Dr. Ashish Jha, the Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, tells Lawrence O'Donnell that "the next few weeks are going to continue to be difficult" as demand for Covid-19 vaccines outstrips supply, but by early April "we are going to start seeing a good amount of vaccines available." Aired on 02/16/2021.
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#DrAshishJha #PublicHealth #MSNBC
Dr. Jha: By End Of May, We'll Have ‘More Vaccines Than People Who Want Them’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
Is this dude still a host? Lol
Who is banging? Stop that bleep bleep banging!
The used car lot wouldn’t hire him back
Who, MANcow?
I’ll take the vaccines when the government removes
42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22
No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
benny ruff Yes that should be removed, but I doubt if it ever would be.
What about emergency authorization ones?
Cuomo also had more ventilators than he needed…
And what’s you’re point?
@Charles Snajdr well he murdered 16000 people so I’m sure thats the point. He didn’t use the help our president made available because he didnt want for Trump to get any credit. Instead Cuomo will get jail time for negligent homicide.
Cuomo killed thousands of old folks in nursing homes then covered it up this is the real crime and something that needs full investigation
I’m pretty sure I smell something and it smells like

The vaxx smells like death. Like that Lynerd Skynerd song….”can’t you smell that smell, the smell of death thats around you”
Yall gonna be holding those vaccines for a long time

What the heck happened to the Flu?
I guess China found a cure for it…
I am wondering the same thing.
You guys know their calling seasonal influenza covid-19. Not only is the regular flu down from the year before by 98 percent, but the overall mortality death dropped this last year. So where’s the 450,000 epidemic deaths? They don’t exist
Where is the relief democrats promised? If someone said they would get you something right away but then took 4 months would you trust them?
You already do, thats why states are throwing them out
They shouldn’t be as that’s going to waste. They should give them to the people who do want the shot and have been waiting and vulnerable to virus . If certain ppl of a phased don’t want it then extras should go to who wants them so no waste
Lets hope so. As a member of the deplorables, I was starting to worry that Democrats wanted me dead. This is good news.
1:10 by May
not “Dr. Jha: By End Of May, We’ll Have ‘More Vaccines Than People Who Want Them’ | The Last Word | MSNBC”
When will VP Harris be impeached for her actions during the murderous 2020 riots?
I recall someone being murdered by a rioter (peaceful protester) after being pointed out as a “Trumpster”……… i mean…. they said President Trump incited the actions at the white house which resulted in death and brought up articles of impeachment. Seems like Kamala and Joe’s actions over this summer are fit for impeachment.
@TexasJohnny I think your absolutely correct!
@TexasJohnny then vice news commemorated the dude who shot the trump supporter for just standing there, right before he got in a shootout with the us marshals
There’s really no need to impeach her, she’s useless anyway
@R Dziekan I think it should be done on principle. She really is a terrible person
I’m sure this is true. Any normal thinking, fact checking person realizes that they do not need an experimental and dangerous vaccine for something your own immune system has a 99.64 chance of survival.
Do you know these vacines have not been approved by the FDA, you are the test subject do your research
On a related note, liberal media and college professors have convinced every “POC” to hate white people and amazingly convinced most of hire people to hate white people (including their families) pride
Why doesn’t everyone do what Virginia did. Call in the national guard and let them handle it. I heard everything went well.
This guy is a joke he testified in the senate about covid and never treated anyone for it!
“Dealing with vaccine hesitancy”
Dude, what happened to my body, my choice?
You could say there are 50 variants in the US. We still dont want the first one. Keep lying to the American people and see what happens
This guy doesn’t have any inside track on the vaccine distribution. He’s a college Prof who practiced medicine for a few years. He goes on TV and tweets but he doesn’t actually DO anything. MSM with their fake “experts”.
You’re gonna deal with “vaccine hesitancy” once you have enough vaccines? People don’t wanna agree to the politics of the vaccine, and it’s your fault for making it political.