Former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb discusses the country's current infection rate, why the country is seeing more younger people get infected and why he believes hospitalizations will rise. Aired on 07/09/2020.
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Dr. Gottlieb: U.S. Is Likely To See Hospitalizations Rise | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Deaths have gone up the last two days:
July 7 993
July 8 890
Testing is a sham. Even if you can get a test, it takes 5 days to get results and while you are waiting for results, you are infecting others.
Trump and Pence will be convicted for Involuntary Manslaughter.
@Carol Why is everyone obsessed with the case numbers? If the deaths are going down, who cares how many people test positive?
@Truth Ninja Deaths aren’t going down
Deaths lag new cases by 6 weeks
Hospital are now packed, ICU’S ARE OVERFLOWING
All the experts expect deaths going over 1,000 per day in the US
@Truth Ninja Do you follow john hopkins university covid-19 tracker
@Carol That’s the worst website I’ve ever seen. Official WHO site has death rate dropping (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
@William H stop pushing crap!
Bully Trump knows he is going down and he will take everyone down with him, from the Republican Party down to the children, their families and extended famlies. Abhorrent!
@Sonofspam64 why don’t you go to one of his rallies, you’ll be safe if you drink the koolaid.
@Little Dikkins dance to his tune? Hmmmm name 1 thing he’s tried that the dems haven’t done or is against the constitution or presidential powers.
@Don Williams 1) Stand at a Summit News Conference and proclaim they believe Putin more than our multitude of Intelligence Agencies. 2) Use Federal Funding threats to bully States into doing his bidding (this a number of times and the Courts have pinned his ears back over it every time). There are two and there are many more but you only ask for one.
@Little Dikkins Hmmm like the “17”? Hmmm well there’s 4. Seems Mueller and some other stuff hear recently has shown THAT crap with Russia was…ummmm BS. Back to the STATES thing again. Oh yeah, Obama appointed Judges ruled.. Oh No. You failed worse than Hillary did running for POTUS…TWICE.
@Don Williams Keep on drinking the Orange Koolaide.
” I tried to con a virus and lost ” – trump
“I out dealt the con deal maker” by covid 19. Out this tuesday on Amazon
Let’s hope that the majority of people who get hospitalized are Trump supporters, they are the ones pushing the virus on the rest of us (US).
@Zaidia Naif <<<<< ISIS?
@Don Williams And now Tulsa has hundreds of cases of COVID19.
@isabella ericson Add Texas, at least one of their major cities is either out of room in ICU or nearly so.
@Little Dikkins Absolutely!
@Crimdor wonder how many are actually from covid? They reported 1 early on yet failed to mention it was born 22 weeks early.
Trump is so smart that he is using reverse psychology on himself.
Haha and they fell for it.
Well, I mean. I heard he has good words. The best words.
Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election
@Tracey No Matter What

@Crystal Giddens – Oof. Sadly, I could see this as a headline people would try to use as evidence of fraud.
Came here after Fox “News” turned off their comments on Tammy Duckworth article. Silly Taco Carlson can’t take the heat.
biden has all his comments turned off
Why can’t we just do it right? Because we have a sociopath and not a leader!
True Cuomo is a killer
@Radley2612 kinda lonely hangin’ with Dumpy? huh
@riffle queen Hows your grandmother?
@Radley2612 How’s your daddys’ Boyfriend?
@riffle queen Don’t fool yourself they’re laughing at you dingus
Trump was done since March when he lied about C19. He lied about serious Pandemic diseases.
@deb polocz
America is running out of hospital beds due to tRumps Covid19 virus!
China has built new hospitals in 10 days to treat Covid19 Patients ….
I guess China must have stolen that technology from America too!
@deb polocz You should get out of my basement. It’s just creepy having rodents in the cellar.
@Sonofspam64 Lol!!.
@Colin Mahoney he had so many beds that they werent even used..remember he had a ship??????? the hospitals are fine
@Peter Pan Sorry don’t know how to send you a link but look up Video miscontrues pelosi on travel ban It is from and they tell that there are 2 things going on. Again some crap on fb. Have a good evening
Donald Trump and the GOP are engaging in genocide of the American people. Read that as many times as it takes for it to sink in.
You Americans are being held to Political Ransom Trampled on
Richard Owens There needs to be a bill board that says that
Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election
stop listening to only one side of the argument
That is what history will show. What do we do now?
I can’t imagine the anxiety of having an unrelated medical emergency and having to go into a Covid-packed ER.
Is your imagination really that weak?
I think I broke my foot thankfully I can go to my regular dr hopefully they don’t have any known exposures.
Michigan here, I fell and fractured my hand back when we were in our peak. I didn’t go. Just wrapped it up, probably just saved myself money anyway lol
Starr Davis haha! Nice. I took a photo of my foot and texted it to my nurse mother (I’m almost 40 years old) and asked her if she thought it looked broken and she said they really won’t do much for it unless the bones are displaced and it needs surgery. Just tape it.
@Kimberly Christine yup, im 44yr and brittle now lol, and KNEW when it was STILL a MAJOR problem a month later so I asked my dad the physical therapist. Said the same thing. Good luck
Trump’s Administration is a pandemic in itself
Hospitals are almost to capacity now. With the stupid Trumpy dictator trying to force our kids to their demise, he hides in his bunker being tested twice daily has 2 sets of guidelines, one for him and one for the rest of us.
