE, doesn’t even take himself seriously
Long over due…no more masks. I am tired of being Zoro
You could’ve quit on day one. I never wore one.
@S B lol… Same here!
I didn’t notice it before but this guy’s accent sounds the same as Klaus Schwab’s.
You need to drink that milkshake with a mask on sir
yea cause they’re both 1srael1
This guy is leaving the country very soon but before that happens, he should be held accountable for all of the damage he’s done over the past couple of years.
@GO OlSEN I’m going face commando from now on
@Jumbo Me virtue signalling with a Ukrainian flag as your profile picture tells me all I need to know about you.
@GO OlSEN What a stupid comparison, by all means keep masking but please do better then this
GO Oison, Jumbo are ppaaaidd $ShiiiiLLLS
@GO OlSEN If underwear can’t stop a fart than a cloth facemask can’t stop covid.
Whatever dude. Take your money and run already
Should have always been an individual choice
Just wear a mask forever and dont go out and dont sing or dance. No nye or Christmas and you will still get the cough anyways
I thought you resign….can’t wait.
Nothing was successful about what you all did to our Nation.
I cant figure out what the best parts of these segments are, the “journalists” or the “experts”
I think were all done breathing in our own oxygen and carbon, Its bad for you this was established a long time ago. I need more oxygen
I didn’t notice it before but this guy’s accent sounds the same as Klaus Schwab’s.
I cant figure out what the best parts of these segments are, the “journalists” or the “experts”
My doctor insists on mask wearing and distancing in her office.
Pack your bags and run, “doctor.” You can damage your kids as much as you want; just leave our children alone.
Pack your bags and run, “doctor.” You can damage your kids as much as you want; just leave our children alone.
You can wear all the masks you like….. I am DONE!!
More interviews with Dr Nick Riviera pls.
I am sure if this guy held his breath, he would not catch or spread Covid. I think he should hold his breath nonstop for a few weeks.
Just cant give up control eh comrade