CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta raises the alarm with New Day's Alisyn Camerota over the rising state of the novel coronavirus in the nation.
#CNN #News
Dr. Gupta: US in the middle of a coronavirus storm

CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta raises the alarm with New Day's Alisyn Camerota over the rising state of the novel coronavirus in the nation.
#CNN #News
This is an alarm! People just don’t get it!! Wake up before it’s too late!! Wear a mask! Stay home when you can!! Don’t be dead on Christmas!
Down the Oh yes it is! If you don’t wear a mask your a spreader!
@Karen Mindiola…I find it hard to believe you think any one would believe your line “There is NO Democrat propaganda.”
It is laughably see through. You are the enemy of Americans
Down the If you think wearing a mask is bad wait til you need a ventilator. No propaganda your brainwashed
Racist Jimmy Kimmel and all black comedians that constantly make racist jokes about white people need to be fired ASAP…end all racism
Karen Mindiola Thanks for such a great statement! Bumper sticker: “Don’t be dead on Christmas”. Stay safe and well!
My dad use to love Dr. Sanjay Gupta so I grew up watching him off and on. I admire this man greatly. When he speaks, I believe him completely. I trust Dr.Gupta
Me too!
Sanjay..soft spoken , good natured professional
Yes his a real doctor , not like Dr oz who is worth 30 million from selling bull crap miracle drugs!’
@David Donald Dennison AGREED
Roman Max You may think so probably because you don’t have the level to understand him. Which can be dangerous during a pandemic.
“a cancer that has metastasized”
sanjay s talking about the trump presidency, surely
Yes my friend and blessings from Townsville Australia

Time for some chemo in November.
@SuperThunderGoodGuy it’s you’re, not your. Calling someone else stupid? That’s rich coming from you, hunty.
@Sampiro Locke my comment got censored. So let’s try again…
BLM doesn’t care about David Dorn or the many people who were shot in Chicago. They only pretend to care when it’s a man with the lightest skin color and a bl@k man.
When you have a stupid person in power telling everyone that it’s over, the stupid people believe it. They don’t believe they can die.
They will believe it only when someone they love dies!
PIZZAGATE is real . Dems are trafficking children
Trump 2020
@fasteddie i like the theory. It puts alot of things into perspective.
@fasteddie your the problem
The cancer spreading…is he talking about covid-19 or Trump?

@Gomez Addams yawn.
Another echo for the chamber of echoes
This is how Hildog lost in 2016
@Gomez Addams exactly! I compare him to a bad ex that just won’t leave us all alone, collectively.
@KVM a Bad Axe that wanted everything to be expensive. They wanted you to spend every penny on what other saw their clothing their jewelry their car where they ate. Any elitist. I have been very very well-off in my life. Never have I turn my nose down at people in fact I immersed myself and the night time for and drug-addicted and help them become functional people. I was the opposite I did not hang out with rich people there was nothing to do but stand around and be rich.
@[AUTHORITY OF ENGINEERS] your gullible delusional stupidity is amusing.
We test to know if we’re spreading the virus to our love ones to save lives Mr trump
@Sampiro Locke So what disinfectants do you use in your daily koolaid?
@Nota Bene Exactly
Test are rigged.

ADRENOCHROME Hollywood Gates Clinton’s Obama Epstein island flight log Catholic Church human trafficking CDC criminal division of Cabal red cross sells blood WWG1WGA
Trump wants you to sacrifice your loved ones for the Dow.
@Cory S

