Dr. Gupta: Embarrassing To See Rep. Jordan’s Behavior Toward Dr. Fauci | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dr. Vin Gupta joins Morning Joe to discuss Rep. Jim Jordan's remarks toward Dr. Fauci as well as the 'Roll Up Your Sleeves' special set to air on NBC on Sunday. Aired on 04/16/2021.
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#DrGupta #DrFauci #MSNBC

Dr. Gupta: Embarrassing To See Rep. Jordan's Behavior Toward Dr. Fauci | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dr. Gupta: Embarrassing To See Rep. Jordan's Behavior Toward Dr. Fauci | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Jim Jordan’s behavior is sadly now the norm with right wingers. They bully, shout you down, lie, misrepresent and grandstand. I watched Dan Bongina and Geraldo Rivera act like 8 year olds on a debate the other day, same behavior.

    1. @TheDiamond2009 what are you 12 years old? The formulaic counter accusations you people throw out are hilariously untethered from reality. No wonder your party is basically Q anon.

    2. Mainely, you assume too much, which is the stock-in-trade of the fool. It’s not my party, I’m English, and my politics don’t align to the polarised party politics of America. But it is completely indisputable and beyond any doubt to any reasonable person that it is the left which shouts, screams, attacks, deplatforms, cancels, bans, burns, threatens and intimidates. Of that there is no doubt whatsoever.

  2. Jim Jordan needs to understand that he is not free to use his liberty to jeopardize the lives of the American people.

    1. @MrAnibl And you and your kind are nothing but cold SOBs, who don’t care about life in general, much less who gets an abortion and even less about who gets aborted. You people aren’t fooling anyone.

    2. @MrAnibl Whether you know it or not, these celebrities are American citizens,too and have just as much right to “preach” as you. They are encouraging you, no one is forcing you to do anything. They’re simply trying to do the public some goods. That goes for any American citizen you don’t like.

    1. Elected is the key term. How? McConnell, Graham – how? How do people vote for these self-promoting, corporate pawns. Disgusting.

    1. @Paul Wilson well in order to be free and enjoy life you have to be alive. That’s usually how it works.

  3. That was classic Jim Jordan. He does not argue policy. He is confrontational and has no policy agenda. This is the Republican plan for power.

    1. @shawn doe they’re essentially children amped up with testosterone, they have no actual ideas or anything at all about this country to affirm

    2. I’m sorry to say this but he still has the mentality of a professional wrestler. Just braggadocio, not a thinking man. Sorry to say that he proves the stereotype a a bullheaded wrestler

    3. Everyone knows how stupied Jim Jordan is.He lets his mocking bird mouth over ride his humming bird A. This from down South saying.

    4. Jordan is only good at “dismantling” anything that will help Americans. After watching his little “meltdown” performance, he’s definitely a health hazard to Americans !!? and he needs to be eradicated ?!

  4. Why does Gym Jordan and the GOP not have a clue about the fluid nature of viruses? Just because it’s tiny and does not roar, it is still a Beast that wants to live and thrive.

    1. @Paul Wilson Fauci doesn’t have a crystal ball. Perhaps if so many morons weren’t refusing to get vaccinated, he might have a better idea.

    2. @Paul Wilson He didn’t want an answer… Fauci was right. Jordan just wanted to rant to get his five minutes on fox news.

  5. i am 74, and i got my first shot. i remember when i was a kid, and my mom had me in line to get that polio shot. my mom didn’t give it a second though, and other mothers didn’t either. they were worried about the suffering that would have occurred if they had not. this coming from a guy that looked the other way when young people were being molested.

    1. @GoGreen1977 Thanks, for helping me to recall a child hood memory. I remember it was colored. I was six in 1961.

    2. @Jay Carlson I thank the hard working people at the company’s that create and distributed the vaccines not trump

    3. @Stedex17 according to Faucci’s boss no one would be getting the vaccine now if it weren’t for President Trump and he deserves the credit.

  6. Problem with Jim Jordan is he does not have the smarts to be embarrassed. Just loves to hear himself rant and rave loudly. He always makes a fool of himself.

