Dr. Vin Gupta criticizes a state-by-state approach to battling the coronavirus as infection rates continue rising across the country. Aired on 11/16/2020.
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#VinGupta #Coronavirus #MSNBC
Dr. Gupta: We Can't 50 Different Approaches To Fighting Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

2020: “Morons Are Going Away”

@T D For being a great President? Lots of dems & RINOs, maybe, OR to visit you (Trump’s a compassionate guy)
@William H It is amazing how many Americans do not understand their voting system and the constitution. As an outside observer, I think I know more about your system than 70 million idiots who voted for the dictator in waiting. Get over it. Trump lost, except he won in the parallel universe he inhabits, along with the 70 million cretins who voted for him.
@Joseph Nagle the truth is they understand it these Trump supporters are white supremist there losing in the normal way of things so now there last resort is threats unruly not compliance
@Joseph Nagle Thank You!!! I’ve been trying to match the dem’s hate (hard to do).
biden/harris the bait and switch we all see coming
PLEASE wear a mask if you go out. PLEASE follow safety protocols. We will never get this under control of we don’t work together. Fight the virus, not eachother.
@don s if the test can show false positive and false negative then why are people lined up for hours? Because TV told them to. It’s called fear. How ironic when the virus hit America in As early as oct 2019 no one panicked and the virus didn’t “spread”. Soon as the tv said this is a threat now it’s spreading everywhere. Meanwhile the public officials that tell us to wear a mask don’t unless the cameras are on smh.
@In Black America Radio Conspiracy theories and false equivalents do NOT change the crux of my point. In public, mask up dude. Stop trying deflect and come up with nonrelated BS in order to justify your desire to take no responsibility for what you do to others. Are you being intentionally obtuse?
@don s conspiracy theories? You just admitted the test come shows false positives and negatives……what is the conspiracy?
You admitted that the virus is airborne, not for days but yes hours. Where is the conspiracy? You said the virus spreads in public places, I just asked can it spread in the privacy of your home? Where is the conspiracy? How bout you point the the conspiracy theory I’m toting?
@In Black America Radio Of course I don’t wear a mask in my home. BECAUSE I don’t let people in that are not wearing a mask. That viral hang time is for indoor situations. That is when you wear a mask. The particles are not riding the air by themselves. They do it on WATER. Aerosolized water. That is also why I don’t go out to eat, and nor should you. Why? Simple. You are indoors and have to remove your mask to eat and so do others. You are putting yourself and those around you at risk if you are an asymptomatic spreader, and the latest evidence shows that asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic spreaders are the biggest threat of all. If everyone followed the same precautions, we could bring this whole thing to a stop inside of 30 days. However, too many people are not following the rules. Too many people are taking risks. Too many people are in denial and scared to even think it anything but a hoax. Too many people also don’t care. Which kind of person are you?
@In Black America Radio Trotting out the Tuskegee experiment means you were attempting (and not very well, I might add) to draw a false equivalency between an intentional and unethical experiment on human beings and a naturally occurring pandemic that is in the category of a natural disaster. Stop deflecting. You are seriously grasping at straws now dude. No solution is perfect. Social distancing and mask wearing in public places is not 100% effective and nobody ever said it would be. It only keeps it under control enough that the hospitals do not get overwhelmed and we don’t have to ration healthcare like they are starting to do in Utah. Again, WTF are you not getting here?
Trump is following the Nazi’s scorched earth policy. Destroy everything so your enemies can’t have them, and leave your people high and dry.
Flick a booger on a democrat today
@Paul Wilson You’d be wrong
@Ba Doai I don;t know, were they speaking Greek ?
@Vikki Anderson You are truly stupid. Read a history book.
@Vikki Anderson Pleaee be specific? Trump has never mandated anything on the population, the states, or created solution out of Chaos which was Hitler’s way. It’s the Dems that want to do that. It’s the Dems that have embraced antifa and all the b******* rioting, and physical destruction. Trump wants to end it by only offering assistance. This is a man in just recent months who had received the Nobel Peace Prize for the Middle East, and earned it. Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize just for being elected president. AOC wants a list of names of every conservative for retaliation. Who again is the Hitler?
I hope the ppl who follow Trump and say that mask go against their first amendment rights, aren’t taking up bed spaces…
@Mike Cash Здесь только один дурак и дурак ты.
@Mike Cash
You are just wrong . And this new government is not left.
You are clearly actually believing this Q-Anon garbage?
@Duane Dickson
I think they should be given a shot of the hospital waste water for that . Sickening behaviour. Trump is sickening
@MommumWhat new government? Trump will win if the votes that flipped, get flipped back, and the faux ballots are thrown out.
Harris is a self avowed commie, and Biden won’t last a year. Very fortunate the house is divided and the senate is right, if the Georgia races go right, which they will if no fraud. I would believe Q before CNN or MSNBC. You will get the straight scoop at Newsmax or Epoch Times.
The MSM has you lefties so pumped up about winning, you will riot when you find out you lost. Military roundup time.
Well, trumpublicans, you’re right, the 6.5 billion people around the world, 1.5 million of whom died due to Covid are all out to get your precious cult leader….and the tooth fairly is contributing to his slush fund are you..
Lol look at the kool aide drinking brainwashed moron
wow you should stop listening to msnbc and maybe use some common sense?
The current epidemic of stupidity is far more dangerous than COVID-19.
On the face of it, you are 100% correct. Unfortunately, the stupidity we are seeing is now actually driving the pandemic. The fact is, the American people are at fault for this crisis. We have literally mountains and decades of data to show that masking up and social distancing will keep things in check until we get an effective vaccine that is widely available, yet here we have people who refuse to be responsible citizens and protect themselves and others when it is rather obvious they should be doing it.
There’s no cure for stupid. Only therapeutics.
@don s to be fair, I don’t think the US has _ever been_ a country of primary prevention. Look at CHD, Type 2 Diab and obesity. We’re a country that would rather take pills to prevent death versus doing the small things every day to prevent morbidity altogether. The masks and social sacrifices are primary prevention – trying to prevent the “disease” from occurring in the first place.
More kind words to describe the circumstance evade me at this moment. Science has a lot to say about the pandemic, science has a lot to say about the environment.
But a lot of people are mad and afraid and confused and apparently think of Science as a Left-Wing conspiracy, which it is, but it’s not a conspiracy to mislead people but rather to get the truth to people.
Observing how people ignore and even disparage science, I wonder in a literal sense if their combined efforts will bring the end of civilization, or worse.
This dude has literally stopped working… and people still vote & ride for this dude. We should put all of them on an island by themselves & they can all infect each other
@imiss toronto Exactly. But that’s their problem! They want to secede? C’ya! I’ll help them pack.
@skaybaltimore Me too. They would not be missed.
@William H And your point is?
I knew he would do this. Not work just play golf until he has to get out of the WH. What kills me most is he still has not done a thing to get stimulus out to Americans and his followers are still following him. Crazy!
@Christina Hernandez Exactly. The only thing I differ with the OP is that not working now, for this lazy grifter, is nothing new. He’s played more golf, watched more TV, and wasted more time than any other US president in history. Furthermore, he has proven himself to be so unintelligent, with such a short attention span, that the PDB’s had to be set out for him like a picture menu at McDonald’s.
Trump is only concerned with holding Klan rallies and playing golf
Looks like the Youtube community has awarded Dave, Ba Doai and William H the dumbest trolls award for the decade. Let’s hear it folks

