The US Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma to treat Covid-19. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes a deeper look at the data and explains why controlled randomized trials are still necessary to fully understand the effectiveness of convalescent plasma.
#CNN #News
Nothing will stop me from voting Trump out of office. This is no longer a discussion on policy, Red vs. Blue, Liberal vs. Conservative ideals… etc. It’s Morality vs. Immorality. Good vs. Evil. I’m done being civil. I’m done being tolerant of intolerance. The man has blood on his hands, including his own brother’s. If you still support Donald Trump at this very moment, despite everything that has happened, and is still happening, not only are you a vile human being, but a danger to society.
Well Trump out of office, yes…And in jail too!! But that’s because he is a part of George Bush’s NWO/globalist takeover of the world. And Biden is just another puppet that would do the very same thing Trump is doing. Get out of the strict 2 party/path mindset/division…
Views Nooooo. Please please don’t spread it. And please don’t google any YouTube video downloading sites so you can spread it. Noooo
@California Ford F150 How are you going to get your job back if you vote for Biden? He’s already talking about more shutdowns.
@soylentdean I don’t like what I’m hearing. Shut down will crippled America
unfortunately I won’t get my job back. Is there any jobs left
@California Ford F150 The longer we shut down the more businesses will go under, making there much fewer employment opportunities in the future. Something Biden and the Democrats seem unable to comprehend.
I want to know what Don Jr. took before his speech at the RNC. That sht was hilarious.
Don jr got busted on video using racial slurs last night
I think it was his dad yelling at him before the speech and between takes that made him cry…. It was a recorded speech afterall…
Once the doctor said “optimal treatment of optimal patients at highest tiers”, I knew the 35% improvement was BS. When you have to add that many specifics to allow you to claim 35%, something is wrong.
He said there’s a 35% improvement using high dose vs low dose plasma, it’s right in the numbers 13 vs 9, what was wrong was saying 35 ppl survive that’s not so
@The Blade same as the medias favorite word, per capita
@Crystal Giddens Simply, they didn’t have to. The gov’t asked and the people complied. People in Japan know the drill and didn’t have to be persuaded to wear a mask and keep a distance. You have probably seen many pictures of people with mask in Asia, so this is not their first time. While Asia and the US where hit with the flue in the 20’s, Asia was hit again in the 50s and again in the 60s. So in the end its not that they got through this without taking precautions, its that they didn’t have to be told to do so. The earlier they started the less it virus spreads.
War Room Pandemic Ep 351 – Rolling out the Red Carpet
Still better than 90% mortality
They lied when everyone was watching and now they tell the truth when not even half are paying attention that’s the point
@Todd Daniel Russia Russia Russia. Get over it.
@Investigative Audit fake NEWS PROPAGANDA IS China “s mouthpiece
They are protecting their investments in vaccines, the only magic drug. But will not tell you there is other treatments.
They never tell the truth
@Adam Geiger um…. your point? She isn’t even in the picture any more.
saw the article FDA chief admits he oversold COVID-19 plasma effectiveness
War Room Pandemic Ep 351 – Rolling out the Red Carpet
@HemiHead664 New York is at the top of the list numb nuts
don’t forget that
@Fries With That
Oh, you again. I was just hanging out over at Faux News dismantling Trump’s base. NY got their act together quickly. The Republican states were all about Constitutional freedoms and whatnot. Karens.
@HemiHead664 Yeah I wonder why New York got their act together quickly….. could it be because of Trump?
Oh! That’s why Governor Cuomo is on record saying “the federal administration was very helpful, had swift actions and was a great partner.” It all makes sense now!
Clean your keyboard because it’s full of earwax you dumb never Trumper.
@Fries With That
Money can’t fix a pandemic, you country bumpkin. Only a lockdown can. Something Republicans know nothing about.
“Judge somebody by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Ash Roskell You’re too far gone brainwashed
@Ash Roskell not the same Republican GOP’s since then till now and I’m pretty sure when u cut taxes that allows business to invest more the economy more in their workers which in turn is the result of what ur seeing with trump I hate seeing all this division amongst each other all this fighting amongst our selves we’ve got to stop it its destroying America, what America is was and always has been a free and democratic state for us to talk about our differences instead of pointing the finger and blaming on all sides why cant we just all come together and reconcile our difference in a way we can both understand intelligently, not condescendingly, speak truth not lies and I mean all sides whether ur democratic republican, ur race all sides we have all got to come together somehow someway and listen more and care more for each other because the ways it’s going is definitely a history that will forever be etched in the minds of americans
@NoJusticeNoPeace Many People on CNN have Fake Accounts..They go on Fox News and Troll..One Account talks about Trump Killing Americans when the Virus started in China and Trump Stockpiled on the PPE and gave Every Hospital Supplies..
Chinas own People Blame them
.. Dumb Clown blame our President..
Cuomo was the one who mixed Non Covid Patients with Covid Patients
Only in America
Imagine if Biden was President..It would have been much worse because he was Against the Shutdown meaning he would have Delayed it even longer
Because He Loves China so much..Doesn’t want to piss them off..
Thank you, Dr. Gupta, for watching out for and informing the American public, and using your influence to keep others honest!!!
@Avadhesh Sharma “Have you ever been to a school” what kind of dumbass question is that?
@Fries With That An appropriate question for guy like you.
@Avadhesh Sharma Do you think about what you’re going to say before you say it?

I have a strong feeling you don’t because I can’t imagine someone being this dumb
@Fries With That That is pure assumption and considering where the US resides in the world education table a very weak assumption.More like a wish.
