COVID-19 vaccine resistance is called ‘unfortunate’ by Dr. Anthony Fauci, as cases surge primarily in states with low vaccination rates. Dr. Anthony Fauci joins Tiffany Cross to discuss.
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#MSNBC #Fauci #Covid
Deplorable Pride is a terrible thing to waste!
Liberal stupidity is a funny thing to watch.
So in your simple mind everyone who does not want/get a vaccine is deplorable(no doubt a Trump reference)
@Princess Lost unless they’re allergic to the ingredients, yes, you smooth-brained thing.
@Princess Lost I agree with you if you are Republican do not get vaccinated
“a pandemic of the unvaccinated” Nice phrase, I’m going to use that from now on.
@wenwei su great explanation for those who are hesitant to get the vaccination.
@Spinko Kerplinko perhaps think about some counseling..
@Denise Llook up a few comments at wenwei su’s succinct explanation
@Muddy Water because it’s not about the vaccine or health. It’s about compliance. They’re angry because they feel like they’re losing social control.
@Lawrence Brown I don’t think anyone really cares about your predicament. Your body, your choice, right !!? It’s only the government and doctors that are trying to help you, understand. Otherwise the rest of the vaccinated Americans are just happy to be safe, from your kind !?
They make,” How are you still alive with being that stupid?” a real thing.
I’ve given my last Eff about MAGAts. Let em feed themselves to the maggots.
They get by on the innate compassion of their fellow human beings. (Translation: We feel badly for the dummies and help them anyway.
Huntsville range war, half heathen, Apache see’n is believe in, the Fauci fanboy demon. Demon’s bad medicine women lie, lie, lie, as it is in fact the very air, these Fauci demon are breathing. When Fauci fanboy demons are not lying, they are sadomasochistic suffer’n suffocating. Demon must lie, lie, lie, in order to breath the air of human torment, in the demonic trap of more pain, more Sackler family big pharma gain. Look into the demon breathing, yellow leather daddy fanboy eyes. More pain more big pharma gain, eco terrorism at its Manson Family, strong pimp’n hand finest.
@Fat Freddy’s Cat I feel the same, but it is their arrogance and ignorance that’s literally feeding the variants of the virus. Without winning their cooperation, I fear we will eventually get a variant that eludes the vaccines. Then, we’re f**ked.
@Spinko Kerplinko Lear something new everyday
The saddest variety of mass suicide/murder in American politics to date.
@Joey X What would you have Joe Biden do to de-hypnotize Trumpists? As if Pfizer, et al, wouldn’t have developed the vaccines for their own profit. Or do you think that the Pfizer people, who are now recommending a third dose when it is not needed, are doing so, well, because company workers have nothing else to do, so they might as well make more vaccine?
Huntsville range war, half heathen, Apache see’n is believe in, the Fauci fanboy demon. Demon’s bad medicine women lie, lie, lie, as it is in fact the very air, these Fauci demon are breathing. When Fauci fanboy demons are not lying, they are sadomasochistic suffer’n suffocating. Demon must lie, lie, lie, in order to breath the air of human torment, in the demonic trap of more pain, more Sackler family big pharma gain. Look into the demon breathing, yellow leather daddy fanboy eyes. More pain more big pharma gain, eco terrorism at its Manson Family, strong pimp’n hand finest.
I remember thinking Jonestown was tragic, and of course it was, but what’s happening now is beyond me..
@BEYONDTHE ARCACADEMY Dr. Fauci is a world-renowned expert in epidemiology, and has worked fighting viruses since the early 80s. He’s a giant in the scientific community. He also works 16 hour days. We’re lucky to have him.
Jim Jones vibes on a global scale
Trumpists: We won’t take the poison that Trump wanted credit for.
@Illiad mcswain It’s not about Trump or Biden, left or right in avoiding the vaccine. It’s about common sense that masks, social distancing and vaccines do NOT work! C19 is psychological warfare and vaccine is all about ushering towards New World Order! Dr Evil has flipped flopped many times yet you people still believe the statistics are real are stupid. Truth is right in front of your blind eyes!
I Can Believe de People en United States Believe to Fauzi

@Illiad mcswain As is Tucker Carlson…
Uh I’m pretty sure liberals had this sentiment as well
I don’t worship Trump, Fauci or Biden. I think they’re all frauds.
Have a great night. Stay safe
Ok karen….
Fox news spreading tons of lies about the vaccine, making you question it, yet their staff were required to get one before returning to set, and the owner of Fox news, Murdoch, was one of the first in line to get it. Keep being ignorant though….
@Kray Kray Okay. In that case the problem isn’t a lack of experience but just soured, jaded. Sorry.
@Kray Kray Okay. So the problem as I see it now isn’t that your inexperienced but just jaded, soured on the subject. Actually, given where you were, I guess I can understand your position and sympathize.