    1. @Fahq Overitt People who wear mask are not due to personal responsibility they do so because the media scared them to death. Or because they are obedient sheeople. Is called propaganda. Get a clue and Get over your sanctimonious democrat party garbage. Sheep!

  7. These people are a plague. I’m a loving person. Sincerely. And they succeed to make me fantasize about bashing them in the face with aluminum bats. It’s horrid & I’m lessened & embarrassed that they are STILL able to get to me in such a way that it’s difficult to just be myself.

    1. Just remember that there would be (potentially cootie-laden) blood spray, and a bat is not long enough to avoid that. You’d need a haz mat suit with it’s own oxygen tank, and a decontamination chamber afterwards. Besides, nature has a way of sorting these things out of the gene pool. Stress and trauma trigger evolutionary adaptation. Look the other direction from where they are pointing, and you will see it’s just noise to distract (domestic>international, Constitution/rights/”we want them infected” (herd immunity)>disenfranchising/gerrymandering/therapeutic Rx or wall street profit, if not dead voters, laws>crimes, north>south, planes>boats…). Don’t give them your joy. He said, “Be still.”

    2. @Kia Rainey People like Jordan definitely challenge my personal Christian ideals in that area. If I ever met him, I don’t know that I could resist the urge to punch his arrogant face in. So I feel ya

    3. @bianca Agreed. I felt this way, but for whatever reason, didn’t say. Thanks for expressing it for us!

    4. @-k- – You’re my favorite because you used the phrase “cootie-laden”. And, facts detected. I’ve learned that stillness is my biggest difficulty rn. Growing in progress…

  8. Personal freedom? My right to swing my arm ends before it hits someone. All those who choose to not get the shot can stay away from those of us who did.

    1. @Keith E russia russia, mueller, ukraine, bogus impeachments. in the words of bill maher: THE ONLY WAY TO GET TRUMP OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE IS TO CRASH THE ECONOMY. the democrats, rhino repubs and many new world order leaders created this scam to first of all, destroy the economies, make people dependant on them. second, shut everything down, blame trump. make everybody stay home, force mask mandates and erode more of our freedoms. there is your scam…………

  9. Too bad Jordan wasn’t as adament about Ohio State freshmen’s and sophomores’ freedom to be free of molestation from the team doctor. Or, instead, did Jordan believe in the doctor’s freedom to feel up these young men?

    1. My oppionion. Jordan needs medication. He seems to be Bi-Plolar. He us manic. He rants and rants. He may also benifit from anger management. At his rate of arguering. he is going to have a Cardiac Arrest

  10. The way Gym Jordan acts, as if there is no tomorrow, indicates that his day of reckoning is coming. The bigger the mouth, the harder they fall.

    1. Lol. Wish that were true. Sadly, people in Ohio are so stupid they love that moron. It’s basically a whole state full of angry dad’s, crazy uncles, and karens.

    2. @youngatheart5376 How did you manage to escape from your padded cell, and get access to a computer?

    3. @youngatheart5376 And what about the 570,000+ deaths to date? That fact most of these could have been avoided with a meaningful response escape your sense of reality? Look past the US shores & see how poor Trump & cohorts did really affect their own citizens.

  11. Yes! Embarrassing is my feeling watching Jordan. Distortion of personal freedom is right. Like an unruly child in the back seat having a tantrum about not getting there soon enough. Meanwhile he’s not doing his part slowing and interfering with progress. Busying himself with sedition and Jan 6 iinsurrection, antivax, antimask, anti following cdc guidelines.

    1. No Dr. Gupta , you sold out your profession for not allowing a real debate with thousands of doctors who don’t agree with your bought pharmaceutical narrative and stifle views from the scientific world ; What MSNBC , CNN , Google has been doing to the people , an undercover video recorded by Project Veritas showed a technical director at CNN talking about the boost the network received due to its pandemic coverage.

      “It’s fear. Fear really drives numbers,” CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester said. “Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”

      The fear-mongering worked, DeSantis said, pointing to CDC statistics showing that 4 out of 10 American adults delayed or avoided getting urgent or routine medical treatment in June 2020. The agency’s report said that the pattern may have contributed to the excess deaths reported during that period, due to preventable illnesses and injuries going untreated.

