Dr. Inglesby: ‘Need More Visibility’ Into PPE Supply Chain | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Tom Inglesby discusses the growing concerns of PPE and testing shortages as cases of COVID-19 continue to surge. Aired on 7/07/2020.
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Dr. Inglesby: 'Need More Visibility' Into PPE Supply Chain | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Dr. Inglesby: 'Need More Visibility' Into PPE Supply Chain | MTP Daily | MSNBC


  1. Trump bragged for years about how he was smart enough to get into the Warton School of Business. Turns out, the only reason he got accepted is because he paid someone to take his SAT’s!😆😆

    1. He’s a failed businessman and a terrible politician how he’s still breathing is the biggest mystery of them all if trump was in the Middle East America would invade the country and take him out has a great threat to world peace

    2. Trump claimed he was first in his class at Wharton School of Business. Think how stupid that would have made the rest of his class if it was true.

    3. *^ yet another stupid shallow comment followed by a thread of stupid shallow comments.stupid shallow must never get old for you people. stupid shallow is the norm for you folks, I guess.*

    4. @Crystal Giddens Speaking of shallow, how many times are you going to paste these inane lines onto threads? Speaking of busy, don’t you have a better thing to occupy your wasted time on? When Trump is beaten in a landslide, will you finally stop being so embarrassing to all who read your drivel.

    5. I guess all those “PROTESTERS” were spreading the virus afterall, the DEMS and the MSM were WRONG again!

  2. Fun Fact: Whenever t’rump hears “PPE” he poops a little into his diaper thinking that someone is talking about the “PEE” tape.

    1. The Pee Pee Tape consists of tRump cavorting with young underage pre-pubescent Russian prostitutes & having them urinate upon him. This is called Urolagnia & a lot of it goes on at tRumps Mar a Lago/Labia Gentlemen’s Klub HeadQuarters.

    2. I guess all those “PROTESTERS” were spreading the virus afterall, the DEMS and the MSM were WRONG again!

    1. Thanks to both Trump voters and Trump enablers. They are at the root of the biggest error ever made by the US Electorate.

  3. I know that in Arizona, a mask that costs $0.36 to manufacture sells for $6.00 a piece at Walmart entrances and are required to shop in the building. Could someone please explain to me the definition and legality of “price gouging” during a public emergency?

  4. Trump said he was fixing it … like nobody’s ever seen before … PPE made in ‘Murica. Too much PPE is bad for the herd immunity plan.

    1. The US is lucky to have never seen a degenerate liar like Trump in the Oval Office before. The COVID-19 crisis has proven just how far out of his depth Trump truly is.

    2. Radwulf, Dementia Joe Fingers said preventing the coronavirus is xenophobic, while Trump made travel bans! KAG

    3. @John Swo Dementia Joe Fingers said preventing the coronavirus is xenophobic, while Trump made travel bans! KAG

  5. Shortage of testing! Congress and the Senate approved $140 BILLION, 100 Billion for testing, 40 Billion for tracing and it went to trump. Since, he fired the Covid Aide Oversight Committee and said last week:”we don’t need testing”, really? Where is the $140 BILLION? WHERE?

    1. @Laura Zaboraski It is suppose to be free! Call your Republican Senator, see what he says? 140 Billion was approved and sent to t rump, but he said: we dont need testing!

    2. Concered Citizen …that’s what I thought. We still have a hard time finding tests. It’s blowing up around here too. This whole thing has been a disaster and the government is no help.

    3. Norway COVID-19: *Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary*
      by News Desk –
      Norway COVID-19: Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary
      by News Desk
      May 28, 2020
      Europe, Headlines
      By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews
      Mass testing
      Norway’s Institute of Public Health announced this week (computer translated) that it does not recommend testing large groups of healthy people, such as all employees in a company, for COVID-19. Now that there is little spread of coronavirus in Norway, such testing has no purpose.
      Based on results from mathematical models, the reproduction figure in Norway is estimated to be 0.65 (0.39-0.94).
      Stoltenberg warns against another lockdown
      Norwegian Institute of Public Health chief, Camille Stoltenberg, said in an interview (computer translated) she warns against such a shutdown again – even if the infection rates should increase…
      *“Our assessment now….is that we could possibly have achieved the same effects and avoided some of the unfortunate impacts by not locking down,* but by instead keeping open but with infection control measures,” she said.
      The closure of Norway has had serious economic consequences: high unemployment and a sudden stop for the Norwegian economy.