@Alan Pattinson You’re wrong. Please educate yourself
The whole point of a late stage clinical trial is to show the drug/treatment’s efficacy, safety, and effectiveness. Trump may be cheering, but as a person who worked in the Biotech industry for decades, this is a very big risk
At 16 I worked at Harvard in Surgical Labs for summers , I was Warned , Look Kid Get out of this , You Have a Bright Future , First : Don’t Take their Medications and stay in Good shape , I’M type O blood so I moved on and I was on a Special Moon Project 9 years Later !!! From Will Hunting …
I’m reasonably sure this was an intentional misrepresentation. Dr. Hahn said exactly what Trump needed him to say for Trump’s purposes. We know that he knows he did more harm than good, shame on him. Dr. Hahn sold his soul to the devil; good luck buying it back. We can and must anticipate that Trump will do the exact same thing with the vaccine, when he thinks the timing is right for his political purposes. His goal is to make Americans believe that these “breakthroughs” are because of his leadership, when nothing could be further from the truth. Only Trump supporters “believe” this dangerous nonsense, while the rest of us live in endless shock.
He said there’s a 35% improvement using high dose vs low dose plasma, it’s right in the numbers 13 vs 9, what was wrong was saying 35 ppl survive that’s not so
Why so negative and pessimistic , people are dieing so we need to do whatever we can yo save them
Vegeta what do you suggest besides warning them?
@Sharon Green I would say to the protesting rioting youth, now is not the time to behave this way, now is not the time to be selfish and irresponsible, not while your country is weak, now is the time to show strength and solidarity for life is fleeting and karma is real
Vegeta that sounds good, but I am not the black man who was shot 7 times in the back by police. I don’t live in his county where the Sheriff said he would start deputizing civilians to police the riots. I don’t live there where a 17 year old white boy took his automatic assault weapon to the protest and shot and killed two people and injured another. I am not the black man who was choked to death by a police officer with his knee on my neck while 3 officers watched me die. I am not the female first responder who was shot several times and killed by police while I slept and while they were serving a warrant on the wrong house. I am not the 12 year old black boy who was shot and killed by police while I played with my toy gun. We DO NOT KNOW how they feel.
Trials of convalescent plasma started here in the UK on 3rd of June…… trials only…. Dr Gupta’s explanation is spot on
During my research on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), I covered this issue. Scientists in China concluded on 3-June-2020 that:
“Infusions of antibody-rich blood plasma from people who have recovered from the coronavirus, so-called convalescent plasma, failed to make a difference”
Please read my report (ref. Slide # 76).
Link to the downloadable PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in the comments section of the videos).
Please share & subscribe
Trials started 100yrs ago for other medical issues…. its been used forever…. but ok.
He said there’s a 35% improvement using high dose vs low dose plasma, it’s right in the numbers 13 vs 9, what was wrong was saying 35 ppl survive that’s not so
@Investigative Audit Thank you for giving sources and being well informed. Please spread you knowledge.
If we didn’t have someone fighting for truth they would be able to just tell us anything and kill off more people!
Exactly. How do people forget so easily? This is all to help trump’s failing campaign, and we’re NOT buying it. How can people forget that Biden and Obama SAVED our economy, after the 2008 Banking Crisis, caused by the GOP, which rocked the world! Biden’s saved us before. He will do it again, and America will love him for it, until they forget and get offered a cheap tax cut, by another GOP charlatan . . . SMH
It is entirely possible (if unlikely) that if a randomised controlled trial of convalescent plasma was done, it would show that those who received a placebo did better than those who received the plasma. That is why such a trial must be done before you can say if it is beneficial
“When widely followed public figures feel free to say anything, without any fact-checking, it becomes impossible for a democracy to think intelligently about big issues”….
Thomas L. Friedman
Someday CNN will apologize for the shameful acts they have done to embarrass themselves and America. Assange, Clinton and Libya: Bought DNC Brazile leaked debate questions: Covington:
@Robert Clawson yeah I hear tell that Joe Biden’s going to get his debate question answers when they slide him the copy of Green Eggs and Ham. That is of course if his wife is reading it to him and he’s sitting there being a good boy with not too much Gribble coming off his chin
@Billy Pardew “Maybe you have to swallow a little bit.” ~Jill Biden
@Robert Clawson p
Who cares? The stock market (Trump’s favourite metric) got a NICE boost from the claim.
Probably why he said it.
Free Hong Kong
FDA is being pressured by Trump administration to find something to help COVID infections before the election….it, s that simple.
Yes, Trump has even said to reporters that he thinks the Democrats are trying to hold back the vaccine until after the election. I mean this President is a nightmare that I cannot wake up from.
Well, do you go shopping? How about to work?
Maybe, you go to your neighbors’ house…
If you can go to any one of these (and many other), places… you can go to the polls!!
KillerBeers Yes it should be relatively safe if you social distance and wear a mask. It’ll be okay.
When the announce is made the damage is already done and it’s really aggravating
The United States COVID response has been an utter disaster.
I think you mean essential LACK of response….complete chaos is NOT a “response”.
Welp… this comment didn’t age well at all.
Knowing what we know now… I’d say it was actually very amazing. Thank god YOUR PRESIDENT shut down the country when he did…
Doctor said “optimal treatment of optimal patients at highest tiers”, I knew the 35% improvement was BS. When you have to add that many specifics to allow you to claim 35%, something is wrong.????
Again, they basically mislead the American people.
Welcome to Trumplandia!