ADRENOCHROME Hollywood Gates Clinton’s Obama Epstein island flight log Catholic Church human trafficking CDC operation mockingbird
Trump 2020
I urge people to check out democracy now here on YouTube. Reports the White House is planning on ending testing at the end of the month
@David Littler has any administration ever played by the rules? I am sorry I don’t bash one side of the political spectrum but looking at the world overall the poor of the 1950’s are not the poor of the 2020’s I would ask for your evidence but, I know that you don’t have any so here,
When your ready to have an honest discussion let me know champ.
@Ed G — yes, but nowadays they don’t “print” anything, more like electronically input numbers and wire them into accounts. It does make you wonder if this administration does checks and balances to not deflate the value of US dollars.
@Jacob Barron Great stuff. Direct me to a Koch brother funded institution. No propaganda there then.
We just sent 38 billion to Israel.
The chaos of the Trump storm. Where is the SENATE? Still silent. The GOP in the senate all need to go.
And yet the ‘American Spaceship’ continues to travel into the orange sun and no one is doing anything about it. Sad.
No joke !!!!
A storm of ignorance. We always knew that the spread of corona infections result from not covering your mouth and social distancing.
Couldn’t have been the protests??
BLM has a lot of blood on their hands, if what you’re saying is true…..
Not ignorance..arrogance..and faith in an idiot president
@Maryland Guy0326 probably..but I saw more mask wearing protesters every single day than ive seen in trumps crowd in the last 4 months..i blame trump at this point
Meanwhile “President” Trump doesn’t wear a mask and pretends the virus has disappeared.
@Robert Clawson I swear it sounds exactly like you are talking about trump..ya know..the guy who 3 months ago said..i take no responsibility..and dammit..he hasnt..
@Robert Clawson oh..and you haven’t had to go thru your doctor for months..there are drive up test sites..clinics test..christ..even some pharmacies prescription needed..and stop your uneducated bull
@a.r. hays you mean the rally goers right..bc for the last month I’ve seen plenty of masks on protesters..not so much in the last 4 months of the trump admin tho..or any of his cronies..bc they don’t give a crap about americans..Not even YOU
@Christy Ann yeah..i think they ALL are stupid enuf to think that..they don’t get that if he cared about us even if he doesn’t believe in science that he would do what’s right..what every single expert has told him to do..but his ego..omg..his the charts..
The president is super smart cmon. He’s doing reverse psychology in order for people to wear masks. All these “hot spots” are fAkE NeWs.
The fact is, the Trumpletons, will ignore safety guidelines and local governments will sacrifice citizens for business. Be ready for the next step, we will be forced to sign waivers and made to work without safeguards in place.
Noticed the Fake News, never report death toll, only the infection toll.
Did you know viruses are every where and the so called Corona virus family consists of the common cold to the flu, Sars, swine flu to covid 19.
I question them on which viruses they are reporting? ??
“Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV),” says Dr. Andrea Limpuangthip, medical director of quality of patient safety at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical
@II nosferatu II Noticed the Fake News, never report death toll, only the infection toll.
Did you know viruses are every where and the so called Corona virus family consists of the common cold to the flu, Sars, swine flu to covid 19.
I question them on which viruses they are reporting? ??
“Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV),” says Dr. Andrea Limpuangthip, medical director of quality of patient safety at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical
You should sign a waiver to go to a city with a peaceful protest
@OBAMAGATE OBAMAGATE that isn’t true. They are not lying about the death toll. This virus is significantly worst than the flu and you have to listen to science.
That’s what I’m waiting for, law where we have to go bk to poor work conditions n if you refused fired!
While Trump is doing his Kung Flu comedy roadshow, other countries are banning travel from the U.S.

ADRENOCHROME Hollywood Gates Clinton’s Obama Epstein island flight log Catholic Church human trafficking CDC criminal division of Cabal operation mockingbird mk ultra red cross sells blood WWG1WGA
@Michaela Francis
@Rachel Ash
You are the minority…liberal, white and female…how depressing
@ST7A Bad Karma

Another thing Taiwan did very well… contact tracing. And quarantine. And masks. And temperature checks. And good universal health care. The results? Only 470 cases total. Only 7 deaths
@S J okay and I am talking about I am talking about the 39,000 dollars that goes to the hospital once they “verify” a covid case. Way too miss the point, you dunce.
Harry Hill moron
We are dealing with 20% of the nation that carry the trump mentality and believe all the misinformation trump is spreading right now. We also have another 20% that are Ten Foot Tall and Bullet Proof. Neither of these groups are willing to help prevent the spread even the simple act of wearing a mask in public. And listen to the last two rallies trump held. He continues to divide.
Racist Jimmy Kimmel and all black comedians that constantly make racist jokes about white people need to be fired ASAP…end all racism
The big problem is the man in the Whitehouse
….if you are anti-American…yes.
@Down the stupid comment.
It would if been bad regardless.. definitely could of been handled better
I like the idea of contact tracing and giving jobs. Many people arnt going to have jobs to go back to once things get better cause so many businesses have gone out of business.
@Simba Strate That and they are the ones that have lost the most jobs. They are starving and going homeless and can’t even call 911 because they can’t pay the phone bill. Feed them please!
ADRENOCHROME Hollywood Gates Clinton’s Obama Epstein island flight log Catholic Church human trafficking CDC criminal division of Cabal operation mockingbird mk ultra
@Sandy Allen that’s not the only reason they can’t call 911.
Contact tracing is the only way out, and we need to start in March.
No contact tracing.
“Dr. Gupta: US in the middle of a coronavirus storm” swirling around #ImPOTUS45 with new cases arising in his inner circle. May all reading this “extinguish” this storm by telling our Pres. Trump “you’re fired” on Nov 3rd by voting for the exact opposite instead of more “Mourning in America.”
We need good leadership we need to vote this guy out
Living in a circus with a joker for leadership…this is what you get sad…
— “Socialism doesn’t work!”
— “But the Western European and Nordic countries are doing great with it.”
— “That’s not real socialism! They’re basically capitalist.”
— “Okay, let’s adopt their policies then.”
— “No, that’s socialism.”
“Don’t lie down with a healthy head in a sick bed.”
― Wise Chinese philosopher
“Don’t ever Trust a Democrat.”
-A Wise former Democrat
The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “genius” who hides his college grades.
The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 yrs.
The “playboy” who pays for sex.
The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
The “President” who takes no responsibility.
The “tough, strong man“ who wears makeup and hairspray but never a mask.
The “deal maker” who has yet to close a deal.
If America reelects this guy, it deserves the dystopian future that follows.