@Awishforpeace in the void Biden & Harris can do no worse than Trump. We would have been better off with nobody at the helm rather then Trump.
@Dave Help me understand, were those the same machines that voted for Republican senate seats & house seats? Lemming!
@William H Trump, the president who has overseen the shortest time in US history to have accumulated 250,000 deaths from a single issue.
@Raging Monk I sincerely hope this is the case .
The contrast between Dr Gupta and so-called ” Dr atlas” is immeasureable.
No. It is measurable: one is useless. The other knows what he’s talking about.
@Cynthia Neighbors I think you mean “an” economist. We can certainly control the economy and not the virus which is a blessing, considering the virus has only killed (sadly still) only 2% of the infected US population to date, but a man-made shutdown of the economy will crush us all. BTW, I’m not against wearing masks, in fact, I wear mine, and I have yet to see anyone in malls or supermarkets not wearing a mask. I’m just opposed to the heightened nonsense that the media and governs, like Governer Whitmire are spreading while their spouses are attempting to do the opposite and there is no evidence of people not wearing a mask in public/private enclosures. It always seems as they are aiming to say that our Constitution is a hindrance to our way of life.
@Tony A Don’t split hairs.
@Cynthia Neighbors I don’t think we are splitting hairs. It sounds like we are sharing two very different viewpoints. But if we are not, nice!
@Cynthia Neighbors Cynthia, eliminating the virus will help us get back to normal. We all know this to be true. Don’t let kooks mislead you from your common sense.
The masks smudge his makeup. For his vanity we die.
And Trump plays golf. How did 70 million vote for a man that does nothing? Are people brain dead – or just brain washed by this vile conman.
The Reapers on his way America..This Virus turned out to DEFINE America..reaper will clean that up a bit
Yep. That 50 different ways has gotten us where we are. We need a leader. We need leadership.
*I pray “enforcement” does not lead to civil war.*
Why not put fines for those that don’t obey the rules? Don’t get it
I live in Cyprus and we can get fined for not obeying our covid safety rules. We don’t like it but it is to protect us. Stay safe.
This is ridiculous! Put Trump on Sentinel Island and let him talk to the Islanders there. They may love him.
In the war against COVID-19, the White House has been the white flag of surrender.
All because of Toxic Trump and Republican’s poisonous pathological lying:
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are senselessly suffering and needlessly dying.
The ever irrelevant Petulant in Chief needs a wake-up call…
A well planned disaster. This President has been engaging in mass negligent homicide