Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases, told CNN's Jim Sciutto that he does not think people should be concerned that politics are influencing the United States' Covid-19 vaccine timeline.
Dr. Fauci weighs in about a possible vaccine in October

Putin announced that he created a vaccine and his daughter was the first to be vaccinated. Maybe Trump should let Ivanka test it first.
have Jarred take the vaccine first!
@C0gitoZ33 Droid 9/11! Junior bush killed 3000 Americans Cnn= producing zombies 24/7
TRUMP 2020 .fak useless masks and harmful vaccines
@lima maclean If you think that’s funny you need to put down your fleshlight and go outside avocado
@Reuben Herrera That answers my question Democrats are gay
@Captain Caveman Not all. Does the gay man or woman disturb you?
Science not politics should dictate when a vaccine should be given to the masses.
@Ryan Gennaro actually yeah its not even a thing hey?! A thousand Americans are dying every day but i don’t know any of them so it doesnt affect me!
No, individuals should determine whether or not they take a vaccine. Especially one that has unique and untested qualities. I like my DNA just like it is! All of these entities sleep in the same financial beds. My health should not be left up to liars, murderers, demonic entities, and thieves.
It won’t be. It’s my body and my life. My decision.
@Utub Commentater
You do realize that all of this is C19 fiasco is happening under Trump, and that he’s stated from the beginning that he will use the military to make sure people are vaccinated right?
There’s a disconnect in your thought process evidenced in your statement.
@Flawed2Perfection – YAH’sChild yes hear hear!
No dude, I’m NOT taking a vaccine that’s rushed. No way, no how. Do the FULL Phase III trails FIRST, then put it out into the public.
@Nocovid Jones You’re confirming that you are an easy target for conspiracies. Where do you get your informations?
@Finn Jacobsen I read government documents, white pages,etc. Are you one of those people who can’t tell the difference between a conspiracy and a theory? Do you even know what a conspiracy is? Did you know there would be no genocide if it weren’t for conspiracies? Did you know that governments killed 290 million people last century?
@Nocovid Jones dude, i said what i wanted and you are the one shouting. Just wear a mask, keep distance and stfu already….
Nocovid Jones Noknowledge Jones, go work in a prison hospital without a mask
@Dregoth Will you be telling people to take the vax as well? You do know that forcing everyone to wear masks is just the prepping for the vax right? Social distancing= social engineering.
no thank you. they are pushing this way to fast. I will wait to see what happens to all the people that get it
Captain BP&J Democrats cry that we need a vaccine and fast. Now that we have one the rats don’t want it.
George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push
Hillary Clinton colluded with major news networks to create a narrative for the 2016 election (links below)
1. Clinton Staff hosts private “off-the-record cocktail party” with 38 “influential” reporters, journalists, editors, and anchors (from 16 different mainstream media outlets including CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT, MSNBC, & more) with the stated goal of “framing the race.”
2. Donna Brazile (CNN contributor at the time, and current DNC Chairman now) leaked CNN town hall questions to Hillary Clinton’s staff prior to the debate.
3. Clinton campaign and the New York Times coordinating attack strategy against Trump
4. Glen Thrush, POLITICO’s chief political correspondent and senior staff writer for POLITICO Magazine, sends John Podesta an article for his approval. Writes: “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this. Tell me if I fucked up anything.”

5. Huffington Post contributor Frank Islam writes to John Podesta in an email titled “My blogs in the Huffington Post”, says “I am committed to make sure she is elected the next president.” “Please let me know if I can be of any service to you.”
6. Clinton staffer “Placing a story” with Politico / New York Times: “place a story with a friendly journalist” “we have a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico” “we should shape likely leaks in the best light for HRC.”
7. John Podesta receiving drafts of New York Times articles before they’re published.
Clinton staff “placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper).”
More media collusion: NYT and AP “helpful” to Clinton campaign.
8. Clinton staff colluding with New York Times and Wall Street Journal to paint Hillary’s economic policies in a “progressive” light.
9. CNBC panelist colluding with John Podesta on what to ask Trump when he calls in for an interview.
10. Clinton staff appearing to control the release times of Associated Press articles.
Bill Clinton Inc.
Most of them die and Trump responds with :” It could have been worse. All of them could have died!”” His MAGAS respond with: “Fake news!”
Watch “Bombshell Evidence that COVID RNA Base Pairs are Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA” on YouTube
Anyone who does accept this vaccine willingly deserves whatever they get. No one knows what they’re putting in those vaccines, or why it’s so important that every single person on the planet line up to take it.
The worst thing that the medical profession can do is to rush the vaccine. The reason that vaccines are safe is that they have to undergo a very rigorous series of tests and that takes time. If, however, those tests are bypassed for any reason (e.g. Being able to announce a vaccine is available 3 days before an election) then that particular vaccine is by definition NOT safe. If the vaccine were to be rushed and it proved to be unsafe, then public confidence in vaccines in general would be greatly diminished and that effect would cost many thousands if not millions of lives and result in countless needless illnesses. Ignore the bully in the White House. Do it right!!!