  12. Seriously. Was Jim Jordan’s mom just not part of the picture? He’s like a spoiled brat throwing temper tantrums.

    1. Better than being an overpaid lier like Gupta , No Dr. Gupta , you sold out your profession for not allowing a real debate with thousands of doctors who don’t agree with your bought pharmaceutical narrative and stifle views from the scientific world ; What MSNBC , CNN , Google has been doing to the people , an undercover video recorded by Project Veritas showed a technical director at CNN talking about the boost the network received due to its pandemic coverage.

      “It’s fear. Fear really drives numbers,” CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester said. “Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”

      The fear-mongering worked, DeSantis said, pointing to CDC statistics showing that 4 out of 10 American adults delayed or avoided getting urgent or routine medical treatment in June 2020. The agency’s report said that the pattern may have contributed to the excess deaths reported during that period, due to preventable illnesses and injuries going untreated.

    2. @youngatheart5376 Aww, pobrecito, your right-wing nut-job propaganda machine breaks down when people can see the real cause of their suffering

    3. @Old man from OC Absolutely:
      “If the attack had been of some more violent kind it might have been easier to resist. What chilled and almost cowed him was the union of malice with something nearly childish. For temptation, for blasphemy, for a whole battery of horrors, he was in some sort prepared: but hardly for this petty, indefatigable nagging as of a nasty little boy at a preparatory school. Indeed no imagined horror could have surpassed the sense which grew within him as the slow hours passed, that this creature was, by all human standards, inside out – its heart on the surface and its shallowness at the heart. On the surface, great designs and an antagonism to Heaven which involved the fate of worlds: but deep within, when every veil had been pierced, was there, after all, nothing but a black puerility, an aimless empty spitefulness content to sate itself with the tiniest cruelties, as love does not disdain the smallest kindness?”
      ― C.S. Lewis, Perelandra (1943)

    1. No Dr. Gupta , you sold out your profession for not allowing a real debate with thousands of doctors who don’t agree with your bought pharmaceutical narrative and stifle views from the scientific world ; What MSNBC , CNN , Google has been doing to the people , an undercover video recorded by Project Veritas showed a technical director at CNN talking about the boost the network received due to its pandemic coverage.

      “It’s fear. Fear really drives numbers,” CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester said. “Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”

      The fear-mongering worked, DeSantis said, pointing to CDC statistics showing that 4 out of 10 American adults delayed or avoided getting urgent or routine medical treatment in June 2020. The agency’s report said that the pattern may have contributed to the excess deaths reported during that period, due to preventable illnesses and injuries going untreated.

  13. Nasty Jim is fighting for anti-maskers,he should of done the same for the kids being abused in the school gym..

    1. What MSNBC , CNN , Google has been doing to the people , an undercover video recorded by Project Veritas showed a technical director at CNN talking about the boost the network received due to its pandemic coverage.

      “It’s fear. Fear really drives numbers,” CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester said. “Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”

      The fear-mongering worked, DeSantis said, pointing to CDC statistics showing that 4 out of 10 American adults delayed or avoided getting urgent or routine medical treatment in June 2020. The agency’s report said that the pattern may have contributed to the excess deaths reported during that period, due to preventable illnesses and injuries going untreated.

  14. When the founding fathers spoke of life, liberty, and happiness, there’s a reason that *life* came before everything. Can’t enjoy liberty and happiness if someone takes your life.

    1. The virus is not some one. And if you take the vaccine you are protected from it regarless what other people do. So stop trying to impose stupid covid rules, the vacinne or mask on others..

    2. #2 Life comes first Which is why Women can not abort babies over convenience because life of the baby is sacred and comes before her other ”rights”. Of course democrats don’t care about life. They only want to do what ever the c they want. YOU ARE A SHEEP!!! Beeehhh eeehhh ehh!!! You confuse rights with responsibilities.

  15. It wasn’t embarrassing to me because it’s what I expect from Jordan. It’s actually incomprehensible that such a despicable man is an example of the people he represents.

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