Dr. Fauci: There is light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s up to us

Dr. Anthony Fauci and CNN's Wolf Blitzer discuss the latest on the coronavirus pandemic and facing the challenges of vaccine distribution as variants spread across the country.

#CNN #News

Dr. Fauci: There is light at the end of the tunnel, but it's up to us


    1. @Super 8 I’m here cause my neighbor who cuts his lawn with 2 inches of snow on the ground told me CNN told him to buy silver today. Had to see it for myself. Astonishing!😂

    2. @Eric Michels Shabtai Zvi and it bad sarcasm on the christian’s worshipday(Saturday is Shabbat in hebrew, Sabbit in Arabic), on Sol-Helius, sun-god Helios-day 🌞 on Sunday 06/06/1666 he proclamed he’s the Messiah
      שבתי צביBefore be change it to
      Aziz Mehmed Effendi whos name Shabtai Zvi proclaimed himself the Jewish Messiah and established a crypto-messianic sect that is the most influential messianic movement in Jewish and world history the world has ever witnessed. deep imprint not only in. Left thier deep imprint on Judaism,Islam(by the Dönmeh) and Christianity(by the Frankists).
      Angels, just men, pious men, and the kin

    1. @BidenCheatedAndBrokeHisAnkle 123 Are you not listening? Get vaccinated and continue all public health measures. Been consistently messaging the entire stretch.

    2. @Henry Social distancing won’t be an issue until we get herd immunity which will not occur until about 85% of the population has been vaccinated. We’re under 20%, long way to go. Plus, that’s just with this virus. We better pray we get sorted before the next one comes.

    3. _King _Manuel everything that you’ve ever had was actually only defeated by your own immune system. The answer is simple, ‘food supplements’ since our foods no longer contain enough on their own. You think I’m kidding, but it’s true.
      (Ask a reputable health food store, it’s not complicated; you’re just not familiar with it yet. (-sadly today, very few are).

  1. For the greater good of mankind J&J should lend their vaccine factory infrastructure to Moderna to ramp up vaccine production.

    1. The mRNA technology actually has high production rates. The trade-off comes with being a two-shot vaccine, but the speed of getting into high production is incredibly short. This is what Biontech/Pfizer is doing with Sanofi, a French firm, after their own vaccine development program fell short. So, the production of the Pfizer vaccine will be ramping up even more quickly in the EU now, with increased rollout coming in weeks rather than months. If J&J were to run with Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, we could be seeing 75-100 million doses per week of the two mRNA vaccines, leaving all others in the dirt.

    2. Greater good of what. I still think many would rather the single dose treatment. With each 100k that is given J&Js, the efficacy will rise to 75% and even higher.

    3. @Titus Maximus Efficacy of a given vaccine is established in the clinical trial populations. I hadn’t heard of an efficacy value changing with the number of doses administered to the larger population. What you are actually talking about is effectivenes, not efficacy. The two are related, as efficacy is the baseline. Effectiveness is the ratio of number of cases in the population having been vaccinated to the number of cases in the population not having been vaccinated, and since the two populations aren’t constant, the ratio will actually vary with time, but not necessarily upward.

    4. How could it be that the puppet president has a private jet and has millions of dollars on a little pay? Just like Pelosi and some others, how do they do it?Does the puppet give his pay to Charity like President Trump?

    1. Why are all hotspot’s areas that abide by mask mandates? Riddle me that. It has more to do with what you do after your mask comes off cause most virus is caused by touching not by particles from someone else’s mouth landing in your mouth. It comes from doorknobs, the little card reader at the store, your clothes after going out and on your body after going out. The mask doesn’t work unless you do everything correctly. Good luck

    2. @Scurra the tests and deaths are being reported as everyone dying from covid even if it was a motorcycle crash. Lmao. Stop with the fear porn.

  2. it might be going down a bit, but my school is reopening and probably for good, in a bad covid county. things are gonna get worse where i live.

  3. NFL tracking data: (Range of transmission) is beyond (6ft)that’s what i got out the data ,that changes things

  4. I wish my fellow Americans can show some empathy for all those have died. ( Democrat or Republican , we are all Americans)

    1. Not peds who know this is a fraud they are the pariahs that must be shunned and sent to the edges of the civilized world California maybe?lol

  5. I never went in the tunnel like cnn wants!!! You know why? Because this Mexican can think for himself!!! Ahhhh!!! I hope I didn’t offend anyone!!!

  6. Got my second Moderna shot a few days ago. The following day I felt really sick, but after that I’ve been fine ☺️

  7. Johnson & Johnson, the same business that refused to admit their complicity in cancer via their baby powder? No Thank You!

  8. As a Brit watching from across the pond, never have I seen such hate, lies, deceit and fraud from the democratic party. You must jail the leaders of that corrupt party, I would not be surprised if these low lifes have received bribes from China. It,s just so vile to watch this, from the rest of the world, who are just in shock, and disbelief at the behaviour of your left.

  9. “I’ll have to circle back on that”
    “We’ll circle back”
    “I’ll circle back to you on that”
    “We’ll circle back”
    “Sorry, I’ll circle back on that”
    “Circle back”
    “I’m circling back”
    “Circles are black”
    “Black circle back”
    “I like circles”
    Lmao this will be the entirety of Joe and his H0s administration!
    At least all those Men are winning in Women’s sports, right ol’sleepy!

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