I am still waiting for his supporters to inject bleach or drink oleandrin but they are not brave enough yet
The vaccine in the 70s killed more people than the flu, in a rushed vaccine, when they thot they could have a pandemic. I can wait several months…
This vaccine has nothing to do with any virus. It’s not about saving lives. It’s about population control and altering DNA. Financial Control. The Singularity. Connecting Transhumans to the World Wide Spyweb.
Be not deceived, they aren’t trying to save anyone, this is about tyrannical control.
I fully agree with the fact that this vaccination should not be rushed.My mother died three years ago ( not Covid related) The most important person in my life dying makes me wary of any vaccination. Do you blame me. I do not want to die too. I.will not be a guinea pig . I am still ailing from my mother’s death and then this pendemac. I am frazzled from all of it. Trust the science and wait.
Safe….that’s why Vaers pays out billions to vaccine injured people
Actually, the vaccine will be available on November 3. So, PLEASE go vote and help rid America of COVID-45
No the virus will peak on November 3rd. Stay Home, Stay Safe.
Cardi B for Demacrat leadership yo!
Yes! Im going to vote for Trump!
Yep we need a vaccine for a virus with a death rate of 3% with inflated numbers.
Stop making this political you idiots are unreal. This is a global takeover and you all keep fighting over politics. America is so far gone. I dont support Trump never have supported politics unless on a local level, its all rigged once you get past jr congress.
I have never voted before but I can tell you that most peoples hatred for trump is going to run this country straight into a third world country run by technocrats. The truth is most of the hate is unwarranted [YOU JUST NEED TO TURN THE TV OFF] go out a live life do this you love surrounded by people you care about stop playing these games.
This system is designed to cause divison thats it. The medias job is to control the NARRATIVE once you control the narrative you control PERCEPTION and the way you perceive something CONTROLS the way you REACT to situations.
Joe Biden has openly stated that he would shut the country down if scientist told him too. He also stated he would make it illegal to not wear a mask.
Most likely make mandatory vaccines with no exemptions.
I dont play politics but im tell you all need to open you eyes im scared for this country there is no unity and its literally all made by the media corporations just pick your flavor. Its all made up bullshit and people just take it and run with it.
Mask are a joke and nobody can argue that. Cloth mask let through 97% of virus particles and thats when worn correctly. Let’s not start with the propaganda here ive got a white paper that references over 20 studies that prove they aren’t. I’ll email it to anyone who’s interested no problem.
The fact that big media is absolutely censoring anyone who opposes should make you tremble but it doesn’t because your too busy caught up on some bullshit that is of little consequence why the world or atleast the USA slides into chaos
Michael Schwartz completely agree. We are being played. But ORANGEMANBAD is so prevalent they can’t see what they’re voting in.
TB was considered a Pandemic by WHO in 2018.
Here’s proof: https://www.tballiance.org/why-new-tb-drugs/global-pandemic
Why didn’t we CRaSH land the world back then? It killed more people than COVID will kill and it’s transmitted the same way. Because, it wasn’t an AMERICAN Presidential election year?
All the way back in 1991 Joe Biden wanted the death penalty for anyone convicted of “terrorism”. And he wanted the government to have access to all data on your smart phone. This was all BEFORE 9/11 patriot act blah blah blah.
Here’s proof: https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/senate-bill/266
Think about how easy it is to be branded a “terrorist” these days.
You’re all mindless ZOMBIES to the NARRATIVE because ORANGEMANBAD.
He’s a total clown yes. But he’s a mostly harmless clown. You’re all voting in a totalitarian regime. Connect the dots!
Bernie has the people’s support. You suffered a bait and switch. The Millionaire Career Corporatist Politician and his Prosecuting Attorney running mate are NOT who you want. They do NOT have your best interest in mind.
Wake UP! And #WalkAway
Harris/Biden 2020…..because not enough of US are in prison for our beliefs.
I bet they won’t listen Michael. Zombies
From him who sees no wood for trees/ And yet is busie as the bees/ From him that’s settled on his lees/ And speaketh not without his fees, Libera Nos
I’d rather risk the one-day – than 4 more years of this !!!
@jpminj you have news on Trump’s healthcare he’s been talking about?
Democrats are mind children,
Mind children are easily led — and easily misled. People of low intelligence have very limited life trajectories, and cannot attain the middle and higher reaches of human vocation and achievement. Democrats as a group cannot match the achievement levels of other population groups. Because Democrats cannot match other groups, they find it easy to believe that they are being “cheated” somehow, and not allowed to reap their “rightful” rewards. They are right, in a way. They have been cheated by nature, and as a result nothing can give them what they think they deserve.
@Captain Caveman that low intelligence you speak of is on the Republican side too don’t fool yourself
@Captain Caveman What a weird take on reality! Thank you for sharing! Where to next Captain Caveman? Comicon???