@yoitzaswr FTW exactly! A guy even had a cure for cancer in the 50s using frequency to explode cancer cells. Mysteriously was silenced and died a month later. These people will believe anything on the news and propaganda.
@Kray Kray aww I should be more sensitive I know you’re still crying……. LoL
@Captain Kirk OKAY TRUMPER
“Thanks a lot Florida man.” Perfect.
News is unbiased reporting MSNBC is not.
@Wayne Smith Go back to Liars Propaganda Channel Troll boy !
@Crazy D your channel is 3 months old your the troll lol
Remember when Texas GOP were telling everyone that instead of masks and lockdowns we should all “be willing to die for the economy”? I’m ok w GOP/MAGA dying for the economy….
@Bryce Brogan lol……..yeah. right.
Yes the more the better
Huntsville range war, half heathen, Apache see’n is believe in, the Fauci fanboy demon. Demon’s bad medicine women lie, lie, lie, as it is in fact the very air, these Fauci demon are breathing. When Fauci fanboy demons are not lying, they are sadomasochistic suffer’n suffocating. Demon must lie, lie, lie, in order to breath the air of human torment, in the demonic trap of more pain, more Sackler family big pharma gain. Look into the demon breathing, yellow leather daddy fanboy eyes. More pain more big pharma gain, eco terrorism at its Manson Family, strong pimp’n hand finest.
@Piccalilli Pit ha ha where your mask dummy? Better get in line for the booster jab there giving you because the first two were totally useless! Tell me 3 ingredients in any of the main three vaccines in the USA without looking up the answers. Ill wait………
@Angel Light you realize covid has a 99% survival rate dont you? For everyone over the age of 70 the survival rate is basically 99.5. Everyone under 21 the rate is 99.99% and that is the survival rate for most Americans.
it’s nature’s way of thinning the stupid out of the herd !! be very quiet and let her work.!
Wouldt6the pandemic have been nature’s way of thinning the herd? The vaccine is man’s IGNORANCE attempting to defy mother nature .but yeah I’m doing the same thing but my bet is the vaccine does more long term damage than we currently understand.
@900fps 900fps have fun taking your booster shots yearly from the jehovah’s witness like vaccine peddlers knocking at your door.
OK but enjoy your 4 flu and covid shots every year for the rest or your life and all the short and long term side effects they come with
@Marshall Miller if they bring doughnuts it’s all good
@bitcoin: We may be taking those vaccines; but, at least we’ll be alive. You anti-science freaks likely won’t be able to say that, bein’ that you’ll be deceased & all, sock-puppet.
Good luck!
When politics dictates over common sense, we’re in trouble.
Huntsville range war, half heathen, Apache see’n is believe in, the Fauci fanboy demon. Demon’s bad medicine women lie, lie, lie, as it is in fact the very air, these Fauci demon are breathing. When Fauci fanboy demons are not lying, they are sadomasochistic suffer’n suffocating. Demon must lie, lie, lie, in order to breath the air of human torment, in the demonic trap of more pain, more Sackler family big pharma gain. Look into the demon breathing, yellow leather daddy fanboy eyes. More pain more big pharma gain, eco terrorism at its Manson Family, strong pimp’n hand finest.
@Harry Mann There is no end dude. There’s only prevention, which none of you are even attempting to obtain
@Hellbughunter then your lying to yourself because it’s worldwide
@shadows221 I am farly sertain that he wanted to know when the covid restrictions in america end. And that would probably happen when it isn’t on the rise in america anymore. So i am not sure what’s your point.
When obdurate … er … individualism dictates over medical science and medical expertise, we’re in deep doo-doo.
What ever happened to the news bout him being responsible for creating and spreading this disease? Why did that stop bring news?
MAGA-“I’m gonna cut my nose off to spite my face, and that’s my right and you can’t stop me”
@Brandy Y Who happen to live in “Red States”.
And considering the history of Blacks and vaccines…Not too surprised.
@Reg U lesson… don’t trust the governments narrative
THEN..they BLEED TO THEIR death(s).
@Brandy Y I am not, nor do I .
We live in an age where information is all around us. Use common sense and critical thinking. Worked for me since university.
Either way, stay safe and healthy.
@Reg U like reading fauccis emails.
Money corrupts “anybody”. Pay me enough and I’ll agree that everyone should be vaccinated.
Till you pay me Back off.
Isn’t this a gain of function type of vax Mr Fraudchi? hmm…
You know, it takes a lot of signatures to send millions of tax dollars to China…….a lot. America did the same thing to Oliver North. Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Do your own research
What’s the number of vaccinated vs unvaccinated who contracted the variant?
In a related story the average IQ in many states showed a sharp rise.
“I AM going to evade the gene drive inoculation” ~ Variant
Stupidity of human is limitless, Einstein once implied that