    4. @Crystal Giddens And do they wear masks and social distance… Sorry Crystal, the rest of the world does and you are not going to win this one using them as an example.
      They are also isolated by countries that have low numbers of cases that do test, distance,… 140 billion was given to trump to use for testing and tracing, where is it?

    5. @Concered Citizen It would not be surprising that Trump and his team of liars diverted the money to get more of his stupid southern wall before election day. Ironically, the Mexicans may be pulling for Trump to get it done to keep Americans from spreading the Trump Pandemic to their country.
      You do not have to wonder about whether Ms. Giddens is full of crapola, because you know she doesn’t have an advanced degree in either Virology or Immunology.

    1. Bud Fudlacker I wouldn’t know that Bud because I don’t live in America but I’ve never seen or heard a politician like trump in the western civilised world in my 57 and a half years of being alive he’s a racist lunatic dictator I’m surprised that no one in the Republican Party or even the military hasn’t stepped in and done something about trump take care of yourself Bud my best wishes to you from Stevie boy in Britain

    2. @Steve Dee Covidiots like Mr. Fudlacker are typical of Trump supporters. They are world famous for not letting facts get in the way of their thinking, especially about Trump. They seem to feel sophomoric and snide remarks are sure signs of a strong argument. It’s just their way of emulating their “Fearful Leader.”

    3. John Swo I agree with you John he blinded his supporters with greed and stupidity, the way I see it is his supporters have been given a comfortable life style and with it they can’t see the big picture, and he has just fooled them all while he has become a dictator and they can’t see it. He doesn’t listen to any of his advisers if he did just once America wouldn’t be in mess it’s in, personally I don’t agree with politics but at least I heard Obama say I’m your president and the responsibility is mine I haven’t heard trump take responsibility for anything he’s blamed Obama time after time like the time he blame Obama because there was no ventilators trump has had nearly 4 years to sort out ventilators for Christ sake take care of yourself John my best wishes to you from Stevie boy in Britain

  6. Is this what “freedom” not to wear a mask or take common sense precautions has given Arizona? Ignore science and suffer the consequences. Soon, stay at home orders and all non essential businesses will close again.

    1. The poor management of the Trump Pandemic based on what Trump thinks has wound up preventing the re-opening Trump so desperately wanted to start the economy improving. Our economy will take months if not year to recover from the Trump recession.

    1. @Grim Reefer Dementia Joe Fingers bribed Ukraine with a billion dollars to stop investigating his son!

    2. @Bud Fudlacker Horse hockey! The prosecutor Sholkin was not prosecuting anyone. That’s why VP Biden went to Kiev to get them to fire him. Biden had the blessings of the IMF, the EU, several US Senators in the GOP who are still sitting senators, NATO, and several Ukrainian good government groups. It was not near the lies that Trump and Rudy Colludie were smearing the VP with. Like most of Trump’s lies, it wound up being just another projection.

  7. Umm 🤔 what happened to that bootleg coronavirus task force? MIA! Profit off of the pandemic,and then run! #Trump🤡

  8. New York: 423,000 cases, 4.3 million tests
    The UK: 286,000 cases, 10.8 million tests
    Italy: 242,000 cases, 5.7 million tests
    Texas: 218,000 cases, 2.5 million tests
    Florida: 214,000 cases, 2.4 million tests
    Turkey: 208,000 cases, 3.7 million tests
    Germany: 198,000 cases, 5.9 million tests
    New Jersey: 177,000 cases, 1.6 million tests
    Canada: 106,000 cases, 3 million tests
    Arizona: 105,000 cases, 0.8 million tests
    South Carolina: 47,000 cases, 0.5 million tests
    Poland: 36,000 cases, 1.7 million tests
    South Korea: 13,000 cases, 1.3 million tests
    Australia: 9,000 cases, 2.7 million tests

    Donald Trump “The only reason the United States has so many cases is because we are doing so much testing”

    What an absolute lying pig he is!!

    And for all those who say “deaths are going down” in the North Eastern States they are! In the Southern states they are going up! Soon they will be going up nationwide too, just like what happened with cases!

