1. A couple of years ago CNN put Hong Kong on the map of South America, remember that. So much for being the world wide leader in news.

  1. I can’t remember the details but I think there was a choir practice that had a much larger percentage of infection from one evening’s practice. They say the singing ( forcing air out ) magnified the spread.
    Trump’s rally is larger, longer and more crowded with people mingling more.
    This is such a bad idea.
    They were interviewing people waiting outside in Tulsa. They seemed to be older, not too healthy and already having trouble breathing. I hope they have good insurance including life insurance.
    We’ll know in about 10 days but then there’s the people infected by MAGA fans.
    Even in the worst flu season do you ever remember overflows of piled up bodies at hospitals and funeral home?
    Covid and flu are NOT the same.
    Act accordingly.

    1. Many church services temporarily halting all singing. I can’t believe anyone is dumb enough to attend this indoor rally..but then again we’re talking about Repugs.

  2. I call BS on all of it. Another doctor says that anyone who got a flu shot can test positive for the covid virus.

    1. If you look closely at the bok center you will see something that you will never see in the logo you will see a 👁️ and 666 on the rings just like Microsoft

    1. protests and rallies are two different things little boy, protests are inherently risky and is a ‘war’ for your rights. Rally indoors is stupid for no reason besides to stoke up trump’s ego

    1. no, but at least that’s in open space, this an organized super spreader event, that’s why trump is asking people to waive their right to sue him

    1. I swear I hope it is jam packed shoulder-to-shoulder with their make America great hats on please let them go

    2. And the protests the CNN has been praising For the last month are any different? Not to mention the riots there were praising and calling a protest

  3. Remember the Michigan (mostly white) protesters that you called dangerous radicals just because they wanted to go back to work? BLM protesters (and rioters), nope COVID doesn’t apply to them!

    1. And the protests the CNN has been praising For the last month are any different? Not to mention the riots there were praising and calling a protest

    2. Yes peaceful protestors are “white supremacist” but ACTUAL black supremacist are peaceful protestors. This virus is racist and disproportionately effects blacks but they are only worried about rallies. It’s seems to be some kind of Blue Flu.

    1. The Lockhart Perspective
      It seems like they have 2 hide their candidates just like they did with hilley 4 years ago.

    1. They probably did, but the fact that they were outside and wearing masks probably made it less risky.

    1. And the protests the CNN has been praising For the last month are any different? Not to mention the riots there were praising and calling a protest

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