Someone sneeze on his hamberder FFS.
Roughly 20 kids have died from coronavirus. That’s an extremely low percentage of fatalities.
@Crimdor Not if it’s YOUR kid!
Any deaths of children going back to school is on Trump’s head
@deb polocz Children have died and there is at least one very nasty syndrome that has cropped up in children who recovered. There is also growing evidence for the disease damaging the brain along with the rest of the organs in its victims’ bodies.
@StinkyPirates You mean ancillary, I think.
The parent’s have that choice . However those parent’s would rather take them to an open beach, a crowded park or bicycle all without a mask. Would all that be Trumps fault too?
No it is on all your heads. You don’t risk your children. You are also adults so ignore him. Just ignore him. The most effective thing is to ignore him.
*Let’s end this nightmare on November 3rd. VOTE HIM OUT.*
@Corey Ham Would be nice but I don’t think it’s going to happen unless Biden changes his tune. Even then, it will be tight and he’ll only become president because orangutan lost, not because Biden’s policies helped him win. Pretty sad really.
As for republicans being kicked out of office – after the debacle in Kentucky, yeah, that’s not going to happen or they’ll only be replaced with more corporate Dems which won’t help the common people. The whole thing’s a shitshow as usual.
@Ben Pearse Would agree that Chump will lose due to his gross incompetence and politicization of everything in government. It is true that Biden has not show much of a detailed policy platform yet.We hall see if anything more emerges. But what is more important is that Biden will bring in lots of competent people into cabinet and senior government roles. Unlike Chump who appointed mostly incompetent political hacks and the only criterion was blind loyalty to Chump himself. To be an effective leader in any organization, government or business, you have to have experienced and quality people. I have no doubt that Biden will be able to do that.
On the elected republican senator/congressmen issue … it seems highly likely that enough will be defeated that both the house and senate will swing to a democratic majority. Of course not all republicans will be defeated, but they will pay a price for their blind support of Chump, when in fact many if not most of them knew that they were not acting in the best interest of the country or of most citizens.
find ur safe space now
@Corey Ham “But what is more important is that Biden will bring in lots of competent people into cabinet and senior government roles.” I very much doubt it. He is nothing more than a republican in sheep’s clothing like many establishment democrats. He will play to his sponsors, big banks, big pharma, private prisons etc etc, the bloody list is endless!
the Dems are asking the people to vote for the ‘lesser of two evils’ again but it remains to be seen who is the ‘lesser’. It’s literally like saying: I put two murderers in front of you and you have to pick one – one tortured his victim to death, the other just shot 10 people dead instantly, which one is the worse murderer? It’s utterly ridiculous and impossible to choose. And so therefore the vast majority of people – as has happened so many times before – will opt out, and not vote for the president. And so it will come down to party lines, those who won’t sway one way or another. So, which party has the most registered voters? And the sad fact is, people are willing to sacrifice their morals to ‘win the game’.
The house has already swung in the Dems favor and look what’s happened – Pelosi has continued to jump through the hoops of Trump and his ilk, and her sponsors and the corporate dems. She has done nothing to push to improve the lives of Americans.
So no, it isn’t just bad republicans that need to be gone, it’s bad democrats too. And while the establishment keeps fighting against change – on both sides – this uphill struggle could absolutely see Trump in for a second term.
@Ben Pearse Doubt it all you want. You will find out in Nov/20 that Chump and many republicans will be GONE. When you have many many long time republicans leave the party and actively work against Chump and the party, you know bad news is on the horizon for them The Lincoln Project, Republicans Against Trump, 43Alumni Against Trump, and others should tell you all you need to know .. but that assumes you have any degree of objectivity or smarts whatsoever.
We need to get rid of the hospitals and then they won’t run out of beds.
@David Garrison Don’t forget the streets and the cars! No more accidents
7 9 20 Hey@David Garrison , If the forests go away, what am I going to do with my new rake? he he. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
7 9 20 Hey@Cross C Cologne, The little things in life makes one happy. The ignorance is all around. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
This simultaneously made me sick and made me chuckle.
We will remember where you want to spend your last days…no reason to waste a bed for one who doesn’t want it!
No national strategy. That is why we’re back where we are. Trump has proved he isn’t up to the task to protect his citizens. At this point he’s of the mind that if he just ignores the seriousness of the pandemic, he won’t embarrass himself and his party.
TRUMP IS clueless on how to stop the virus…
Trump is trying to make schools hospitals for children.
And, at the same time, effect the defunding of education AND health care, every Conservative’s wet dream come true.
Roughly 20 kids have died from coronavirus. That’s an extremely low percentage of fatalities.
And morgues for some of them.
@Crimdor Yes,true..that’s the way it’s been with no school in session. I pray it doesn’t go up as kids go back.They need to go back..for not only the educational, but social too.The threat comes to the staff,as the kids could be carriers,aka asymptomatic.
putting up barriers between each other like the acrylic ones like grocery stores use is a start..staggering the classes so at least everyone goes three full days possibly
USA is finally the best at something other than bigotry and ignorance.
Christjerky Don’t forget gun violence and opioid overdoses.
And we have Trump to thank for it! #MAGA
You mean the best at dying from the COVID19? Yeah, thanks to Prez CHUMP, we are dying more then any other country from the Covid19.
Let’s just call this what it is…
The Trump Virus