Dr. Ashish Jha, who is fully vaccinated, breaks down to Lawrence O'Donnell the places and events where he will still wear a mask even after new CDC guidance that fully vaccinated people do not need to social distance or wear masks indoors and outdoors.
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Smart people will continue to wear a mask among strangers. Until this is truly over. It’s just respect for others.
It will never be OVER…..it’s a virus and they want control!
so you are smarter than the cdc. what happen to follow the science
@Sarah F 4.0 when leftists mock, you know they cant argue their point calmly & rationally
@Ralph Sims pick out a casket soon. Muting you now, Qult45.
@Fraudster Biden-Dickknuckle I understand the philosophy behind that but I feel that is more prominent when you are a youth, as you get older immune becomes less naturally
I’m right behind you, doc. Will have my mask with me.
I’m so confused…..but in the same breath, I have no issue with producing my vaccination card to go see a movie or sit down for dinner.
My card is laminated with a stamp from Dr office… People are selling fake vaxx cards. No one to check if cards are real or fake…
you dont have to show it
Larry….mask up…and ear plugs.
I’m fully vaccinated and I will continue to wear a mask. It’s helping with my allergies and TB transmission is way down!
—- > There’s still another potential plague from the India variants. I was told they are working on a booster. So, I will continue to wear a mask until the all clear is sounded.
thanks for sharing, lol
Good for you. I am not and will not.
@Open borders Dementia Joe <---2 week old tRoll account with 150 comments just on"this" channel.
@john smith Are you following me BOY??
Haha I was wearing a mask before the cdc said anything, and ill wear one long after they falsely declare we don’t need them. Vaxxed are still catching cases and I refuse to.
@B Management whom do you speak of? there views on the data- I feel like science has become quite political ie. climate change etc
ha ha. gives your age of probably under 30 c-19 has almost no risk for you unless you have health problems- falsely declare so you are now smarter than the cdc. bet last yr you ate up everything they said. lol
@David Goldman not smarter than the cdc, but when they quietly announce that they aren’t even counting breakthrough cases anymore, they can’t expect me to take them seriously. And no I was wearing a mask in early feb. before the cdc even made a statement about it. I was well stocked up wearing n95s and sterilizing by the time the cdc made its recommendations. I was actually following international headlines on Drudge report.
@Rad tech it is and is disinfected regularly thanks
@SoulHarvester Gaming gotcha you work in hospital if it’s cleaned and fitted correctly.
A note for next fall and winter: Last season’s flu numbers were down 99% due to masking and social distancing
@Fraudster Biden-Dickknuckle <---23 hour old tRoll account with 60 comments just on"this" channel.
I will still wear a mask and social distance even after being fully vaxxed. I haven’t gotten the cold or the flu because of wearing a mask.
@Athena Nike that’s not because of wearing a mask. It’s because you have been inside and scared to get out. Everything has been closed. I had a cold and work in a hospital and wear a mask daily. Good grief
So masks worked for the flu, like almost 100%, but not at all for covid? After mask mandates, covid cases skyrocketed. How’s that? Why did they work for one but not the other? They’re both a respiratory disease. Both spread the same way.
In fact masks don’t work in stopping a virus. The cdc has been doing studies every year for decades and always the results are the same: Masks and hand washing/hygiene make no significant difference in stopping a virus.
Lots of other studies have been done by other groups and the same results.
That is of course until 2020. Then the studies started saying the opposite. Because politics.
The box the ear loop masks come in has a warning on it specifically saying “does not protect against covid 19 or any other virus”.
But, if you actually look at the cdc data, the latest of which came out just a cpl weeks ago, you will see that actually, there’s been more flu than covid, in the US. In the past year. In every age group. More flu.
Despite tony Fauci telling you there was only 22,000 cases. He lied. You can go look at the data yourself it’s there on the site. Lemme know if you want a link.
It’s like everyone is now just realizing that they can catch diseases from other people. It’s so ridiculous to watch people cower like this.
Haven’t had a cold in 14 months. Why would I invite getting a cold?
Dr. Jha and followers should NEVER stop wearing a mask!!!!!
little silly kids too soon. wear it for ever. nobody cares if you want to
I sleep with my mask on
and use hand sanitizer as a lubricant
I’ll still wear a mask when I’m around covidiots on the right in multiple places indoors, if for no other reason just to not have to talk to people. And I will be armed too, as I’ve already had 2 people try to pull my mask off in public in the past month.
I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $100
I’ll wear a mask in public unless I’m in a known place with all vax’d persons
For people who enjoy their immune system: Use it or lose it! Masks are killing your immune system… We’re not designed to live in lab type sterility.
I haven’t seen that fallacy for quite a while. Newsflash: even with a mask in public spaces our immune systems are still getting used. People still come in contact with all sorts of fun things like bacteria, mold, biting insects, etc. from normal activities. People get both major and minor cuts and abrasions that open us up to infections. The planet is not exactly a NASA clean room. It’s dirty and dusty and inhabited by all kinds of life, both inside and outside our homes.
Really nothing has changed
I will still wear a mask and social distance even after being fully vaxxed. I haven’t gotten the cold or the flu because of wearing a mask.
I will definitely wear my mask for quite a while esp. in a store or place with strangers
Canada calling 4 month spread on vaccine. WE will be wearing our balaclavas by then