Dr. John Torres: Trump’s Conduct ‘Rises To The Level Of High Crimes & Misdemeanors’ | The Last Word

Reacting to news that Trump plotted to use the Justice Department to overturn Georgia’s election results, House impeachment manager Rep. David Cicilline tells Lawrence O’Donnell that they included Trump’s call with Georgia officials in the article of impeachment because it demonstrates part of an “effort by the president to feed a lie to his supporters to the point that they became enraged and violent.” Aired on 01/23/2021.
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Dr. John Torres: Trump’s Conduct ‘Rises To The Level Of High Crimes & Misdemeanors’ | The Last Word

Dr. John Torres: Trump’s Conduct ‘Rises To The Level Of High Crimes & Misdemeanors’ | The Last Word


    1. @Jack Riddle Every president before trump handled hecklers with class, seems like you aren’t mature enough to understand the difference.

    2. @Jack Riddle You probably walk into churches and call them satanists for not praying to trump 🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂

    3. @Chauncey W haha. My point is, you Nazis have no moral authority here. You demonize Trump supporters by calling them racist for everything in one breath and then claim Trump is wrong for saying he will bail out a guy that punches a heckler. You Nazis are the biggest hypocrites this country has ever seen

    1. If you are a DEPLORABLE INFILTRATING then take a PUSSYbreak because even CRIMINALS have to right to defend themselves

    2. Each day that goes by towards the impeachment trial, more evidence is coming out that he and others planned a coup! This is important and damning evidence that will make the impeachment unstoppable. Any Senator who votes against impeachment at this point is showing that he/she is a traitor to this country and a co-conspirator.

    3. @blluedragonfly Evidence? Unfolded worldwide, 7 billion witness… what else do we need? Trump is a criminal. Should have been in jail on Januray 7th!

  1. This evening CNN had a piece on Covid’s effects on Trump’s hospitality business. Too bad he didn’t put his dough in “hospitals”.
    Covid was his metaphor. Like a gigantic bedbug infestation at Trump Doral. Just pull a clean white sheet over it. Like we’ve done to 400,000 people. Now that’s… hospitality.

  2. I certainly hope someone is planning actions against Don Jr., as well. He played a part in the rebellion, and has the same fascist political intentions that the senior D.T. has demonstrated (along with automatically acquiring the tens-of-millions of unquestioning Trump worshippers).

    1. You know what concerns me is the Trump kids are just as delusional as him. Don Jr and Ivanka will try to run in some capacity. Ivanka in particular..

    2. @Flobber Top Yes, but with the Deutsche bank refusing any future business dealings with Trump.org this will riple out to all major banks. His loans will come due; his assets will be seized ( all towers in NY) which will lead to the collapse of his empire. See how that effects Ivanka, Don Jr & Eric. Plus Daddy will be the orange man in Riker’s. His proud boy buddies will love catching up with cry baby there!

    3. Those different groups he brought together with the frog thing (Pepe Le Pew frog f***) I think he’s probably the next POS… And there’s a whole bunch of young adults listenong to their 30-something year old parents right now

  3. Why not felonies.???? As bad as he is I can’t believe they can’t outsmart him and find more evidence because we know it’s there

    1. There is much higher possibility of conviction in the Senate if the charges are limited to the actual threat against Congress.

    2. There’s really no place for politics or lobbying when it comes to criminal matters. If he’s committed crimes (and it seems likely), then hopefully state and federal prosecutors are going through normal processes to indict. Impeachment, though, that’s a different matter. It’s political, and doesn’t require much process.

  4. The fact that he was hiding behind bullet proof glass during his speech shows that he clearly knew there was a possibility of violence. I don’t remember seeing him hiding during his campaign rally’s.

    1. Any time any POTUS gives a speech in the open like that, they put up a barrier around him. In this case, they knew that there were likely people with guns in the crowd as well, so Secret Service no doubt insisted on it. Everyone at his rallies was screened for weapons. This crowd was not in a confined area, and were not screened.

  5. I dont want to hear Democrats calling for trump to be removed. i want to hear REPUBLICANS CALLING FOR TRUMPS REMOVAL

    1. @Deborah Pinkey Well said (but you mean “at least 17 Senate GOP votes are needed … along with all Senate” DEMS). Let’s hope indeed that they find their backbone & put country over the *dictator* wanna-be. If Raffensperger & Krebs could do it before, the GOP Senators should be able to ‘afford’ to now. If not they’ll only be enabling their deluded constituents. That “Delusional Syndrome” they were so smug about is theirs & it’s a full disorder now, not just a syndrome; THEY have to correct it if there’s to be any real healing.

    2. Trump knows the Republicans do not have the courage to go against him. He acts like a mob boss & they know he has people that will do the dirty job for him by the snap of his fingers. Just look at those that stormed the Cap

    3. Republicans lives in a fake conservative lifestyles.
      They eat fetuses like Trump but claimed abortion is wrong.
      Republicans only cares for power.

  6. Every last lawmaker who contributed to Trump’s lie and attempt to overthrow our government need to be removed. Period.

    1. Thatsa the most frightening thing People being bullied/hassled/death threats Same tactics as the 3rd Reich did from 1933 Till people were silenced Thatsa was taken as agrreeing with them So the Party grew from strengh to strengh Quiet frightening really. Hopefully the USA Can keep a lid on it Or Democracy is gone

  7. Being an accessory to murder is another way that a person is held criminally liable for a death. Section 240 of the Criminal Code provides that everyone who is an accessory to murder after the fact is guilty of a criminal offence and is liable to life imprisonment.

    1. No he told the crowd to calm down and stop rioting except your liberal lunatic media won’t show you the clip. Go stick your head in the sand

    2. @SweetandSour i have seen the clip. It was played widely on the day. He looked like he was giving reading a statement while held at gunpoint. No one who saw it could believe he meant what he said.

  8. Determined democracy..ferret out seditious members who don’t belong in public office…Rand Paul tea party insurgents= enemy within

  9. Trump’s actions rise to the level of Insurection, Sedition, and Treason.

    So do the actions of Giuliani, Bannon, Stone, Don Jr, Lin Wood, Sydney Powell, The Flynn Brothers, a lot of the White House Staff, members of Trump’s Cabinet, some Senators and and nearly every member of the House Republican Caucus.

  10. We have to hold not only Trump but all the senators and congressmen that enabled and abetted Trump in his attempt to over turn the election results .

  11. If anyone has a problem accepting what John Torres is saying, then the real question is on what planet have U been living on .

  12. His FOLLOWERS should’ve known Trump himself lost the election If “he himself” was caught calling GEORGIA “HIMSELF”! 🤷🏽‍♀️. Like DUH!

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