    1. Because Trump was bragging about the low death rate the other day, all the covidiots have been on here asking why this network or the other won’t report that. When you explain that the death rate has be lagging the case rate by about a couple of weeks, the covidiots claim you are happy about that fact. Then they call you immature names. How nice.

    2. @John Swo
      Norway COVID-19: *Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary*
      by News Desk –
      Norway COVID-19: Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary
      by News Desk
      May 28, 2020
      Europe, Headlines
      By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews
      Mass testing
      Norway’s Institute of Public Health announced this week (computer translated) that it does not recommend testing large groups of healthy people, such as all employees in a company, for COVID-19. Now that there is little spread of coronavirus in Norway, such testing has no purpose.
      Based on results from mathematical models, the reproduction figure in Norway is estimated to be 0.65 (0.39-0.94).
      Stoltenberg warns against another lockdown
      Norwegian Institute of Public Health chief, Camille Stoltenberg, said in an interview (computer translated) she warns against such a shutdown again – even if the infection rates should increase…
      *“Our assessment now….is that we could possibly have achieved the same effects and avoided some of the unfortunate impacts by not locking down,* but by instead keeping open but with infection control measures,” she said.
      The closure of Norway has had serious economic consequences: high unemployment and a sudden stop for the Norwegian economy.

  9. The cost of one person’s hubris, ego and ignorance is incalculable. In a macabre sense it confirms the claim that the Office of the U.S. president is the most influential seat of power on the planet.

  10. Where’s the Spike in COVID-19 Deaths?
    BY MATT MARGOLIS JUL 07, 2020 4:45 PM EST


    AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein
    Just as soon as states started to reopen, a surge in coronavirus cases put the brakes on those plans. Talk about a second wave has conveniently reignited fears about the coronavirus right as the country is itching to get back to normal, or as close to normal as possible.

    But the media wants you to be afraid. They are counting on people to focus on the headlines and be ignorant of the data.

    What is the data telling us?

    The death count for COVID-19 has been declining long enough that if it continues, COVID-19 will no longer be considered an epidemic by the CDC in a few weeks. Some have argued that the lag between cases and deaths is a moot point because of the lag between diagnoses and deaths. So, let’s take that into account.

    The spike in cases appears to have started on June 14, 2020, which makes perfect sense because most people develop symptoms within two weeks of infection, and the George Floyd riots started at the end of May. Studies suggest that deaths from COVID-19 occur between 15 and 22 days, with a median of 18.5, after becoming symptomatic.

    It’s reasonable to assume that most of the people who get tested do so because they’ve experienced symptoms. But even if only half of those who have tested positive during the recent spike of cases were symptomatic when they were tested, a spike in deaths should have occurred by now because it’s been 23 days since the spike in cases started. But, as the charts below indicate, there hasn’t been a spike in deaths yet:

    How is it possible that there’s been no spike in deaths yet? As Dr. Anthony Fauci recently acknowledged, “The overwhelming majority of people who are now getting infected are young people, like the people that you see in the clips in the paper or out in the crowds enjoying themselves.”

    And risk of death for young people is very, very, very small. The CDC’s current best estimate puts the fatality rate for symptomatic coronavirus patients at .05 percent for people under fifty, and .2 percent for those between 50 and 64 years of age. It’s only when you get to those 65 and older that the fatality rate for symptomatic coronavirus patients jumps to 1.3 percent.

    The lack of a spike in deaths at this point tells us a lot. It tells us schools could reopen, that bars and restaurants and pretty much everything else can too, as long as the vulnerable population (the elderly and the sick) are quarantined. Life can return to normal for most of us.


    Matt Margolis is the author of the new book Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trump, and the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

    Here’s How Much Downstate New York Is Skewing the United States’ Coronavirus Numbers

    The Coronavirus Timeline Liberals Don’t Want You To See

    STAGGERING: Nursing Home Residents Account for a Whopping 43.4% of COVID-19 Deaths, Even Though They’re Less Than 1% of the U.S. Population

  11. I guess all those “PROTESTERS” were spreading the virus afterall, the DEMS and the MSM were WRONG again!

  12. Why do i scroll thru ALL of the “mainstream” media you tube sites and SEE NOTHING ABOUT ALL OF THE VIOLENCE IN ALL OF THE MAJOR CITIES IN AMERICA?…….i know why, theyre all democrap run thats why

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