Not taking a rushed vaccine.
Taiga Ball have to speak up @ some point
@Vaccine Sheep Vaccine Sheep: “Come on Man” is Bidens favprite saying….COME ON MAN!
@Michael Schwartz Are you saying that no new liability protection laws have recently been approved just for the new vaccines? Please enlighten me????? Agreed stay strong Michael.
@Miracle Mets
Not that im aware of now that doesn’t mean that nothing has changed. The only thing I know of that changed is they are saying we [actually you] won’t have be able to opt out with personal and religious exemptions.
Do you know of any new policies, mandates or laws?
@Miracle Mets you realize all vaccine makers can not be sued right. Look into Vaers.
It amazes me that there are actually people out there that cannot enjoy themselves and their life with a small piece of cloth over their mouth.
@James SKuLlHaMMEr The Science behind mask efficacy, including cloth masks, is pretty clear. We understand the mechanisms by which it works, so there’s really not much ambiguity and comparing it to 1904 Science is quite silly. There might be some room for interpretation on which contexts give you a proper viral load to get infected, but for the most part we know what works and what doesn’t based on evidence. Evidence and fact is all we have in this world =)
@Michael Schwartz correct these people are just puppets and will take the vaccines, and the RFID microchip
@Tami White
Allopathic hospitals treat the symptoms of sick people, they put bandaids on the wound which is great in a crisis but as far as keeping and maintaining health
most MDs couldn’t tell you the principles of overall health and wellness let alone show you how to put them into practice.
It’s because of what the cloth represents you moron. Not the cloth itself.
@Bob Stevens What the cloth represents? Science? Logic? Education? Having a modicum of knowledge about how a virus spreads and not being a complete ignoramus?
Just got back from a 2 month essential work stint in Ottawa Ontario, Canada.
They had it all together. No fighting over masks, no protests, no election mess, no division, just chillin’.
They kept asking me: “Is it really like that down there?” “Are they going into civil war over masks?” You ever think about living here? Think I’ll take that relocation and residency offer. Lol
@zvxcvxcz how about something easier libtard…. Tell me which russian lie hurt Hillary’s campaign. Name a single one. You betas claim this rigged the 2016 election in trumps favor. So let’s have it. Tell me specifically which misinformation generated by Russia hurt hillary?
You should have no problem answering this question.
Bill Gates’ influence over the media has been exposed after a nonprofit group discovered that the Gates Foundation has donated over $250 million to major media outlets.
The finding helps explain the positive coverage Gates has received during recent months, particularly over the promotion of his vaccine agenda, Columbia Journalism Review reports.
@Joe D’Aoust this is the destruction of America by design. The people are not messing it up this has been planned. Unfortunately for you it does not matter as they have a plan to make Canada and America the north America union. We will be living together if you like it our not as the owners of our countries are the same.
Thalidomide! Does anyone else remember the tragedy of this insufficiently tested drug in the 1960s? It was heavily marketed, released early and caused many birth defects! We will never really know all the harm caused by thalidomide.
They haven’t even been Tested Yet! Keep Politics Out!
Take a look at this, you can click on whatever country you’d like and then see their current population and then the population projected in 2025. I’ve set it to the USA and our population goes from 327 million in 2017, to 100 million in 2025. https://www.deagel.com/country/United%20States%20of%20America.
His voice is better! He doesn’t sound like Vito Collione, he’s sounds like Anthony Fauci!
Still a globalist chemists pos
@edgar neil whatever
The CDC has been tarnished by Trump’s Administration.
They tarnished/exposed themselves.
The CDC was tarnished when it took money from Gates and then allowed him to dictate their stances.
not true . It was tarnish long before Trump even thought about being president. It was working with drug companies to force vaccines that damaged us long before his time. The drug companies told congress that they would not make any more vaccines after they had to pay millions for vaccines damages so congress passed a law that we could not sue them for damages anymore. Now we have no way to make them pay when a vaccine does damage to our bodies.
The CDC tarnished itself by lying to Trump. That’s why he fired everybody at the top of the CDC.
If the vaccines are so safe then how come the USA is giving the drug makers a “no liability” clause?
A little common sense goes a long way here.
Common sense isn’t so common.
@Lynn Lamont Very true Lynn.
His voice is much different after his vocal surgery…. who else agree?
frankly i dont care, fauci is full of hot air and is good for nothing, we’d be on track much quicker without him holding the whole thing up, Trump really wants to boot him but knows karen liberals would cry about it
I already has covid, so a vaccine would be useless. I’m already immune.
Dr. Death….
His job as the BigPharma “Trojan horse” is to KILL people.
First with HIV. Now..COVID.
He sure fooled a lot of people, at least at first.
Now…..we know.
If it isn’t the vaccine Fauci has invested in he won’t recommend it.
This week in the news:
Dems: rioting in Portland and other cities, and a supporter shot 2 cops in Cali.
Trump: 3 Mid-East peace deals, and 2 Nobel Peace Prize nominations.